A group of 11 Subud members gathered for our monthly general meeting in the comfortable anti-room of the Bellevue First Congregational United Church of Christ to enjoy hot tea, cookies, and fresh fruit salad while listening to reports from those conducting the business of our small community.
We began with a report on activities at the Seattle facilities and in particular a recent rental by the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) events held at The Center and lodging by attendees to that event who stayed at the Subud house. One of the attendees, Amalio Madueño, President of the Taos, (New Mexico) Poetry Circus felt that Spring Street Center could rival the Hugo House as a facility for literary events in Seattle. Promotional ideas began to percolate.
The report from the Eastside Group included news of a new male candidate (learned about Subud from Garett Thomson). The group has also moved back into the church. Though the church has been sold, movement is not expected for a year, during which Subud will continue to use the facilities.
Sherwin O’Bar was ill, so Oswald Norton brought copies of the Treasurer’s report which Marston reviewed with members.
Upcoming events
- March – A testing session on Growth and Renewal will be conducted by helpers on a Sunday after latihan. Date to be announced.
- April 6th – Dewan Meeting 9 am.
- Sunday April 13th– Subud Greater Seattle at Subud house in Seattle after latihan. Potluck lunch
– It would be great to have a story a member was willing to share about the Subud work they’re doing, or how Subud is impacting their life’s work. Any Volunteers – talk with David.
- May 1-4, 2014 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival, at Spring Street Center & Seattle U
- Volunteers Needed to staff a table promoting Spring Street Center
- Opportunities for Subud