Monthly Archives: June 2019
![]() See you at the Subud House
Help Send Aakarsh to Congress:
Our young brother Aakarsh Gottumukkala is asking for support for his trip to the Gathering in Albuquerque, NM July 4 to July 8th. I have put his airfare on my own credit card to help out and will share my hotel room with him. He just graduated from College with a Master’s Degree. My goal is to raise the $300 airfare. So far two members have donated $180. If you wish to support this effort, please do. Please make check out to me: Marston Gregory and they will apply to his trip.
Thanks for helping,
Marston Gregory
Kedjiwaan Circle Day this Sunday!
We are trying something a little different for our coming day of spirituality! We will be using the Menucha format of having latihan then have a circle of members with an open agenda and later will be exploring ideas and testing questions which come from the circle, after lunch. We hope everyone will attend and share life experiences, questions and answers with our Subud family! Please come this Sunday to share this experience with your brothers and sisters!
General Latihan – 11:15 – 11:45 am
Circle of all members in lady’s latihan hall 11:45 – 12:45
Lunch (women and men together as a community) 12:45 – 1:30 pm
(Members are asked to bring a dish to share)
Testing questions resulting from the circle 1:30 – 3:00 pm