Our annual general meeting will be after Latihan in Bellevue this Friday, January 31.
We’ll keep it short, a recap of the year, and vision for the coming year.
Helper meetings (men and women) after Latihan the third Sunday of each month; next February 16th.
Kedjiwaan day March 8th after general Latihan.
Paul Nelson Book release April 11th at Open Books in Wallingford, 7PM
Professional archivist Daniela Moneta and her staff are making Subud records previously held in remote storage available to the membership on a secure website for Subud members only. The website offers a ‘living archive’ that members can readily access to learn more about the latihan and how it came into existence, as well as our own Subud USA history.
A letter from Daniela Moneta, WSA and Subud USA Archivist in Arizona
Subud California members, did you know that right next door in Phoenix, we have one of the five international archives designated by Bapak? This archive has documents, photographs, and personal accounts going back to 1958 when Bapak made his first trip to America. Here is an example from the collection:
Bapak at Disneyland May 1958. Left to right: Ismana, Bapak, Ibu Rahayu, Luthfi James, an unknown woman.
The second photo (below) shows a view from the front of the same unknown woman in the photo above (left of Ibu Siti Sumari). Do you know her name? Or, do you recognize the other woman (right of Ibu Siti Sumari?). If you can identify either person, please contact admin@wsaarchives.org. The quest to add information such as this to the archives is part of our mission!
Another item in the archive is a film by Peter Mark Richman of Bapak’s second trip to Disneyland in August 1963, while on Bapak’s 3rd World Journey.
Our newly launched archives website makes Subud material visible and available online and gives members access to records about our Subud history. You can watch films and interviews, read stories and see beautiful photographs on your laptop or via hook up to your TV screen. Now you can readily show some of the Memories of Bapak interviews and other films and videos at your local Subud center.
The website is available to Subud members only. If you would like to access it, send a request to admin@wsaarchives.org. If you have any questions about the archives and how you can help, please let us know.
The ten day forecast looks like snow is pretty certain.
Remember February 2018?
If you can help keep the sidewalk clear next week, let Marston Gregory know so we can be good neighbors, can attend Latihan and lodgers can get in and out of the house!
The ladies of Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley warmly invite you to a winter kejiwaan retreat near the Skagit River. There are spaces for 18 guests. Please see the attached flyer. Contact Roosmiwati Reynolds to register; roosmiwati@gmail.com or 360 734-8517 and Julia Hurd with questions; julia@qsoup.net or 360 724-3404.