Paul E Nelson (Photo by Philip Brautigam)
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on February 17, 2020 and had highly-targeted radiation treatment in Late June and early July and I am recovering. Along the way I had the Subud community helping me test treatment options, letting me know this form of cancer is quite survivable, helping me with my attitude and I had sisters and brothers praying for me.
To have a spiritual community is a real blessing ESPECIALLY during such a challenge. I think it is the birthright of all humans and yet it seems quite special to me. I am grateful for this and, during Latihans, have had some of the most visceral experiences of gratitude I have ever had in my life right down there in that basement hall where I was opened June 27, 2004. The same room where we did a special Latihan for my Dad when he died on May 11, 2014.
You would think that to have cancer treatment in the middle of a pandemic and also contend with the loss of a job would make 2020 a crummy year, but I see all this as a gift. (I no longer handle lodging for the Subud House.) That my guidance has been excellent and that I trust that guidance, has made things surprisingly easy. Vaya con Dios say Spanish speakers and Subud has helped train me to understand that there is a plan designed by a life force much more intelligent (& PATIENT) than me. I am beginning to trust that.
What is also interesting about this journey is the personal mythology side of this. “Mental fears weaken the masculinity” is the thought pattern that Louise Hay says could be at the root of this issue. To have her work as a guide in understanding the spiritual side of this and an excellent care team at Swedish led by Dr. Robert Meier handling the Cyberknife treatment has been a blessing.
To also have POPO (poetry postcard fest) happening all summer, was another outlet for me to turn energy, that years ago, might have been used for worry, into creativity. Below are two examples of postcards I sent out about the treatment. Thank you for being part of Subud, this life-affirming organization that has enriched my life.