Monthly Archives: July 2021

SPNW Financial Meeting

SPNW has been asking for extra donations to cover a current shortfall. If you are interested in hearing the details of this shortfall, please attend a Zoom meeting this Sunday July 11th at 1:00. Here is the information to join:

Subud PNW is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: All Members Meeting
Time: Jul 11, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting here:
Meeting ID: 817 9826 6495
Passcode: 182642
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Meeting ID: 817 9826 6495
Passcode: 182642
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July 4th Picnic and General Meeting

About 20 people attended the July 4th picnic and general meeting at Spring Street Park. One item that arose at the meeting was that several women are interested in latihan on Tuesday mornings. Jim has checked with Karen, who rents the house. She will get back to him with the dates that are not yet booked. Going forward she will let renters know that the upstairs latihan hall will be used on Tuesdays (which includes the bathroom outside the former women’s quiet room). If you want to know when the hall is available, please contact Rayma, who will have the dates. Keep an eye on this weekly email to see when it’s available every week. One caveat: women will need to wipe down surfaces in the bathroom before leaving on Tuesdays, so it will be disinfected before the renters use it again.