Wishing you all heartfelt gatherings with your loved ones. May we all experience peace and harmony. Enjoy!
Monthly Archives: December 2021
SGS Treasurer Summary Report, December 18
Please Contribute Before 2021 is over –
You have 10 days left to make your last-minute donations! Time is running out ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). Your donations account for 49% of our group’s needs for building repairs and our donation to our region. They are essential. Thank You!
Future Expenses – Progress on fund raising to repairing the siding on the South side of our building.
Through November members have contributed $5,889 to the repair fund. Combined with $8000 of the income set aside from our iTrips rentals we now have $13,889 saved for that project. At the dewan meeting on Saturday, we agreed to set aside an additional $5000 in funds we have available in our account toward these efforts. We now need to raise an additional $3,528 in order to have the $22,000 needed for this project. In 2021 we have successfully saved over 84% of the funds needed to reach this goal. Who will help us get the remaining funds?
Building Repairs Fund
We are grateful for members who already have contributed to this fund – over and above their regular contributions-to this fund. Earmark your checks for any portion of your donation you wish to go to our building fund.
Building Rentals
We had 14 days of rentals in November bringing in rental income of approximately $2,352. This will be deposited in December after the income statement is finalized.
This Month’s Donation Report
The level of giving in November and December was good. Many members gave me checks at the Christmas Party as well. This has helped with the repair fundraising and is appreciated.
We now have donation boxes in both latihan halls should you wish to place your donations there.
Proposals passed by committee at 12/17 meeting
At the Saturday 12/17 dewan meeting, your committee, after reviewing our current bank balance, agreed to the following proposals:
- Proposal 1: Propose that we make a one-time donation of $3240 to the region that would make up our reduced contributions from the original $800 committed to before the pandemic.
- Proposal 2: Propose to the group at our general meeting 1/9 that we contribute $1,000 to Susila Dharma USA.
- Proposal 3: Propose to set aside $5000 of our unallocated funds for the repair work. This would allocate $18,472 allocated to the repair of the building leaving us with only $3,528 left to “raise”.
Please Note: Proposal 2 will be considered by and voted on at our 1/9/22 general meeting.
New to Subud? How to contribute
If you are new to our group and looking for a way to contribute, here’s how:
Single or Monthly contribution from your bank
- Setup a recurring payment to “Subud PNW – Seattle Center”
- Have the payment sent to:
Subud PNW – Seattle Center
1101 15th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-4523
General Meeting January 9th
Our next General Meeting and selection of new officers will take place on January 9th after Latihan. This meeting will begin to define the next phase of our community. Please come and participate. The meeting is in person, but there will be a Zoom link for those who do not feel comfortable attending in person.
Holiday Party
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the ambiance of the Holiday Party. There was great fellowship, food, and three full bags of food bank donations. Special thanks to Debbie Machado Santos, who decorated and set up the serving tables. Also, thanks to the many cleanup hands that made the work light and to Salamah O’Brien for the photos:
Donation Boxes

We now have donation boxes in the women’s quiet room and men’s hall, so you can drop off your donation if you like.
Christmas Party Photos
Photos from our Christmas party, 12/12/21! A good time was had by all, we enjoyed great food and Alexa (Santa Claus) gave presents to everyone! Click the link to see the photos!
Whole House Christmas Party!
We have reserved the WHOLE HOUSE for the Holiday Party this Sunday (December 12th) after latihan. The party will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to share, as well as your family, and a friend if you like. We will also be collecting cans of food for the food bank. It will be so good to see all of you! I will be going to the house on Saturday at 4:30 to set up, so if anyone wants to help that will be appreciated.
What Does the Dewan Vice Chair Do?
The Dewan Vice Chair attends all Dewan meetings. He or she helps the Chair by taking on some duties that the Chair chooses to delegate. In this Dewan, that has been weekly communications with our Greater Seattle community via emails which then appear on the Subud Greater Seattle web site. Each week I talk with our Chair about what we want to communicate, and then create posts on Tuesday which go out to our membership early Wednesday morning. The new Chair and Vice Chair will determine which roles each will assume, but this is what we have done this term. I will be happy to train whoever takes over the weekly eblast, and there is also a detailed written description of how to do it.