Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!
The really good news is we now have a chair (Jim O’Halloran), a vice chair; and a secretary (Alexa Wichert).Even more good news-we are intending to hire a bookkeeper to do the books for Subud Pacific Northwest, Subud Portland, and Subud Seattle so the local treasurers’ burdens for the region, Seattle, and Portland will be much lighter.Oswald left the books in great shape with excellent documentation and will be happy to help train a new treasurer if that person would like any guidance. Also, Happy 50th wedding anniversary to Sebastian and Lorraine! Be sure to ask about their totally epic wedding travels in a huge blizzard!
Monthly Archives: January 2022
Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!
Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!
Outcomes of Testing for Committee January 9th
The General Meeting of Subud Greater Seattle took place on Sunday January 9th, with in person and virtual attendance. Testing for Chair resulted in another term for Jim O’Halloran. Testing for Vice Chair resulted in the choice of Ramon who served as Secretary for the past two years. The Dewan is in need of a Secretary, and possibly a Treasurer. Please consider helping Jim and Ramon by volunteering!
Eastside Latihan
There are only a few stalwart souls doing Latihan on the Eastside on Friday nights. Won’t you join in so that they are not all alone? Quiet time is at 7:45, with Latihan starting at 8:00. One more man and one more woman helper would also be greatly appreciated. If anyone has never gone, it takes place at Bellevue First Congregational Church of Christ, 11061 NE 2nd Street, Bellevue, 98004. All Subud brothers & sisters are welcome!
Rachman’s General Meeting Report
I was participating via the Zoom format so this will be a very limited report!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the general meeting today, especially Paul, who made it possible for me to understand, in part, what was being said by transcribing and interpreting comments! Sorry I missed a lot (most) of the comments due to difficulty in hearing and understanding the words. I think the acoustics in the room are not very good for the Zoom format. Hopefully a solution can be found if we have future meetings in this way. In all, I think it was an interesting experiment and a step forward in new Subud technology, although maybe not new in the rest of the world!
From what I could hear and understand, the meeting went smoothly and proceeded with the selection of a new (old) chair, Jim O’Halloran and vice-chair, Ramon. Congratulations Jim and Ramon! There were various reports and comments, most of which I could not hear or understand, but it all seemed to work out with good results in the end! We agreed as a group to give money to SICA USA and Susila Dharma. We managed to get through the testing in a relatively smooth and timely manner with mostly unanimous results. We had a very thorough treasurer’s report from Oswald which hopefully will be included in the minutes. Unfortunately, I was not able to hear or understand it but the impression I got was that we are doing okay!

Agenda and Zoom Link for General Meeting 1/9/22
General Meeting and Testing for Group’s Chair & Vice Chair
Moment of quiet
Approval of agenda – Jim O’Halloran
Election of chair and vice-chair with testing – Local Helpers
Turn over meeting to new chair – TBD
Review and approval of minutes (distributed at meeting and available in zoom) New Chair
- Annual meeting 1/24/21
- Previous general meeting 10/24/21
Helpers’ reports
- Women – Rayma Norton
- Men – Elisha Gullixson
Treasurer’s Report – Oswald Norton
- Year End Cash Flow Summary
- Summary Financial report
- iTrips Income
- iTrips Relationship
- Return of reduced donations to SPNW
- Building Maintenance Fund and progress toward repairs
- Motion: Will the Subud PNW – Greater Seattle Center donate to Susila Dharma USA $1,000 as a year-end donation?
- Motion: Adjourn Meeting
Pleas Participate: Potluck & General Meeting January 9th
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We, your outgoing committee members, request that you participate in the meeting to select the new committee members who will lead our group for the next two years.
After latihan, we will start the meeting and at the same time have a brief pot luck (please bring something to share) and discussion regarding our receiving from the testing listed below and the future we all see for our group. This will be followed by the general meeting in which we will select our new committee. After their selection we will have a brief review of the work of our helpers and committee since our last general meeting.
By participating, you will demonstrate to the candidates your support of their willingness to serve our community during the next 2 years.
Before the meeting, and after latihan, the helpers have prepared the following questions for members wishing to test prior to the meeting, either by themselves or with Helpers:
1. Please receive in your own way what are the needs of the Subud Greater Seattle group at this time?
2. How may I best serve Subud Greater Seattle at this time?
3. What state should I be in to receive the testing for a committee position?
Please see the next article for the meeting agenda and zoom link for those who must participate remotely.