A big thank you to the people who help keep our enterprise running smoothly, keep the garden looking lovely and well tended, and keep the house and halls clean, beautiful, and well maintained!

A big thank you to the people who help keep our enterprise running smoothly, keep the garden looking lovely and well tended, and keep the house and halls clean, beautiful, and well maintained!
From Oswald: Rayma and I will be at a wedding and as it’s been mainly the Norton’s and Cantrell’s at the Eastside latihan, we agreed to cancel this week. Please consider coming the following Friday night.
Link to a video of Rasjad Hopkins, one of the founding members of Subud Seattle, successful entrepreneur, artist, sculptor and writer. He talks about his life, finding Subud and the early days in Subud Seattle. I found his story very interesting and inciteful!
Click the link below to see his story!
Below are descriptions of Emmanuel Aronie’s Ukraine photos in order. The link to the photos is at the bottom! He was not able to add the descriptions to the individual photos.
Menucha is happening!
After two years off due to the Covid virus situation, the Subud Menucha retreat will again happen in the Columbia Gorge thirty minutes east of Portland, Oregon, November 10-13. Save the date! Currently registration is being handled by Alexandra TerHorst at SUSA. More info to come later!
It seems to be pretty much a universal opinion from those who have participated that what happens at Menucha is spiritually uplifting and life changing. It is somewhat astounding that every year during our closing circles this feeling is expressed over and over again by the attendees. This venue seems to consistently provide the surroundings for a very deep Subud transformational experience and although most of those experiences come through the latihan, it is hard to discount the value of Menucha as a spiritually uplifting physical location in the world. I have been to hundreds of Subud gatherings but none have had quite the same experiential quality as Menucha. I think of the Ramadan fast period as a very special time when transformational things happen and I think of Menucha as a very special physical location for that to occur. Things sometimes happen during Ramadan that seem impossible at other times. Those “impossible” things seem to also happen at Menucha. Who knows why, but it has been proven by the many hundreds of people who have had the ‘Menucha experience’ over the last twenty five years. God Willing, it will continue for many years to come. If you are able, please join us for a Menucha adventure!
Link to photos from our meeting on Sunday! It was very harmonious and productive! Click the link below to see the photos.