Monthly Archives: July 2024

Report from 2024 World Congress – Kalimantan – Days 2&3

Last afternoon our Subud World Congress began with speeches from Indonesian and WSA dignitaries, an official rice mountain, cut by Ibu Rahayu’s sisters and presented to the Indonesian officials, acknowledgement of the representatives that are here from each country and entertainment.
Entertainment included an opening piece with multiple costume changes by a renowned exotic dancer, a specially created Dayak folk dance and a performance from the Children’s Choir of Bina Cita Utama (BCU) School that included “We Are the World” that all attendees were invited to sing along with.
An update on days 2&3 from Oswald and Rayma
I’ll start with Day 3 first – our morning plenary session
Headline: The new WSC Chair is Rifka Several.
The purpose of this morning plenary session was to complete the testing of the 8 candidates (3 women and 5 men) who had put their name forward to test for the next WSA Chair.  The testing took most of the morning and was very harmonious. Appreciation was given to all of the candidates who were willing to serve.
Following this testing, the outgoing chair Nahum Harlap gave a brief speech detailing how this work as WSA chair had helped him to grow.  The term has been for 5 years, and he felt he grew the most in the last year.  He expressed his gratitude for to all of the zone reps he worked with and to the International Helpers who were always present.  He offered his congratulations to Rifka and wished her blessings in her upcoming term.
Day 2 was mostly a kedjiwaan day with the men starting the morning with a Bapak talk from 1981 in Los Angeles and the women doing latihan and testing.  in the afternoon we switched with the men doing latihan and testing while the women saw the talk.
Day 3 begins our tours of the SDIA projects with a visit to YUM in the morning and a visit to Bina Cita Utama in the afternoon.
Love, Oswald
News Flash:
After 3 presentations from US/Canada, Britian/Scotland and Portugal (which made a proposal at the last minute) Portugal was selected as the sight for the next World Congress after testing by the International Helpers.
Tomorrow the IHs will test about the congress being in either 2028 or 2029.
There were concerns from the delegates about Portugal’s ability to carry this off. This concern was addressed by the delegates asking all of the countries in Portugals zone to join with them in supporting this effort.
The presenter of the Portugal proposal is going to send out a link on the WhatsApp Congress channel.  I will then send you a link.