Monthly Archives: January 2025

Regional Kejiwaan Day Planned for April 26-27 in Seattle – All Are Welcome

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Subud Pacific Northwest,

The PNW regional helpers and Seattle local helpers are organizing a kejiwaan gathering on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27.  All interested members are invited, and we especially hope those members in and near the greater Seattle area will be able to attend.

Saturday afternoon is envisioned specifically for helpers (local, regional, any other), and will be enriched by experiences of those attending the Helper Development weekend in February in San Jose.

Sunday all members are invited.  We hope to share latihan, testing, a meal, and whatever else emerges as we plan the agenda.

We hope to work with Subud Greater Seattle helpers to develop and refine an agenda for the gathering, beginning in February with those at the San Jose weekend.  We would like to hear suggestions from any members about what they would like to have included in our time together.  Our goal is to publish the agenda in early April.

With Love:
Athena Solbeck Robel
Daniella Gleeson
Liza Ramey Wolfgang
Rayma Norton
David Lynch
Oswald Norton
Samuel Czuba


Vote for Bylaws Change!

We had a meeting today and many didn’t know about the bylaw changes the
Reg. Committee is recommending.  Many have not voted.
Here is link to the article:
A member can vote by hitting link in the article.
Please post to Seattle listserver so we get more votes to approve.  One motion
is very important to Subud Portland which allows a center (Subud Bellingham)
to release a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their center so it
is not held unused for up to 5 years.   We can only grant 20% of
the available fund to a center for renovations and they are asking for
$20,000 to repair the roof and are raising $20,000.  This motion will
resolve that issue.
Thanks for posting this,

Potluck and Meeting this Sunday!

This coming Sunday, January 19th, there will be a General Meeting and Potluck at 1230 p.m. after Latihan.  Please bring a dish to share.
1) Review of the last two meeting minutes.
2. Helper Announcements
3) Sprinkler System -Mulch
4) Stuart Cooke & Harris Roberts Letter about Ali-from Indonesia
5) Treasurer’s Report.
6) Misc Announcements.
7) Adjourn.
8) Have fun!