24th Year of Menucha

The 24th Year of Menucha
November 8th – 11th (2012)

Nestled along the Washington-Oregon state line, in the wind-swept and river-carved Columbia Gorge, there is a beautiful place called ‘Menucha’. For over twenty years, SUBUD Pacific Northwest has held its regional kedjiwaan gathering here. However, without you, SUBUD members near and far, it’s is only a place, a dot on the map, an intersection of grid lines, a vacant, if cozy, chateau.

The Regional Helpers and Committee are now gearing up to meet you with open arms and hearts. To rediscover the still and open space that can truly speak to the needs of the members of our region and any visitors from the greater Subud sphere. This is your open invitation to become part of the 24th year of the Menucha experience— join us to listen and be listened to, sing, dance, write, sit, sleep, eat, think, us-think, lose yourself, find yourself, all of the above, none of the above, any combination listed— or not. It is all open, it’s all about you.

This year registration is online – http://subudpnw.org/menucha.htm