Ramon and Oswald stained the handicapped access ramp at the Subud House last week. Here they are, caught in the act!
Author Archives: Bhakti Watts
Post-Latihan Zoom August 13!
We will have yet another Zoom call after Latihan this Sunday. The Zoom link to use is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9882021449
Latihan under Duress!
A point of comparison for call-in latihans:
Our long-time member Amrin Ngon Van Ho was opened in Vietnam many, many years ago. When Vietnam had a communist government, Subud and latihans were prohibited. In order to continue practicing latihan, the Subud group that Amrin belonged to at the time would organize bicycle rides, and do their latihan while riding!
Menucha 2021
By now you all know that Menucha 2020 is not happening, but our dear friends at Menucha have agreed to apply our deposit for use of their beautiful site in 2021. Inshallah!
Post Latihan Zoom Call August 9th
Your very own Ramon will be hosting the Zoom call after Latihan this Sunday. The Zoom link to use is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9882021449
Cash Flow Projection
This is Oswald Norton’s Cash Flow Projection based on revenues and expenses to date, August 4, 2020:
Treasurer’s Report for June/July
Subud Greater Seattle Treasurer Summary Report for June & July
Income and expenses
Building Rentals
We had a 3 AirBnB and 1 hall rental in June and July resulting in income of $1880.
In our June and July meetings your committee met to discuss options for future income. We are still reviewing those options. We have met with 3 different leasing agents to get their view of income potential. We have also asked the helpers for some guidance through testing.
We do not believe that our current rental business is sustainable.
Donations have been lower during the summer. I am hoping that with the end of summer more people will be able to donate. We are averaging about $1658 per month which is below what is needed to maintain our building. The rental income in the last two months helped to cushion that shortfall.
June and July Expenses
Our expenses are being kept to the minimum required to keep the building healthy and looking great for a potential renter. In order to maintain this appearance, we need to continue to pay for cleaning, gas, electricity, water and garbage. There are certain fixed costs from PSE and Seattle utilities for electricity, water and garbage which, though reduced, continue. Seattle utilities water and garbage costs in particular remain pretty much the same as before. We are also continuing our $300 a month contribution to the region.
Future Expenses
In looking at the average costs needed to keep the building running since March against the average amount of donations coming from members, we have a shortfall of a little over $500 a month. This shortfall is currently being covered through the current positive balance in our checking account.
Fixed costs on top of that for insurance and taxes amounting to an estimated $2800 will also have to be paid out of the available balance.
Your Donations As Important As Ever
Your committee appreciates everyone’s financial support of our center during this time of great transition for all of us. Your continued donations are vital if we are to cover our costs through the end of the year. Thank you for your continued support.
Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle
Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center. Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits. Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawn check from your account and use this name.
If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check Subud PNW.
Pledges still being accepted
Please fill out a pledge form online if you haven’t already.
Thanks for those who have setup monthly donations
Thanks to all our monthly donators who have a recurring donation sent from their bank. You save on envelopes and stamps. And, you don’t have to remind yourselves to write a check. These regular checks really help us meet our monthly commitments to the region and pay for our use of our facilities.
If you’d like to know how to setup a recurring donation to our group through your bank, please contact me.
Post Latihan Zoom Call August 2
Jim O’Halloran will be hosting the after-latihan Zoom call on August 2nd. Please join for good conversation with your Subud brothers and sisters. The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9882021449
No Menucha 2020
A Letter from the Regional Helpers re Menucha
Dear brothers and sisters of Subud Pacific North West
The Regional Helpers have been meeting every week via Zoom in order to keep in touch with regards to the needs and welfare of the region and membership in this difficult time. We are also doing latihan simultaneously and meeting with the Regional Committee one of those weeks every month.
This past week we tested about Menucha. It was already obvious because of the mandated restrictions and resurgence of the Corona virus that it would be inordinately difficult to have anything like the Menucha gathering we have all known and loved.
From the testing it was clear that it was best for the membership and the region to let it go for 2020. It was also clear that that space and time felt very empty without it. So we are exploring the possibilities for one or more kejiwaan events via Zoom in the near future, at least one around the time when the gathering at Menucha would ordinarily have been held.
We are here to serve you all as well as the region. Please feel free to call on us as needed, to stay in communication, etc. Honora has received to be temporarily inactive at this time but has not left the dewan.
With love and good wishes from your Regional Helpers
Albert, David, Elisa, Honora, Leonard, & Rosalyn
Post Latihan Zoom Call July 26th
Paul Nelson will be hosting the after-latihan Zoom call on July 26th. You are invited to call in and join the party! Please remember good Zoom etiquette by having good lighting, having your face in the middle of the screen, muting your mic when not speaking and learning how to use the chat feature.