Menucha continues to support our efforts to meet there again in person. They have agreed to apply our deposit for 2021 to the gathering in 2022. Let’s all hold good thoughts for that possibility! The 2021 gathering will take place on Zoom.
Author Archives: Bhakti Watts
Upstairs Bathroom Protocols
During Tuesday and Sunday latihans, the bathroom just outside the quiet room is available for our use. Starting Sunday there will be sanitizing wipes available for after latihan, and also a sign-off sheet that verifies that the bathroom has been sanitized (i.e. all surfaces touched wiped down. This includes faucets, toilet flush handle, door handle inside and out, and the toilet seat.) If no one uses the restroom we still need to sign off so it’s clear that it is clean.
Helper Cleansing of the House
Four men helpers participated in a cleansing of Spring Street Center today, after the incident with disrespectful and partying renters. The house did not need a lot, after Debbie and Ricardo’s ongoing cleaning and cleansing as they go. Thank you to Jim, Paul, Elisha, and Abadeen for the cleansing, and to Debbie and Ricardo for their ongoing efforts.
SGS Treasurer Summary Report – August 26, 2021
If You Haven’t Donated, Now Is The Time
Your committee believes that all members should help contribute to the upkeep of our center, even if they are able to only make a small contribution. Even though our Spring Street Center enterprise is able to provide some of our income needs. It is not able to cover all costs. Your donations, on average, cover only 51% of our costs.
Our goal for 2021 is to have everyone contribute something toward the upkeep of our center. By giving a little each month, you become a part of a membership dedicated to preserving our building for future Subud members. If you have not yet donated this year, please do so! If you need a reason to donate, please read the rest of this report. Thank you!
Future Expenses
We need to repairing the siding on the South side of our building within the next 18 months.
Through a combination of $2,628 received from members and $3000 of the income received from our iTrips rentals we now have $5628 saved for that project. We now need to raise an additional $16,372 before the project can begin.
Building Repairs Fund
We are grateful for members who would have contributed – over and above their regular contributions – to this fund.
iTrip bookings for the remainder of the year will be able to cover some of our costs, but we anticipate that we will need additional contributions from the members. Earmark these donations for the building fund.
Building Rentals
We had 8 rentals in August bringing in rental income of approximately $4,722. This will be deposited in September after the income statement is finalized. From the income received, we will retire $4,000 of our debt to Subud PNW, leaving us with $1000 of that loan to repay.
We have not yet begun Hall Rentals.
Donations in August were lower than average monthly donations. If you missed sending in your contribution in August, please consider increasing your donation in September.
Your committee wishes to thank all members who contribute, no matter the size of your donation.
New to Subud? How to contribute
If you are new to our group and looking for a way to contribute, here’s how:
Monthly contribution from bank
- Setup a recurring payment to “Subud PNW – Seattle Center”
- Have the payment sent to:
Subud PNW – Seattle Center
1101 15th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-4523
Single contribution either from bank, or by mail:
- Setup a payment to, or make your check out to “Subud PNW – Seattle Center”
- Send to:
Subud PNW – Seattle Center
1101 15th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122-4523
Where Have Disrespectful Partiers Led?
Last month we experienced an unfortunate incident where someone rented the house and used it for a party, resulting in a major mess and angry neighbors. Karen Hunt of iTrip Seattle reported to the Dewan on Saturday on steps that she has taken to make sure such a situation does not arise again. Here are the steps she has taken:
1. She has installed another camera, which will record people entering through the garage.
2. She is installing a device which will monitor how many wifi or bluetooth devices are in the house, as well as heat sensors to detect how many people are there.
3. She has talked to the neighbors who were affected by the noise, given them her number, and let them know that she will personally respond to complaints.
4. She is looking for a security company that would handle and eviction, if that were to be necessary.
5. She has written a negative review of the person responsible for the party, and is seeking $2,000 in damage reimbursement.
A cleansing Latihan has been scheduled for the house Tuesday September 7th after the regular men’s Latihan that day. Men attending Latihan that day are welcome to join the cleansing Latihan.
In-person Menucha Cancelled
The Delta variant has dealt a blow to Menucha, which we had hoped to have in person this year. Stay tuned for news of a possible online event.
Women’s Tuesday Latihan
There are three Tuesdays when Spring Street Center was already rented before women’s Latihans returned. Those three dates are next Tuesday, August 17, August 31, and October 5. What does this mean? The upstairs restroom will not be available those days. Women may use the restroom downstairs, off the men’s hall, before or after Latihan.
Eastside Friday Night Latihan Resumes
Latihan on the Eastside will resume on Friday nights. It takes place at Bellevue First Congregational Church of Christ, 11061 NE 2nd Street, Bellevue 98004. Quiet time is at 7:45, with Latihan at 8:00.
Women’s Tuesday Latihan Resumes
There is latihan available for women once again Tuesday on Tuesday mornings at 10AM. Due to unforeseen circumstances there may or may not be a helper present.
Dewan Positions Available in January
Please consider testing for a position on the Subud Greater Seattle Dewan in 2022. The current Dewan members have all served an extra year due to COVID and are ready to hand the reins to a new group of leaders. There is training and mentoring available.