Author Archives: Oswald Norton

9 Days Until National Congress

A Few Rooms Are Still Available, But Time is Running Short!
TO REGISTER Call 800-595-7897 or Email Registrar
June 30 – July 4, 2017
Pearlstone Retreat and Conference Center
Reisterstown, Maryland

Click pictures below for complete details and registration.



Great Create Information Posters now available for your bulletin board

Hi All,
We invite each and every one of you to be a part of and to promoted The Great Create. So, we’ve created two posters:
The announcement
The Rate Sheet

Please post them in your Subud houses and on your bulletin boards, refrigerators, or, where ever you store reminders for those things important to you.

Looking forward to seeing your Creativity Show Up August 24-27 at the Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center in beautiful Port Orchard, WA.

Oswald Norton, Subud PNW Regional Helper

Ever Wonder How To Turn Your Feather Collection Into Art?

Have you ever been fascinated by feathers you’ve found while walking in the woods?  I have and kept them as reminders of nature.  I saved them in jars.  I added them to dream catchers.  Chris Maynard, son of Bob and Andrea Maynard, long time Seattle Subud members, uses them to create art.  Using the fine surgical magnifying glasses and intricate cutting tools from Bob Maynard’s surgery, he cuts tiny birds and other animals out of feathers.

He turns them into bird song, SINGING BIRD 34

Or, creates a joke, “What Happens When the Raven Croaks”

You only have until June 4th to catch this exhibit and it’s worth the short ferry ride from the Seattle Ferry Terminal to the Bainbridge Island Terminal and then a very short walk up the hill to the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art.

It’s free…And Amazing. Now where will you find that combination again?

Report on the Regional Helper Visit to Portland April 22 & 23

Women’s Report from Elizabeth Flanders

On the women’s side, we tested with three ladies on Saturday. The questions were about important life issues and the women left satisfied. Praise God!

There were around 25 women for the group latihan and testing. First we tested the purpose of the gathering, the gifts waiting and the state to be in to receive them.

Next we tested for each to receive a question. About 10 women stepped forward with questions about compassion, unconditional love, grieving, surrender, forgiveness and peace. We didn’t share about what we received. I’m all for clear communication, but there is a plus side to not talking, but just being together in the latihan.

After group testing, we offered awakening testing for those interested. We had 15 participate including us.

The luncheon was wonderful. I haven’t known the Portland group very well, just faces from events. I had so many in depth conversations with folks for the first time! I loved it!

We got enthusiastic feedback from the women members, all very positive.

Men’s Report from Elisha Gullixson

Our schedule began at 4:30 on Saturday, doing some personal testing with one of the Portland brothers.

Sunday morning latihan was attended by (I didn’t count the house) upwards of 20 men, and almost all stayed afterward for the testing and discussion.

Testing questions were volunteered from the group.  Subjects included surrender and how to do it, latihan and life, faith and trust; one question engendered another, and in the end touched on a broader array of subjects than I can remember here.  Then an animated discussion about the helper’s group solidarity bubbled to the surface.

There was an open concern about reaching out to newer members, especially those with different lifestyles. There was a definite sense of unburdening and opening up, which seemed to me to lead to acceptance and mutual understanding.

Afterward, the entire assembly, men and women, piled into the kitchen/social area for lunch.  Portland potlucks have a ‘flavor’ all their own, delicious and nutritious.  Lunchtime was leisurely and extended, everyone obviously enjoying each others’ company.

The resumption of kedjiwaan activities was economical, mostly just a look-in at some small left over questions.  The major issues had been addressed in the morning session.

The feedback that I heard indicated the Portland people were appreciative of the event, and glad they were there.

Future Events:

  • Subud Greater Seattle visit (Date TBD)
  • Southern Oregon visit (Date TBD)
  • The Great Create: Aug. 24th to 27th
  • Menucha: Nov. 9th to 12th

Free Events at UCC Bellevue (Eastside Latihan Facilities)

Rick Steves, Sunday, March 19, 5:30 pm

The internationally recognized travel author and host of the NPR series Travel with Rick Steves will speak on two of his favorite themes: Travel as a Political and Spiritual Act.

Holly Near – Sunday, May 21, 4:00 pm

Holly Near celebrates her first album in three years, Peace Becomes You. She’s building on 40 creative years and 30 recordings. Respected around the world for her music and activism, her joy and passion inspire people to join in her celebration of the human spirit. Her music fully engages listeners in the world around them. Holly has made a career speaking to anyone in the world who believes in peace, justice, and feminism, a wonderful spectrum of humanity.

UCC Mass Choir/Orchestra: Fauré Requiem – Sunday, June 4, 4:00 pm

The Chancel Choir of First Congregational Church, Bellevue hosts singers and instrumentalists from neighboring UCC churches in a performance of the beloved Fauré Requiem. Featuring musicians from University Congregational, Magnolia United Church of Christ, All Pilgrims Christian Church, and Plymouth Church.

What type of future do we want for Subud Greater Seattle?

Ramon asked me to lead a 20-30 minutes session after latihan on Friday to gather your thoughts on the future of Subud Greater Seattle.

What types of activities are you longing for?

What’s been missing that you’d like to see get started?

Please come and give us your thoughts about the future of Subud Greater Seattle in the next 1-3-5 years.

Friday’s latihan schedule is as follows:
7:45 quiet. 8 pm start.
752 108th Avenue NE
Bellevue, Washington

Refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you. Oswald Norton

Subud Members Dahlan and Honora Foah Create Master Choral Work

Right now, this minute, in Budapest, Hungary, history is being made as the creative team record a new and exciting multi-media opera based on ancient and new scientific ideas and images about the Creation of the universe.  It’s called The Birth of Color, A Marriage of Darkness and Light

It is the collaboration of Honora Foah (story, concept, director, producer), Dahlan Robert Foah (producer), David Brendan Hopes (lyrics), Lucio Ivaldi and Tristan Foison (composer).

For more details on this exciting work, please visit their website:  Here there is a link to a YouTube Video with a view into their creative process.