Author Archives: Oswald Norton

100 Day Selametan for Lionnell Covert Sunday, June 8th

Lionnell Covert

This Sunday, June 8th, at the Seattle Subud House, Oswald and Rayma Norton will be hosting remembrance of Lionnell Covert marking the 100th Day since his passing after the Latihan. He was a long time member of our community and died February 28th in Crestone, Colorado.

We will provide light refreshments.  You are encouraged to bring a dish of your own that Lionnell might have enjoyed.


Looking for Subud Volunteers to Promote Spring Street Center

At the Cascadia Poetry Festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 2,3,4.

We’ll need volunteers for the Cascadia Poetry Festival to staff a table to give information on Subud and Spring Street Center. This is GREAT P.R. for Subud and the rental business and Oswald is coordinating volunteers. Gold Passes, good for any event during the fest (May 1-4) will be given to volunteers to attend events and they ARE transferable.

For more details click here.

General Meeting Notes from Friday 3/15/14

A group of 11 Subud members gathered for our monthly general meeting in the comfortable anti-room of the Bellevue First Congregational United Church of Christ to enjoy hot tea, cookies, and fresh fruit salad while listening to reports from those conducting the business of our small community.

We began with a report on activities at the Seattle facilities and in particular a recent rental by the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) events held at The Center and lodging by attendees to that event who stayed at the Subud house.  One of the attendees, Amalio Madueño, President of the Taos, (New Mexico) Poetry Circus felt that Spring Street Center could rival the Hugo House as a facility for literary events in Seattle. Promotional ideas began to percolate.

The report from the Eastside Group included news of a new male candidate (learned about Subud from Garett Thomson).  The group has also moved back into the church.  Though the church has been sold, movement is not expected for a year, during which Subud will continue to use the facilities.

Sherwin O’Bar was ill, so Oswald Norton brought copies of the Treasurer’s report which Marston reviewed with members.

Upcoming events

  • March – A testing session on Growth and Renewal will be conducted by helpers on a Sunday after latihan. Date to be announced.
  • April 6th – Dewan Meeting 9 am.
  • Sunday April 13th– Subud Greater Seattle at Subud house in Seattle after latihan.  Potluck lunch

–       It would be great to have a story a member was willing to share about the Subud work they’re doing, or how Subud is impacting their life’s work. Any Volunteers – talk with David.

  • May 1-4, 2014 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival, at Spring Street Center & Seattle U
    • Volunteers Needed to staff a table promoting Spring Street Center
    • Opportunities for Subud

Seattle Dewan Meeting Minutes: Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

The minutes of our January 5th meeting are now available for you to read including our financial report, link to the 2014 Donation Information form for SGS so we can complete our 2014 budget and an update on Testing for March and news about our Spring Street Center’s recent rentals as a location for a national meeting offsite in February.

Enjoy them here.

Rochanah Weissinger Dies

Rochanah Weissinger Long Time Helper, California Chairman and Zone 7 Rep Dies

This post from the Subud California Facebook page by Henrietta Haines 4:14pm Jan 16

I have sad news. Longtime Subud member Rochanah Weissinger passed away unexpectedly last night. She died in her home possibly of a heart attack. She will be greatly missed by her family and the many friends she has made over the years.

Rochanah was a member in Marin, LA and most recently Chico. She served as a Helper, California Chairman and Zone 7 Representative for WSA. She was a strong advocate for others and she was a steadfast friend of the Cuban members. She will be deeply missed.

May God gently guide her passage.



Minutes of SGSDewan Meeting Sunday, October 27, 2013

Subud Greater Seattle Dewan Meeting
Minutes:  Sunday, October 27, 2013
Present:  Marston Gregory, Oswald Norton, Elisha Gullixson, Paul Nelson, Hadiyah Carlyle, Sherwin and Hadijah Obar.

Review of Last Months Minutes – Committee

Minutes taken by Hadiyah Carlyle were amended and accepted by the committee. This is reflected on the Subud Greater Seattle website.

Financial Report – Sherwin O’Bar
Current projects are that year end 2013 member contributions will be about $4500 less than budgeted, and so we will need to use some limited reserves to cover costs.

Please email Sherwin if you’d like a copy of the financial report.

Fundraising Efforts – The Committee
Marston Gregory is putting together two fund raising appeals to the membership to attempt to replace these savings:

1. Right away we’ll be sending out an appeal to members to contribute more at year end.  We also have a goal of having members who contribute nothing contribute something, no matter how small to support our center.  You will be receiving this appeal and an envelope in the next two weeks.  Please put something in the attached envelope and send it back as soon as possible

2. We are in the middle of trying to plan our budget for next year. We want that budget to be based on what members are willing to contribute.  We will be sending out pledge forms.  It is extremely important that you fill in this form and get it back to us as soon as possible.  Without them, our budget can only be a guess.

Old Business:
Helper Report:  Hadijah O’bar
Currently there are only two active women helpers to cover the latihans at our facilities on the eastside and in Seattle.  In November, when the weekday latihan changes to Wednesday nights (four nights a month), Annie will rejoin as the helper for that latihan.

In Seattle, only the Sunday woman’s latihan has helper coverage.  If we are to have coverage for other women’s latihans in Seattle, we need more inactive helpers to agree to become active again. Please talk to either Hadijah O’bar, or Hadidjah Gregory if you are willing.

New Business:
Holiday Party Dec 22.  We will have a nice potluck party after latihan and also honor our new to Seattle members, Lorraine and Sebastian Tedrow and Ida and Halstein Stralberg.
Spring Street Center – Paul and Marston
Revenues for 2013 are catching up. We have added a psychotherapy workshop and two weddings, December 31 and Jan 1.

Paul recently started marketing our facility on Air B&B.  This resulted in two clients.  We will be pursuing this avenue for additional bookings in November.

If you know of anyone needing a space to rent, please have them speak with Paul

We continue to explore different avenues for marketing Spring Street Center. Some websites marketing such as MiNeeds and Eventective are not providing leads. We are exploring new options and working actively on different marketing approaches, such as Air B&B. Expect to see more in the coming months.

Marketing Budget:
We are using the same budgeted marking dollars this year that we did in last years budget. The Spring Street Center subcommittee is to manage that budget and determine the best way to use those funds.

NOTE:  We seem to be getting a lot of our business recently from word of mouth.

Proposal to ensure our facilities are always ready for business:
Oswald proposed a percentage of rental income should always be kept aside for maintenance and repairs of the building.  This is a topic for our November Dewan meeting.

SICA Event Next Spring
Cascadia Poetry Festival:
As a part of our efforts to attract interest in Spring Street Center, we’ve agreed to hold open one night a month for SICA events at the Subud House.

Next year, Paul requested an expansion of the use of the Spring Street Center over an entire weekend.  Included in that use would be lodging and poetry readings the weekend of May 1-4, 2014. (No latihan times will be missed.)

In exchange for the use of the house Spring Street Center will be given a promotional table at the Cascadia Festival Small Press Fair where we can promote the Center. The committee also asked that SPLAB (the festival sponsor) pay a cleaning deposit of $250 to clean the house after the event. This was agreed.

All Subud members will be welcome to attend any of the events at the Spring Street Center

Force Field Poetry Reading – To Kick-off Festival
Paul hopes that Subud members will support the Force Field reading of 8 Canadian women poets on Thursday, May 1, 2014, the kickoff event for the festival to happen at Spring Street Center.

Next General Meeting
Sunday Nov 24 General meeting at Subud house after latihan

Next Committee Meeting
            Sunday, Nov 24  at SGS Spring Street Center at 9A.

Menucha November 7th – 10th
            Next week.

Holiday Party
            Sunday, Dec 22 after latihan.