Author Archives: Paul

About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.

Oct 5 General Membership Meeting

Subud Greater Seattle General Meeting 

Minutes:  Sunday October 5, 2014 (taken by Hadiyah Carlyle)

Present:  Sherwin and Hadijah O’ Bar, Halimah Bellows, Lorraine and Sebastian Tedrow, Maryka Ford and David Lynch, Ida and Halstein Stralberg, Paul Nelson, Insiah Caspers, Ray Brown, Elijah Gullixson, Evan and Ann Padilla, Hanifi Libman, Kathleen Gillette, and Hadiyah Carlyle.

Financial Report:  Sherwin reported that our revenues are going up, but so are operating costs while at the same time donations are going down. We should consider increasing our payments to the Regional Housing fund and dues to the National organization, which is in need of more operating expenses.

Helper Report:  The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the guidelines that had been put together several years ago.  Both the men and women reported that the testing indicated that they were not useful at this time.  The vote was unanimous to eliminate the guidelines.  We had a lively discussion concerning the issues that precipitated the guidelines.  Many felt that we still had a problem. Both the women and men now are doing a latihan after regular latihan for group harmony every Sunday.  There will be more again on the issue of harmony.

There is now a daytime women’s latihan starting  at 12:30 pm quiet time on Thursdays.  We hope women will attend this latihan during the day.

The national dewan will be meeting in Seattle on November 22/23.  They will be available for latihan and testing with members on Sunday Nov 23.

Menucha:  Regiatration ends Fri Oct. 10. 

Regional Congress:  Alexandra van Horst is Chair

        Oswald Norton – Vice –Chair

        Sherwin O’Bar – remaining as Treasurer

        Elijah Gullixon – Regional helper

The regional committee now is spring to spring having been changed from the fall.

Paul is doing outreach to Canada and will attend the Errington, BC, gathering on October 19 as a SICA outreach initiative to connect Subud communities in the bioregion with the Cascadia Poetry Fest which he founded and which happened at the Subud House and Seattle U back in May. The 2015 fest happens in Nanaimo, BC, an hour south of Errington.

40th Anniversary Party

Subud Greater Seattle's Building in 1974

Subud Greater Seattle’s Building in 1974

We had cake a week early today, but we celebrate 40 years of Subud Greater Seattle’s house at 1101 15th Sunday, October 12, at 12N, after latihan. It’s a pot luck, so please bring something tasty. There is a dewan meeting at 9A, with latihan before that for dewan members at 8:45A.

Sebastian Tedrow can’t attend on the 12th, but told us today that upon walking into the house 40 years ago, he knew it was perfect and Lawrence Crouse wrote a check on the spot for the earnest money. The house was purchased from the Missouri Synod and, because of discord in their organization, the closing did not happen until August 1974, though Subud members were doing latihan as early as March. The first Subud celebratory event happened in April of 1974, so April is probably the best month to celebrate future anniversaries. Sebastian also mentioned that when they saw the downstairs room, they knew that would be perfect for a latihan hall.

One member today wondered if we are still feeling the effects of the discord in our community. It may not be us! Perhaps a cleansing, Subud-style, is in order. Both the men and women have taken to doing short latihans AFTER the Sunday general latihan to focus on group harmony for Subud Greater Seattle.


40th Anniversary Celebration Sunday, Oct 12, 2014, after Latihan. 

Other news, Menucha sign-up deadline is Friday, October 10. Register here.

At the 10.5.14 general membership meeting, the vote was unanimous to remove the House Guidelines, so they are no longer on this site. It was expressed by more than one person that Bapak was not in favor of guidelines, but wanted Subud members to use their own capacities to work out issues. One other member suggested that the by-laws of Subud Pacific Northwest called for Helpers to take a more active role when there is behavior by members that is not in accordance with group harmony.

Also, with Oswald Norton taking over as Vice-Chair of Subud PNW, we need a Secretary as he was essentially performing those duties for the local dewan. If you are interested, please come to the dewan meeting at 9A, Sunday, October 12. Latihan before that meeting, to insure the best meeting outcome, happens at 8:45A.

General Meeting Sunday, 40th Anniversary 10.12

Dear Subud-ites,

This Sunday (10.5) after Latihan we will hold our general meeting. Among the topics on the agenda are the ratification or elimination of the House guidelines set up a couple of years ago to deal with some incidents that create a feeling in some people that the Subud House was not a safe place.

The Men’s testing showed little support for continuing the guidelines, but showed that the need for harmony in the dewan has been an issue for over 25 years and began to institute a latihan after the regular Sunday latihan, specifically for harmony at Subud Greater Seattle.

* * *

Subud Greater Seattle's Building in 1974

Subud Greater Seattle’s Building in 1974

Sunday, October 12th we will celebrate 40 years in the Seattle Subud House. There will be a potluck after latihan and perhaps the Tedrows will talk about the process of acquiring the Subud House and anyone who cares to can talk about what they see happening to Subud Greater Seattle in the next 40. Let us give thanks for having such a nice place to do latihan.

New Regional Chair

Robina Page, Alexandra ter Horst and Oswald Norton Sept 27, 2014

Robina Page, Alexandra ter Horst and Oswald Norton Sept 27, 2014

The 2014 Subud Pacific Northwest Regional Congress happened Saturday and Sunday, September 27 & 28 at the Portland Subud House. Latihan at 11 was followed by lunch in the Men’s Latihan Hall of the beautiful house that has been home to Subud in Portland for nearly 40 years. Following lunch was the group reports from Subud communities in the region: Skagit County, Seattle and Portland, as well as some discussion about isolated members in the region. Sherwin O’Bar gave an extensive financial report and his skills were lauded by the gathered and Sebastian Tedrow represented the Subud U.S. National Office. Chair Daniel Stralberg was celebrating the, or recovering from, the birth of the third daughter born to him and Sarah. The baby’s name is Rozaria.

Sarah Stralberg & Daughters

Sarah Stralberg & Daughters

New officers were tested and elected, with Marius Harold, Congress Chair, presiding over the proceedings once outgoing Chair Robina Page turned the event over to him.

Portland’s Alexandra Ter Horst was elected the new Chair of Subud Pacific Northwest. Oswald Norton was named Vice-Chair. Their term is for 18 months, as it was decided by the gathered that the Regional Congress be moved to March since it no longer takes place at the annual Family Camp event.

One other item mentioned was the need to reach out to Subud members in British Columbia and beginning to embrace a more bioregional approach to the “Pacific Northwest” region.

MID–VANCOUVER ISLAND SUBUD Sunday, October 19, 2014

From Dave Hitchcock
(Western Canada Regional Chair)

Errington HallHi there.

[This] is an invitation to a Subud gathering at Errington on Vancouver Island, on the afternoon of Sunday October 19.

Thank you to Jane Murray-Smith for making the arrangements to rent the community hall.

I am sending this note to all members in the Western Region, as well as the Group Chairs for Subud Fraser Valley, Subud Vancouver & Subud Victoria, and the Chair of the Pacific Northwest, south of the border.

Please forward this invitation to your members and let them know that a warm welcome awaits them in Errington!

Although the location of the gathering makes it mainly accessible to those living on Vancouver Island, I know that previous events have attracted people from the smaller islands, Lower Mainland and other parts of the region.

So, just in case the date and place work for you, please join us.

If you can let me know that you plan to come, this will help to give us some idea of expected numbers.

I am also taking this opportunity to pass on to our Canadian Western Regional members an opportunity to learn more about what is happening with Subud in Cuba. Alejandra Martinez (Committee Councillor for Subud Canada) has been working hard as a member of the Zone 7 Council to improve our communications with Subud Cuba and has recently started translating the Cuban national magazine “Alborada”, from Spanish into English. If you are interested in reading this, please let me know and I will forward a copy to you.

That’s all for now.

All the best,

Dave Hitchcock
(Western Canada Regional Chair)

On Sunday, October 19, 2014

You are invited to an afternoon of latihan, testing, potluck and socializing.

Where: Errington Community Hall, near Parksville on Vancouver Island


· From the main Island Highway take Highway 4A from Parksville (the old Alberni Highway) and turn left at Errington Road, which is also signposted as the road to Englishman River Falls Provincial Park.

· Stay on Errington Road until you reach the 4 – way stop in “downtown Errington” (where there is the Errington Store and a gas station, but not much else!)

· Just past the 4 – way stop, on your left is the Errington Community Hall.

When: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Time: 1:00 til 7.00 pm

Cost: The total rental cost for the two halls is $175. Estimated $15.00 per person to cover this cost. This amount is flexible depending upon how many attend. Hopefully there will be more than 12 of us, so the cost per person will be less!

Rough Schedule:

1:00 to 1:30 pm: Meet at Errington Community Hall

1:45 pm: Quiet Time

2:00 pm: Simultaneous latihans, followed by testing, or whatever.

5:00 pm: Potluck supper and socializing. Please bring food and drink
to share. There is a fully equipped kitchen.

7.00 pm: Complete clean up and leave for home

If you have any questions, please contact Dave Hitchcock at 250 370 1291 or “”

General Meeting Oct 5 – Revisiting House Guidelines

From the Dewan meeting of September 7:

Men and Women Helper Report – state of the dewan. 

At our Next General Meeting October 5th we will discus the purpose and use of the Subud Greater Seattle House Guidelines and Our House Prayer.  In preparation for this discussion, both members who requested that these guidelines and prayers be created and posted and those who have been not agreed to their being posted will have a chance to do some testing on Sunday 9/21 with the helpers, after the Sunday latihan.

The general meeting will happen after Latihan and will be a potluck.

House Guidelines (excerpt)

House Guidelines (excerpt)

New Mid-Day Ladies Latihan

From Local Helper Lorraine Tedrow:

Women's Latihan Hall

Women’s Latihan Hall

Hi Ladies,

I’m following up on discussions about a daytime women’s latihan. After a number of delays, I am ready to start next week, Thursday, Sept. 18, to have mid-day women’s latihan, quiet at 12:30pm, latihan at 12:45.


Alexa Reads Wallace Stevens

Join Subud sister Alexa (Phyllis) Rosen on Sept 18 as she reads as part of this event:

Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101:

Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101:

Celebrate beloved poems with other local poetry-lovers in this special event, which is free and open to the public. Initiated in 1999, Seattle’s Favorite Poems brings together local luminaries, poets, and community members for an evening of — you guessed it — everyone’s favorite poems. Featured readers include Robert Pinsky, former U.S. Poet Laureate; poet Heather McHugh; filmmaker Lynn Shelton; and Aidan Lang, Seattle Opera’s General Director. Hosted by KUOW’s Marcie Sillman, the night will also feature community members reading their chosen poems.

Presented by: Town Hall, Seattle Public Library, Poetry Northwest, Seattle Arts & Lectures, and Hugo House. Elliott Bay Book Company is the partner bookseller for this event.
Tickets: This event is free and open to the public; no registration required.
Doors open: 6:30 p.m.

CA Getaway Plus Mo Mack fo Less Dough

From Robina Page, Subud PNW Regional Chair:

This is the info from Zoe Landale in BC, who would like Subud members to know about her cottage rental for writers.

Hi Robina. I’m emailing at Dave Hitchcock’s suggestion. My husband and I have just started a new business, a cottage on our property on Pender Island (Canadian Gulf Is) that we’ve turned into a writer’s retreat. At a ladies’ latihan in Victoria recently, people were expressing interest, so I said sure, we’d be happy to rent to Subud folks as well, with an extra price break. Dave says you would be good to talk with, as Chair of the Pacific Northwest Subud region. He mentioned “periodic eblasts.”

Here’s the info.

Foxglove Cottage Writer’s Retreat on scenic Pender Island, BC, is now taking bookings. Reasonable rates with 20% off for Subud members. Charming cottage on a driveway shared with main house, in a sunny clearing surrounded by woods. New. Private. Luxury linens, queen bed, desk, internet, stereo, kitchen, shower, wood floors, Persian rug, porch with loveseat. Gardens. Property backs onto park; dozens of local walks. Easy access from Vancouver and Victoria.

This one room cottage is great for a single person and works comfortably for a couple.
Email:, phone 250-629-0026.

Thanks for your assistance with this!


Zoe Landale

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway


















* * *

I thought the members of your groups might be interested, and also your writer’s network, Paul.

Mo Mack

Mo Mack

And here is the link to Morris’s Indigogo site that I left out of the earlier email:

I am seeking to raise $3500 and beyond to help me manufacture my new album New & Used Tunes, Vol 2, Dancing in the Light. With your help, I’ll be able to bring this project (8 years in the making) to the conclusion it deserves. It would be great to be able to upgrade some of my equipment, as well.

Mo’s music is great, and he is in an all or nothing fund raiser here.
