Author Archives: Paul

About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.

Prayers Needed for Phil Padilla

This today from Melinda Wallis:

Please say prayers or do latihan for Phillip Padilla (son of Evan Padilla and Halima Moyen). He is in Overlake Hospital in intensive care being treated for a cardiac arrest. Please pray for his survival, that he will awaken for good recovery.

Please say prayers for his family as well.

Thank you,

8:06p Monday update: …He does seem to enjoy being read to. This morning, his friend read the sports page to him, and his heart rate went up. We can tell he is listening. He opened his eyes several times this afternoon, and also tried to speak. They had to paralyze him again to keep him from responding, to conserve energy and prevent brain damage. We are very hopeful that tomorrow or wednesday, he’ll be able to wake up.

6:58p Monday (5.27.13) update: Annie says Phillip is opening his eyes and showing other good signs. Also, on Facebook she said: “They are weaning him off the vent, and his labs are pretty good right now. Vital signs are fine. Seems to be doing okay right now.”

Annie Padilla is the contact person for this and she is:

putting together a schedule for family and friends to help us with coverage. We are trying to have someone with Phil at least during the day and evening. Today is covered. If you are able to come to Overlake hospital during the day or evening this week, beginning tomorrow, we could use the help. They are allowing visitors into the ICU… Anyone who comes must remember he can hear us, but just cannot respond. All conversation in the room should be positive, and hopeful. If you need to reach me, call either (H) 425-453-5704 or my cell: 425-246-1467.

Subud Committee Meeting Minutes from 4.28.13

Subud Greater Seattle Unofficial Minutes (prepared by Oswald Norton)
Meeting Date: 4/28/13
Attending: Oswald, David, Paul, Hadiyah, Marston, Elisha (Please add your names if I missed you. Sorry!)


  • Financial Report
  • Sprint Street Center
  • Communications
    • Website
    • Yahoo
    • Eastside Group
  • Social Events
  • Committee

Financial Report

  • Better donations to center this quarter vs this quarter last year
  • Desire to have Sprint Street separate accounting from center to show where income and donations separately
  • A way needed to communicate to members the need.
    • Agreed: That Sherwin should have access to the website and do a monthly report on income.

Spring Street Center

  • Ramp Discussion
    • Marston will help with finance research
    • Marston and Paul will analyze the impact of ramp rental on income
    • David will do a quote for himself and ask Marston’s company to bid as well
  • Upcoming and current rentals
    • April good
    • May not much income
    • June looks OK
    • Need steady ads and steady marketing to promote center
  • Spring Street Marketing
    • How to get more traffic?
    • Marston suggested “The Knot” as an option
    • Create a Marketing Plan?
    • Paul pulls stats on site visits to our Spring Street center website as an indicator of who’s looking at the site. He correlates that to the bookings received.
    • Agreed that Marston and Paul would come up with a proposal for our meeting in May this would be discussed and voted on.
  • Sprint St. Renovation
    • List of items needing repair has been created
      • Safety items needed will cost around $500
        • Bannister for going to the upstairs – almost came off during an event.
        • Lights to illuminate the front of the house – renters are unable to see their way to the street after events.
          • Action: We agreed to go with a more professional look than the solar lights and would put in a permanent poll light
      • Other items
        • Flyer box outside the house with Spring Street rental info


  • How are we communicating to the members
    • We need some education of committee members on how Yahoo Groups communicates out to the committee
  • We are using Mail Chimp as our communications out to the members through our center Word Press
    • Action: We need to come up with an editorial schedule of contributors to the site with a monthly rhythm.
  • Julia Hurd will do a story on the Seattle Group website.  Paul is going to work with her on this.


  • Events: Jun1 and August there are events planned
  • May 19th there is a general meeting and brunch

Agenda for 5/26 meeting

  • Main Topic: Communications
    • Rhythm of input for each committee member
    • SICA events in June and member participation
    • SICA event in August – Moroccan poet here. Later travels to California

Regular items to be covered as well:

  • Financial Report
  • Sprint Street Center
  • Communications
    • Website
    • Yahoo
    • Eastside Group
  • Social Events
  • Committee

Subud USA Newsletter

The new Subud USA newsletter (National Dewan E-Blast #25) has arrived in emailboxes around the continent. Subjects include: 

Oklahoma: A Note from Muti on Behalf of Ibu Rahayu
National Gathering
Our Summer Gathering Under the Deep Blue Sky
National Gathering Assistance Fund
Dedicating Bapak’s Birthday, June 22, to Fasting and Prayer
Registration for the Subud World Congress in Puebla, Mexico Now Live
Subud Boulder “Newlyweds” Produce their First “Book Baby”
Registration Open for 2014 World Congress
Ramadan in the Sun
New SYA USA Co-Chair Needed
Cash Prize Given by SICA International
New Canadian Website
Trustee of the Muhammad Subuh Foundation Needed
Cookbook: Call for Recipes
Zone 7 Council Meeting
Photos Needed from Prior World Congresses

One interesting call was this one:

Stefan Freedman of the UK is hosting a new web site that asks Subud people to describe what the latihan experience is like for you. Imagine that you’re talking frankly to a genuinely interested friend. You might include what the experience was like at first and how – if at all – it has changed over time. Do you feel it has affected your life, changed your attitudes, and so on? We hope that from a wide variety of different people’s descriptions that a multidimensional picture of the latihan will emerge. Send replies to Stefan at

Moroccan Poet and Beat Scholar Visits Seattle


El Habib Louai

El Habib Louai

SICA, the Subud International Cultural Association is delighted to welcome El Habib Louai to the Northwest for a series of readings and talks at various venues in August, 2013. We invite you to attend and spread the word. (Download poster here.)

SICA “works at the intersection of creativity and spirituality to advance and celebrate activities that grow out of the development of the human soul.”

El Habib Louai is a Beat Scholar from Agadir, Morocco, and is working on translating the poems of Allen Ginsberg and other U.S. poets into Arabic.

Saturday, August 10th Habib will perform a poem as part of the annual concert by the Jim O’Halloran Quintet at Bradner Gardens at 1730 Bradner Pl S,  Seattle. 6:30PM.

Sunday, August 11th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at Spring Street Center, 1101 15th Avenue, Seattle. 12:30PM.

Monday, August 12th he’ll be the featured reader at the North End Forum at the Wedgwood Ale House, 8515 35th NE, Seattle. 8:30PM.

Thursday, August 16th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at the North Cascades Institute’s Environmental Learning Center near Sedro Wooley, WA. 7PM.

El Habib Louai received his B.A in English literature and linguistics from the University Of Ibn Zohr in Agadir, Morocco, in 2007. A number of his poems have been published in various online magazines and journals, such as Indigo Rising Magazine, troubadour21, Eunoia Review, Danse Macabre du Jour, Palestine Chronicle, Istanbul Literary Review, Sagarana and Camel Saloon. He was the representative and organizer of the 100 Thousand Poets for Change cultural event in Agadir, Morocco in 2011, and is currently translating the poetry of Allen Ginsberg and other U.S. poets into Arabic.


About The Subud International Cultural Association (SICA)

SICA is a global nonprofit organization based in Austin, Texas that provides programs and services to individuals and organizations working in the fields of art, culture, and creativity for the development of human values across all fields of human endeavor. SICA believes the development of individual talent is critical to building love and respect among people everywhere. SICA was begun by members of the World Subud Association in 1983.


Reminder for Sunday



Please mark your calendars for Sunday May 19 for the General Meeting. A lot is happening at the Subud house and we want to tell you about it. (Handicap access proposals, finances, a new committee.) We will also have entertainment to liven up our get together.

Bring something for the potluck, bring (if you want) something to entertain us with (music, poetry etc) and most of all, bring yourself. We look forward to seeing you!

Subud USA Newsletter (May 2013)

The Subud USA Newsletter is now out. I have printed off a copy for the Subud House, but you can download it here:

Subud USA May 2013

Subud USA May 2013

Some highlights:

  • All about the 2013 National Gathering, including information on Subud Albuquerque and the area; “a few ‘old timers have been practicing latihan together here for half a century…”  (photo: University of New Mexico, Gathering site)
  • Dedicating Bapak’s Birthday, June 22, to Fasting and Prayer, from the National Helpers
  • Message from Subud Boston
  • Almut Zieher, Youth and Families Coordinator, reflects on the words ‘young’ and ‘youth’ within Subud USA
  • Visit Atalanta project after Gathering
  • Opportunities: SD USA seeking board members, $10,000 SICA prize, scholarships for Creative Quest, Seven Circles caretaking couple needed
  • Subud Cuba legal after 55 years

General Meeting (Culture Cafe)



COMING UP!  MAY 19.  Sunday, after Latihan we’re having a Subud Greater Seattle General meeting at our new Culture Cafe.  Yup come hear music, bring a dish for lunch, and hear what’s going on with Subud.  We have a great committee so would love to see you.  Bring a dish!  Whatever suits your fancy and if you have a song or poem you would like to share feel free to bring it as well.

Some of the topics for discussion are adding handicap access to the Subud House.  We need your input!


Ginsberg Marathon, June 1, 2013 8P-?

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg

Join us for a celebration of Beat poet (& counter-cultural icon) Allen Ginsberg at the 12th Annual Allen Ginsberg Memorial Open Mic Poetry Marathon on Saturday, June 1, starting at 8PM. The venue for the first year is the Spring Street Center. There will be Beat-centric performances throughout the night. For details, see the poster below. Suggested donation is $5.00 and benefits SPLAB – The SPokenword LAB. 8P Start – Featured Poet Jack Remick. He’s Beat, but not tired & brings Beat fire to kick off AG12. (Download a pdf of the poster here.)

AG Open Mic Marathon

AG Open Mic Marathon, poster by Tessa Hulls

10P – The Four Hoarse Men perform a selection of Michael McClure’s Ghost Tantras.
11P – Band of Poets
12M – The Bempire. Greg Bem hosts Beat movies, readings and your all night contributions.
5A – Sunrise reading of an AG classic. Howl? Kaddish? Wichita Vortex Sutra?
6A – 2nd shift, with breakfast. Are you an early riser?
9A – Lightning Round hosted by Paul Nelson. Bring your VERY SHORT (haiku-length) poems, as we move in a circle to hear everyone’s work. You can even improvise, but keep it 10-20 syllables.
10A – Nadine Maestas hosts a panel on AG’s LGBTQ poetics and activism at a venue TBA.

* * *

Subud members are encouraged to attend, participate and help the proceedings happen in the best way.

National Congress Workshops

Melinda Wallis

Melinda Wallis

Run a workshop at the national gathering! SICA USA is seeking YOU! You have something to share with others in a workshop? Are you good at drawing? Do a workshop teaching some drawing skills. We already have a SINGING workshop happening. Someone else is doing a COOKING/RECIPES workshop. SICA is verrrry broad, and covers a lot of types of activities. Share your talents! reply to melinda.wallis at