Author Archives: Paul

About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.

SGS News Update (April 2020)


Please consider an extra donation to Subud Pacific Northwest – Greater Seattle at this time. There is no Airbnb business scheduled in April and only a few bookings at the end of May. This means our usual income is WAY DOWN, so if you can help, please consider doing so.

Pretesting for Regional Positions

Subud PNW’s Board Members’ terms are nearly up. If you would like to pretest to see if you have the ability and capacity to serve on the Regional Board please ask your local helpers to test with you after latihan.


It is not certain if the Menucha gathering will be happening this November. In the near future there will be a survey sent out to get an idea how many people would be interested in going, and the decision will be based on member response to the survey.

Springtime at Spring Street Center

Springtime at Spring Street Center

Our very own Lucinda O’Halloran shared these photos of our “new” dogwood trees in bloom on the parking strip at Spring Street Center. Nice to enjoy the blossoms, even from a distance! No sign of locust roots from the previous trees, either!

Regional Subud PNW Latihan Schedule

Subud PNW Regional Call-in latihans:

Evening Regional latihans are on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month with quiet beginning at 7:30pm, and Latihan at 7:45pm.

Please Note: Men and Women have separate call-in numbers below (any of the 3 numbers, then enter the Access Code for Men, or Women to join the call.)

Call-in information

Men and women may dial in on any of the following numbers, then use either the men’s or women’s code below to access your call:

1 (605) 562-8400
1 (712) 832-8330
1 (605) 475-2879
Women’s latihan line: use access code 242 6147
Men’s latihan line: use access code 863 2438

No In Person Latihans TFN (UPDATE)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

All latihans in Seattle and on the Eastside are not happening in person until further notice. Fridays will be simultaneous Latihan (quiet time 7:45, Latihan at 8pm) but no call-in. Tuesday and Sundays will be by call-in:

Quiet time 11:00 AM Latihan 11:15 AM to
11:45 AM Men and women may now dial in on any of the
following numbers:

1 (712) 832-8330
1 (605) 475 2879

After you’re connected please use the appropriate code to
connect to your group:
Women’s code 242 6147
Men’s code 863 2438

Paul Nelson is hosting 40 minute Zoom calls AFTER Sunday Latihan starting at 12N and ending  at 1:00 until further notice. Meeting info for Sunday, March 29:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 988 202 1449

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,683035373# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,683035373# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 683 035 373
Find your local number:

We believe it is time to heed the impact that the coronavirus is having and will increasingly continue to have on our community.

Many of us are in high risk groups; over 65 years old, underlying health conditions, or both. King County issued an order March 16th which applies to Subud gatherings, and many other events.
Here is a link to the proclamation.

Here is how the order applies to us.

Events with fewer than 50 people are prohibited unless event organizers observe the following
COVID-19 prevention measures:

Older adults and individuals with underlying medical conditions that are at increased risk of serious COVID-19 are encouraged not to attend (including

CDC recommends that individuals at risk of severe illness should stay at home, avoiding gatherings or other situations of potential exposures, including travel, church attendance, and social events with 10 or more people.

• • •

Social distancing recommendations must be met (I.e., limit contact of people within 6 feet from each other for 10 minutes or longer).

Suggestions: Event organizers should ask themselves: how close will people be and for how long? Ensure that your event is organized in such way to avoid close contact between people. Washington Department of Health advises that “being within 6 feet of a sick person with COVID-19 for about 10 minutes” constitutes close contact which could result in exposure. Employees must be screened for coronavirus symptoms each day and excluded if symptomatic. CDC guidelines identify the key symptoms to watch for as fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Proper hand hygiene and sanitation must be readily available to all attendees and employees. CDC recommends that people wash their hands often, and if soap and water is not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Environmental cleaning guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are followed (e.g., clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily or more frequently).

CDC provides detailed environmental and disinfection recommendations. It is possible that some of us already have coronavirus. Here’s a link regarding that you might find interesting.

What can we do?

Shift to remote latihans at all locations. Sunday Call-in Latihans Our Subud PNW Regional Helpers are offering a Sunday conference call latihan. Here are the details:

Quiet time 11:00 AM Latihan 11:15 AM to
11:45 AM Men and women may now dial in on any of the
following numbers:
1 (218) 339-7800
1 (712) 832-8330
1 (605) 475 2879

After you’re connected please use the appropriate code to
connect to your group:
Women’s code 242 6147
Men’s code 863 2438

This is likely to continue for a significant amount of time, unfortunately. Fortunately, the sooner we begin to limit interactions, the sooner we can expect a return to normalcy.

Subud National Congress Postponed

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are writing today with an important update on our 2020 Subud USA National Congress.

As you are no doubt aware, in recent days the world has focused its attention on the rapidly expanding transmission of the novel coronavirus.

On Friday, February 28 the World Health Association’s Director General stated that the organization has increased its “assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of impact of COVID-19 to very high at a global level.” Indeed, many companies have taken steps in the last 48 hours to cancel or postpone upcoming conferences. These changes are occurring precisely at the time when Subud USA would need to finalize its contractual commitments for our July 4 event.

Taking these facts into consideration, and out of an abundance of caution regarding the wellbeing of our members, the executive committee of Subud USA has determined that the best plan forward for our National Congress is to postpone it until later in 2020 when the situation surrounding the coronavirus contagion is more clear.

We feel that we will be better informed within the next few weeks as to the scope and impact of the virus on the US. Please know that we are actively pursuing venues suitable for our National Congress that can accommodate our group later on in 2020.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this extraordinary circumstance may have caused. We will be back in touch as soon as possible with our revised plan and schedule.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. Comments or questions can be submitted to us at




Lucas Boladian                  Philip Lindstrom
Chair                                   Vice Chair
Subud USA                         Subud USA

Upcoming Events, Including Kedjiwaan Day

Soup and Bread

You are cordially invited to join Rayma and Oswald Norton for soup and bread at 6:00 at their home Friday night before the Eastside Latihan on March 6th. If you would like to bring something to add to the menu it is welcome, but not necessary.

Kedjiwan Day and Potluck

March 8th the helpers are planning a Kedjiwan Day and Potluck following latihan at Spring Street Center. Please bring questions you would like to test as well as a delectable dish!

Ancestor Testing

Tuesday, April 7 after Latihan there will be testing in the middle of the Month of the Ancestors. See:

Testing for Month of Ancestors

We caught up with Local Helper of Subud Greater Seattle (& LONGTIME Subud member) Sebastian Tedrow, who discussed the testing he will make available on Tuesday, April 7, 2020:

Paul E Nelson:  So it turns out the month of ancestors starts on March 24th, which is a Tuesday, meaning April 7th is the full moon and there is an opportunity for Subud members to do ancestor testing on that day, April 7th, Tuesday at 11:00. (Testing will start after Latihan.)

Sebastian Tedrow: Historically, with the full moon in the middle of the month of the ancestors is considered like the night of the ancestors. And when it fell during Menucha times, we had some pretty powerful sessions of ancestor testing. And occasionally, we’ve done it in the past, but I realized that since it falls on a Latihan day, a Tuesday, I’m willing to do ancestor testing with anyone who wants to do testing about their ancestors and how it is affecting their lives and whether their Latihan has progressed or moved to the point that it’s possible that their ancestors are ready to move on, are ready to experience a conscious effort to engage in the Latihan at this time.

The month of the ancestors is a time in which historically in the Islamic community and in our Subud community, that the ancestors are more available or more aware, or more in touch with us in the world at this time. And so, it is an opportunity to fulfill part of our obligation as Subud members to help lift and show respect to those ancestors who brought us to this Latihan and brought us to this place in our lives. And so, it is something that we can do if you’re willing and you wish to do.

Paul E Nelson: You said this is not for the weak of heart?

Sebastian Tedrow: I have said that and the ancestor testing doesn’t have to be really rigorous. It can just simply be a dedicated Latihan. Historically, some people have wanted to go much deeper. That is the portion that I think is probably not for the weak of heart or the faint of heart, I should say. But simply doing a Latihan for your ancestors or a Latihan to honor and be aware of the presence of the ancestors in your life and what brought you here is something that should be available to all who wish to participate, and that should not be anything that would be…

Paul E Nelson: Difficult.

Sebastian Tedrow: Challenging or difficult. Yeah.

Paul E Nelson: Thanks, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Any time.

Help Shovel Snow!

The ten day forecast looks like snow is pretty certain.

Remember February 2018?

If you can help keep the sidewalk clear next week, let Marston Gregory know so we can be good neighbors, can attend Latihan and lodgers can get in and out of the house!

Skagit Women’s Kejiwaan Gathering


January 24 – 26

Join us for a quiet winter get-away near the Skagit River



The ladies of Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley warmly invite you to a winter kejiwaan retreat near the Skagit River. There are spaces for 18 guests. Please see the attached flyer. Contact Roosmiwati Reynolds to register; or 360 734-8517 and Julia Hurd with questions; or 360 724-3404.