Author Archives: Rachman Cantrell

About Rachman Cantrell

Rachman Cantrell is a long time Subud member, helper, photographer, amateur musician, partner dancer, volleyball player and owner of 'Bothell Jewelers & Collectibles' in downtown Bothell and now editor of the Greater Subud Seattle newsletter.

Ibu’s Ramadan Talk

 Ibu Rahayu’s
Talk on 27th night of Ramadan
Cilandak, Indonesia
January 25, 1998

Thanks to Aliza for sharing this!

On the 27th night of the fast…
“…Sometime in the latihan you may experience the light within you uniting with a light outside you that is coming to you …the zat Allah
…Or you may be asleep and
you may hear a voice that says “….” come with me, I need to show you something… that voice is Bapak’s voice. That shows you that Bapak is still with us…


To read the rest of this talk Subud Members may find it in the Subud Library. where Subud members can read and listen to all of Rahayu’s talks, Bapak’s talks and books.

If you are a Subud member who has not yet registered and would like to, click here to complete and submit a library security registration form.



Artist Ai Weiwei in Seattle


Hadani Ditmars, Subud member and published author and writer did a recent story on the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.  I found it very interesting! The link to the article is below.

Exploring artist Ai Weiwei’s legacy through his first US retrospective in 10 years at the Seattle Art Museum




Sunday April 6, 2025, from 1 pm on
Croation Cultural Center
801 5th St, Anacortes, WA 98221

Serena and Michael DuBois will be holding a celebration of life for Rosalyn Neel,
Serena’s sister, at the Croatian Cultural Center. We will share remembrances of
our time with her, and there will be a photo montage of her life.

Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

RSVP via text to Serena’s cell at 360 421-7524, email or call 360 724-
3405 and leave a message.

Meeting and Pot Luck Sunday!

Meeting Sunday.
“Sunday, February 16th, we’re having a general meeting & potluck after Latihan at 12:30 pm. Please, please bring a dish to share! We’ll need a volunteer to be Secretary.”
Note from Oswald.
I’m at a SD-USA granting meeting in MD and just heard from Rashida Pollard that Halimah Brugger passed away today at 3:20 her time today.

Last evening all of the women on the board did a special latihan for her. The men joined with a separate quiet and prayer for her journey. She was a board member and our national helper liaison before she became ill.

May she rest in peace.

Love, Oswald

Vote for Bylaws Change!

We had a meeting today and many didn’t know about the bylaw changes the
Reg. Committee is recommending.  Many have not voted.
Here is link to the article:
A member can vote by hitting link in the article.
Please post to Seattle listserver so we get more votes to approve.  One motion
is very important to Subud Portland which allows a center (Subud Bellingham)
to release a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their center so it
is not held unused for up to 5 years.   We can only grant 20% of
the available fund to a center for renovations and they are asking for
$20,000 to repair the roof and are raising $20,000.  This motion will
resolve that issue.
Thanks for posting this,

Potluck and Meeting this Sunday!

This coming Sunday, January 19th, there will be a General Meeting and Potluck at 1230 p.m. after Latihan.  Please bring a dish to share.
1) Review of the last two meeting minutes.
2. Helper Announcements
3) Sprinkler System -Mulch
4) Stuart Cooke & Harris Roberts Letter about Ali-from Indonesia
5) Treasurer’s Report.
6) Misc Announcements.
7) Adjourn.
8) Have fun!

Sunday Latihan Time Change and other news!

Sunday Latihan will be 1/2 hour later starting Jan. 5, 2025
Hello everyone!
This is a reminder that beginning the first Sunday in January 5, 2025, the Latihan will begin with Quiet at 1130 am. Let’s all try to arrive by 11:30 am to begin the Quiet period on time. This helps everyone have a contiguous, uninterrupted quiet time.
Next General Meeting
The next General Meeting is January 19, 2025 at noon, following the Latihan.
It’s a potluck. Please bring a dish to share. We have the house that weekend beginning at 4:00 pm on Saturday, January 18th through Sunday, January 19th.
Thank you to everyone for attending these monthly meetings.
Subud Greater Seattle has a Facebook Page.
Also, a reminder that we have a ‘Subud Greater Seattle’ Facebook page with different content than the newsletter.  Check it out!
[NOTE – You need a Facebook account to access.]


Regionalizing the two existing houses in Seattle and Portland with the purchase of the Spokane and Bellingham/Skagit houses was a long process initiated in the mid 1990s and finalized in 1998 with changes in the bylaws.

The Spokane house was purchased in June 1999 in part due to energy from the World Congress there in 1997. There were around 60 members, many newly opened. But the mortgage was unsustainable, and the house was sold a couple years later.

And now the Bellingham/Skagit Valley house has sold after 25 years, almost to the day, being purchased November 29, 1999, and sold November 14, 2024.

Subud Bellingham began in the early 1970’s with a few isolated members moving to the area, including Robina Page in 1973. They traveled long distances to Seattle or Canada for latihan. Then in 1977 Icsan and Roosmiwati Reynolds and Luther and Maryam Schutz drove to Bellingham together from California and a group was formed. They met for latihan at various mostly unsatisfactory locations. By 1980 there were 23 members, which grew to approximately 30 when the Bellingham /Skagit Valley house was purchased. These numbers remained consistent over the decades. For the most part members were transplants with a few local folks being opened.

Creating a house fund as a down payment for a latihan space became a serious endeavor during the latter part of the 1990’s. The membership tripled their donations, and we held many fundraisers. Then in 1999 we purchased a house using personal funds from a local member, Brent Lindberg, a local member, the Subud USA House fund, and $18,000 the group saved in its house fund. It was a small house in Mount Vernon a couple miles off the interstate highway. We renovated the house to make it suitable for latihan and hosted an open house in April 2000.

But for the first few years the house was seen as temporary with efforts to look a for more centrally located, larger space. That didn’t happen.

When the Spokane house sold the resulting funds went into the PNW regional house fund for Spokane to use, according to the bylaws, but it was agreed the funds could instead allow Bellingham/Skagit to pay Brent back and borrow from the region.

Members drove to latihan from three counties, some as far as 50 minutes one way. The house was well used with twice weekly latihans, kejiwaan days, regular group meetings with potlucks, work parties, special events, and fundraisers. We helped fund center representatives to attend National Congresses.

We hosted Regional Meetings and Regional, National and International helpers. Members served in various local, regional, national and international roles and as is often the case, some in multiple roles over multiple years.

The talent of local members helped define the group in a big way. In 1983 Icsan Reynolds was instrumental in creating a successful SD USA project, Bellingham Community Meals, serving free meals to as many as 600 people once a month. Local members volunteered. It has become a Subud legacy and is still going.

Then there were our tremendously successful ‘Bird Walks’. Paul Woodcock is a lifetime birding expert and led nine birding tours between 2007 and 2018. Paul’s extensive knowledge combined with Skagit Valley’s nationally recognized winter birding reputation made for birding extravaganzas. Members throughout the region saw hundreds of birds, ate well and provided much cheer, all while helping us raise funds for the ever-present house maintenance needs.

In 2009 we hosted a fundraising concert with Luther Schutz singing and Elisha Gullixson joining the band on piano.

Everyone worked to make the house a pleasant space for latihan and it served us well. Several men took care of maintenance work, large and small projects, and many women took on cleaning and hospitality roles. Michael DuBois often served as Chairperson and did yard maintenance for many years.

Rosalyn Neel lived in the house for 16 years until it was sold. This served a dual purpose with Rosalyn as caretaker and as affordable housing for her.

Before Covid hit, the group dwindled to 11 members and energy was low. So when the pandemic happened, members dispersed with only Rosalyn and her sister Serena and brother-in-law Michael doing latihan at the house. Post Covid the three remaining men began doing latihan there again. But by this time, it became clear to everyone that the clock was ticking.

It took years for the group to get to a place where everyone agreed to sell. Members had differing views; for some selling became an imperative when at the same time it was a necessary space for others. Over time we had meetings with the Regional Committee, tested with Regional Helpers, and had discussions and testing sessions among ourselves.

Eventually some group members became regional members instead of group members. Structural and maintenance house issues became too much for our ageing, far-flung, reduced membership and we could not sustain the house.

It was evident the Region needed to step in as owners. So in April 2023 the Regional Committee and some Regional Helpers visited and we voted unanimously to sell. A process was developed, and deadlines came and went.

Rosalyn’s health was failing, and she was unable to move out. As it happened, she spent the remaining weeks of her life in the hospital.

Meantime, we were working with a realtor who identified a buyer willing to purchase the house ‘as is’ at a disappointing but realistic price. By this time, it was considered a distressed property. The house was sold to responsible developers who will obtain complicated permits, make extensive repairs, and create much needed housing.

I wish to celebrate and acknowledge all the members of the group, those who have come and gone and those who remain active to this day. I thank two Dewans of Regional Committees and Helpers for their support throughout this sometimes-difficult process and Subud life journey. Our Regional Chair, Honora Drew, has been exceptionally helpful. All have contributed to Subud life in this corner of the world; a life lived through the latihan with the gifts, insights, synchronicities, challenges, and unique connections that brings.

Watch a 3-minute photo album here.  With appreciation to my husband, John, for posting.

Julia Hurd

Member, former Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley