Canadian Retreat Info

Hi everyone – greetings from north of the border.

Here is some very preliminary information about our Bethlehem Retreat that will be happening on Vancouver Island over the first weekend in November.
I would be very grateful if you can forward it to your members in the PNW as we’d love to welcome some of you to this weekend.
For those who like to plan ahead (and I know there are a few of you out there!), this note is to let you know that we have booked the Bethlehem Retreat Centre, near Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, again for this fall.
This weekend gathering is slightly later this year (November 1 to 3), but the format will likely be similar to previous retreats – from late Friday afternoon to early Sunday afternoon.
Despite rising costs, once again as a result of a very generous donation by Subud Vancouver, we have managed to maintain affordable registration rates.
The full registration package will be sent out in late summer/early fall, but this is an early “heads up” for you to put November 1 to 3 in your calendar now!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
All the best,
Dave Hitchcock