Category Archives: General Announcements

Emmanuel’s Ukraine Photos

Below are descriptions of Emmanuel Aronie’s Ukraine photos in order.  The link to the photos is at the bottom!  He was not able to add the descriptions to the individual photos.

Trio: Oscar Elena and Emmanuel, Luda Tree and ELena,
Rayner Witt with Dobrynin kids, Masha and Paul, Elena and Luda at afternoon picnic, 4-some with Ivan, Emmanuel, Sasha M. and Lazar, after sauna at Sasha’s house,
Stefania – a beauty, National meeting at Subud Cherkassy, everybody was happy , Emmanuel surrounded by beauties Bella Sophia and Alla,
from left to right, 5-some at Subud Cherkassy – Aleksei, Ivan, Rebecca, Emmanuel, Lazar,
Sculpture at Medical Institute in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Tanya Zhebko at home,
Emmanuel at Kharkiv Art Museum, Main Boulevard in Kharkiv, Group shot Subud Dnipro,
Masha Z. at home, Gloria Tkachenkko on bench, Group photo at Subud Dnipro,
Valera and Emmanuel after swim in Dnepr River, 7 photos of people in a state of JOY, after latihan at Subud Dnipro, Valentina at Piano, Tatyana at Dnipro cafe,
group shot cherkassy, group cherkassy, group  Cherkassy, Sarah and Benedikt, Sarah and Emmanuel, Ivan at home in the village,
Village shot foursome with Ivan, older brother, one friend and Emmanuel,
Sunflowers, Vera and Volodya (Kyiv, Elena at Sushi restaurant, Morning photo in kitchen first day at Cherkassy Subud hiouse,
Benedikt and Rebecca, Avant-garde cafe in Cherkassy, Christmas in Cherkassy, Tea Party-CHerkassy,
Marsiyah at home-Cherkassy, Ukrainian heroes Memorial from 2014, Cherkassy tea party, 2022 January 19th at prorub (hole in the ice)on Kreshchenie (Baptism)
Emmanuel, WIde shot 1/19/22 Kreshchenie/Cherkassy, Reshchenie – Leonid, Benedikt-Kreshchenie, Sasha and Emmanuel at Sasha’s home, Dessert (Lemon tart)
at Restaurant in Kyiv, Elevator in Metro / Kyiv, Valentine’s Day prep at shop in Kyiv (early February Kyiv, Elena at home (Kyiv), Arrival in Kharkiv-6:00 am Late Jan. 2022,
Seluji -enterprise of Tanya ZHebko-happy workers, Alla-refugee from Donetsk, Sasha Z. cutter for Seluji, Tanya Zhebko at work # 1, Tanya ZHebko at work # 2, Sasha ZHebko and Emmanuel at
new Seluji premises (before invasion), yard at Danielevskogo Street, Tanya ZHebko at home, Black Cat ballon and Emmanuel at Ustenko’s house
in Dnipro, Cafe Dnipro # 1, Cafe Dnipro # 2, After Latihan at Dnipro Subud house, Street Sculpture # 1 Dnipro, Dnipro-New Mall, beautiful,
Sculpture in Mall-Dnipro, Big Ladie’s high heels-Dnipro, Fish Sculptureat SENATOR restaurant in Dnipro, After latihan in Kyiv,
LEFT to RIGHT – Vladimir, Oscar, Elena, Emmanuel, Luda, ANdrey Z. , Sophia G’s mother-CHerkassy, My grandma Bessie, b. 1873, Rivne, Ukraine,
Beloved housekeeper for first year 1992-1993, Olga Schmidt, Kyiv, Mother and Daughter from Moldova -old close friends Selima and Katya, Vera B-Kyiv,
Emmanuel and Old young friend Zhoo Zhoo, ZHenya ZHebko, 1992-Fall.

Menucha is Happening!

Menucha is happening! 

After two years off due to the Covid virus situation, the Subud Menucha retreat will again happen in the Columbia Gorge thirty minutes east of Portland, Oregon, November 10-13.  Save the date!  Currently registration is being handled by Alexandra TerHorst at SUSA.  More info to come later!

It seems to be pretty much a universal opinion from those who have participated that what happens at Menucha is spiritually uplifting and life changing.  It is somewhat astounding that every year during our closing circles this feeling is expressed over and over again by the attendees.  This venue seems to consistently provide the surroundings for a very deep Subud transformational experience and although most of those experiences come through the latihan, it is hard to discount the value of Menucha as a spiritually uplifting physical location in the world.  I have been to hundreds of Subud gatherings but none have had quite the same experiential quality as Menucha.  I think of the Ramadan fast period as a very special time when transformational things happen and I think of Menucha as a very special physical location for that to occur.  Things sometimes happen during Ramadan that seem impossible at other times.  Those “impossible” things seem to also happen at Menucha.  Who knows why, but it has been proven by the many hundreds of people who have had the ‘Menucha experience’ over the last twenty five years.  God Willing, it will continue for many years to come.  If you are able, please join us for a Menucha adventure!  

Garden Party!

Bring some gloves and a hand tool!  Let’s do some weeding and tidying up after Latihan this  Sunday.  It’s time for a garden party so we can keep our Subud house looking beautiful!

The next Sunday, July 3rd, we’ll have combined potluck and general meeting after Latihan.  All are welcome!


Note from Jim

The new regional chair, Latham Stack, asked the regional board what we felt we should focus on for the next two years.

I realized that so much of the last several years has felt like jumping from one emergency to another that I have not given much thought to a subject and goals.

This might be a great topic for our general meeting and potluck July 3rd.  I hope everyone will give this some thought and consider testing before the meeting so we see where this might lead!

Sofyan Brugger Memories

The Idaho River near the Brugger home.

Sofyan Brugger Memories

by Oswald Norton

I met Halimah and Sofyan Brugger in the mid-90s at our annual Subud PNW Kedjiwaan event at Menucha. They’d be sitting together in the opening circle, at our meals and in sessions where we spoke of our experiences with the latihan and its impact on our lives. It seemed that they were inseparable.

These kedjiwaan events are filled with conversations with those you’d just met. Sometimes someone would talk about an experience in Subud you want to know more about it and you’d speak further. And, I wanted to catch up with people I’d met there before. And, there were the latihans. It seemed like it was a rare moment when I had the time to explore the back story of how someone found Subud and where that opening had taken them.

The more Subud work I did, the more opportunities I had to hear these deeper stories. It was when I became a Subud Pacific Northwest regional helper that I learned of the Bruggers. 

On Friday, March 17, 2017, Marius Harold and I traveled to Boise, Idaho to witness the opening of the husband of one of their members. The Bruggers put us up in their home and provided meals for us including a fantastic potluck group selamatan with the MacDonaghs, Lockhart’s and Caleb Chung. After the opening and group latihan using the living room and one of their 3 car garage spaces which had been walled off and turned into a latihan room with nice carpets. 

During this visit, I heard some of Sofyan’s stories about his early days in Subud. After checking with Halimah Brugger on the details I remembered, I’ve decided to include what she sent me (which was so interesting, and, more factual):

Even before Sofyan went to university, he wanted to learn Bahasa Indonesia so he could understand Bapak.  He learned quickly.   He received his degrees in Oriental Languages, Arabic and Turkish, from Oxford University.   

After graduation and a stint teaching in Turkey, he was looking for a job.  He applied as Producer in the Indonesian/Malay section of the BBC, passed the Indonesian language test, and got the position.  A great deal of his work there involved checking the work of the Indonesians and Malaysians for accuracy.  

Sofyan’s office was very near the UN where Varindra  worked.  They occasionally met for lunch.  Varindra told Sofyan about the work being done at Wisma Subud. Sofyan’s understanding of languages, including Indonesian could be helpful in this work. Would he be interested in moving to Jakarta and assisting in that work?  He was and he did.  

I’ve learned since then that his work helping with the translations included over 120 of Bapak’s talks and thousands of Bapak’s responses to member’s questions.  It was there that he met and married his wife, Halimah, in July of 1969, which was reported in Vol. 3, No. 6 of Subud Voice.   [For more about their life at Wisma Subud, visit the WSA archives.]    

More from Halimah:

When Sofyan arrived in Indonesia, almost the first thing Bapak said to him was, “Learn Spanish.”  Later he would translate many, many, long letters from South American members from Spanish to Indonesian.   

About two evenings before the opening of the 1971 World Congress in Indonesia, Bapak sent Sofyan the address that he would give at the Congress in front of President Suharto to be translated by the next morning.  It was published in the Congress brochure and is probably the only “Talk” Bapak prepared in advance and in writing.  Nowhere will you find Sofyan’s name as translator.  In those days it didn’t seem right to include the translator’s name.  Sofyan did not mind.  He didn’t wish to put himself forward, and only wished to serve Bapak. 

Sofyan took other jobs in Indonesia, including teaching at the Jakarta International School, UNESCO, and UNICEF.  However, even when he worked at these jobs, Bapak, the Sekretariat and Sharif continued to send him letters and talks to translate in the evenings.  

Later after Bapak died, Ibu Rahayu sent him letters to translate right up until we left Indonesia in 1997.  Sofyan had lived in Indonesia for 31 years.

On that first visit in 2017, Sofyan was trying to recover from a back injury with the help of Dennis Lockhart, a former US Army medic, who assisted him with his physical therapy. Through this work with Sofyan, Dennis became interested in Subud and was opened this trip.

On my next visit in 2018, Sofyan was confined to a wheelchair and he and Halimah had moved their bed down to the bottom floor of their home so that she could take better care of him. Though the work was very time consuming, Halimah’s care and love for Sofyan was always there, along with her care for their son, Silan who is mentally challenged. 

This time Rosalyn Neel – wanting to dive right into the work of being a regional helper, even though her “official” term hadn’t started yet – joined me so that there could be a woman regional helper as well as a man.

In spite of all the challenges facing her household, Halimah organized a group potluck for the whole Boise group. Our Irish themed dinner consisted of “Bubble and Squeak”, green veggies, salmon and salad, with ice cream and fruit for dessert. It was a wonderful meal which was enjoyed by one and all.  No Guinness was served. 

Before dinner we did latihan. I always experienced something unique in my latihan when I went out to visit groups and this was no exception. My latihan was a deep and clear.  I felt grateful to be doing latihan with these members who were keeping the latihan alive in Boise.

So many interesting stories were told after dinner and cleanup were done. We spoke of our lives and the people we’d met on our journeys before and after being opened until nearly 11. It was great to see everyone again and understand in a deeper way their stories.  All of it had been made possible through Halimah’s effort.

In December of 2019 Sofyan had emergency surgery. Marius Harold and I wanted to visit him and have the chance to do another latihan in person. Nadia Woodcock was to join us so that there would be a woman visiting as well. It took us until March 2020 to organize ourselves just as the COVID-19 pandemic was getting started. As more and more information about the virus was known, it became clearer and clearer to all of us that if we went to Boise, we might bring the virus to the Bruggers. So, at the last minute we reluctantly cancelled our trip.

I was determined to support Halimah and Sofyan in some way. As more and more of us did the virtual latihans via phone, it occurred to me that I might also do this with Sofyan.  And, so, after checking this out with the two of them, Sofyan and I began doing phone latihans once a month.

I cherished each and every one of these latihans. The depth of receiving I experienced in them was unlike any other experience I had had before. One thing in particular I remember was that I felt the latihan start right away which was not always the case for me. And, I know that the reason for this was that was I was doing latihan with Sofyan Brugger.

In thinking about what I wanted to say in this remembrance I did some research on Sofyan in the WSA Archives. There I found a Bapak talk that he’d translated. It’s Bapak’s Talk in Singapore, December 3 1958, “FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF IKHSAN…”. In this talk Bapak says this about Ikhsan Ahmad Muhammad, who had died suddenly:

It is generally the custom for people who follow a religion, or are obedient to God, to say, when a human being dies, that he has been called by the One God. 

Viewed superficially, it really feels very heavy to be left by a friend, or someone we know very well. But if we reflect more deeply, we realize that we who are still alive will also not escape death, and it becomes clear that our brother Ikhsan’s death was only a question of time. There is time a long way off; there is time near at hand. 

So, there are those who still have a long time; there are those who do not. Clearly, we who are still alive are sure to follow him one day; we don’t know when. This is why we simply give thanks to God that God has willed our brother Ikhsan to go on before us. Such are our feelings and reflections on human death, and on the death of our brother Ikhsan whom we have known for so long. 

In reading this, I was reminded of my own mortality and that there is still time for me to continue to do the latihan regularly, with patience and submission. I am glad I have time.

There will remain in my calendar, for a while at least, the monthly reminder of my time to do latihan with Sofyan. I need to keep it there for a while as I let go of our brother and pray for his journey after this life and for his family who are left behind. 

Link to some of Rachman’s photos of Sofyan (and Halimah) Brugger.  

General meeting and July 4th potluck after Latihan July 3!

Short general meeting Sunday July 3rd after Latihan,
with updates, then an opportunity for fellowship at a potluck in the park.
Kids and non members welcome.  A chance to say hello and catch up.
Weather permitting, we’ll meet in the park across the street.  If it’s raining, we’ll meet and eat in the Men’s hall.
Gardening party after Latihan Sunday June 26th!
Bring your gloves and hand tools, please.  Our beds want some love.