Category Archives: General Announcements

Sofyan Brugger, Translator of over 125 of Bapak’s Talks, Dies

From Oswald,

Sofyan Brugger, Translator of over 125 of Bapak’s Talks, Dies

Sofyan Brugger, a former member of the Sekretariat at Wisma Subud – where talks and Bapak’s responses to member’s letters were translated – passed away peacefully just after midnight Saturday at his home in Boise, Idaho.

His wife Halimah offered these details on his last days and a brief bio of his life:

In the last few days of his life, he seemed to become younger and younger — maybe about 40.  He had the sweetest look on his face and was very aware and kind to everyone till the end.  Our children, Kailani, Rizwati, and Sailan were all here.

Sofyan was opened by Bapak in June 1957 when he was 17.  As a young man he went to Cilandak to work in Bapak’s Secretariat.  He translated over 125 of Bapak’s published Talks and several thousand letters in multiple languages for Bapak and Ibu Rahayu for over 30 years.  He had been a National Helper in the UK and was also a National Helper in the US. He was encouraged by WSA to publish a book of some of his translations in time for the World Congress in Freiburg.

Halimah asks for \your prayers and blessings for our family.

For those of you interested in reading his translations, titled Bapak Subuh Yang Mulia : Selected talks, You may order your copy from SPI at SPI BOOK SHOP – the password is jiwa. In the USA you may also order the book by contacting For more information on how this book came about, see this article at the SICA-USA website.

For those interested in knowing more about Sofyan and his wife Halimah and their life at Wisma Subud, please visit the WSA Archives website. This site is open to Subud members only.

Those interested in making a contribution to Subud in Sofyan’s name are requested to make them to the Muhammad Subuh Foundation.

Link to some of Rachman’s photos of Sofyan:


News from Jim!

Subud Greater Seattle has a treasurer!  Subud Pacific Northwest has a chair!

 After testing, Daniel Stralberg will step back as a local helper and become treasurer.
  Latham Stack has tested positively and been voted in as the new SPNW chair.
Two regional members are testing with helpers and a vote by mail to SPNW members will be going out soon.
  In other news, the south wall of the Subud house is completed, looks great, and is fully paid for thanks to contributions and our rental business.
 We can now move on to other projects – hopefully those which will enhance group life, harmony, and vitality.

Notes from Jim!

SPNW regional congress will be in Portland or on Zoom (your pick) next Sunday the 15th,

starting with latihan at 10AM.

The Zoom link for the congress will be emailed directly to SPNW members Friday.

Subud Canada Western Region Family Gathering – June 24 to 26th
Subud Canada Western Region will be holding another Family Gathering from June 24 to 26th.

The Crescent Beach Family Gathering (at Camp Alexandra in Surrey) is a “GO” for June 24 to 26!

Attached is the registration package, expertly put together by Maemunah (THANK YOU Maemunah!) Registration Package 2022

All of the information is contained in the package, but I just wanted to emphasize a couple of things:

1. It is REALLY helpful for the planning team if you can register early and Early Bird rates are offered until May 21.

2. If you have any questions about completing the on-line registration form – please contact Maemunah at

4. If you have any other questions about the gathering – please contact me at

Looking forward to seeing lots of you at Crescent Beach!

A Short, Important Meeting and Testing after Latihan on May 8

We will have a short general meeting Sunday, May 8th after latihan.  Yes, it’s Mother’s Day, but we ask you to please stay briefly after Latihan for the meeting and testing!

Consider testing if a position on the regional board would be right for you.  Regional Helpers plan to send test questions to the local helpers to test with members that day.  Please plan to participate!

The regional congress will be in Portland the following Sunday, May 15.

Update on Eastside Latihan Continuation – We’re Continuing!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

After our return from Los Angeles we – along with other Subud members – began the two-week trial period that was previously announced.

After two weeks members who attended Eastside latihans decided we would continue holding these latihans at the First Congregational United Church Of Christ in Bellevue.

Some members wondered if holding the latihan on a different night might bring more members.  After consulting with the church about availability, we were told that only Wednesday was available. A vote was taken and most members preferred to continue to meet on Friday.

Love, Oswald & Rayma Norton

Eid fast potluck interest?  Short general meeting and kedjiwaan day

Many Thanks to Jim O’Halloran, Rayma and Oswald Norton for their work November 13th on the Fall Cleanup at the Subud House.

We can have a potluck for Idul Fitri, and can have the living room, kitchen, and bathroom in the Subud house any time after 4 PM Sunday, May first, or any time May second or third.
Are you interested?  If so what day, and what time would you prefer?  Currently we have this scheduled for May first at 4PM.  Officially, according to the ISNA website, Idul FItri in the USA would be May 3rd; but, as always, there is quite a divergence of opinions on this.  Let us know if you have a preference-or, more important, if you are interested!
We will have a short general meeting May 8th after latihan, followed by a kedjiwaan day including testing.  Please also consider testing if a position on the regional board would be right for you.  The regional congress will be in Portland the following week, the 15th of May.
You will have a chance on May 8th to see our new South wall, which may well be completed by then!  Please keep those donations coming, this is a large, costly project.  Your committee thanks you!
Jim O’Halloran

Regional Congress Updates

SPNW is soliciting proposals for the regional congress May 15th in Portland.

It would be ideal for those proposals to be in the hands of the congress chair, Oswald Norton, by April 15, only 3 days away.

Member Proposal Format

  1. Summary: What is the proposal about? What will be done, by whom, how, over what period of time? What is the problem/need? Who will the outcomes benefit?
  2. Statement of Need: What is the issue that you are addressing and why does it matter? Why is what you propose necessary? What is the void in Knowledge? Who benefits?
  3. Project Activity, Methodology and Outcomes: Why did you choose to address the issue in the manner that you have? Are there other approaches? If so, why aren’t they appropriate to the situation? What are the specific activities involved? Who will do them?
  4. Evaluation: Essential piece that should be both quantitative and qualitative, if feasible. Outline clearly the methodology that you will use to assess the project’s success.
  5. Dissemination: Dissemination should be linked to your project goals and objectives. If you are trying to affect policy, your dissemination plan should target policy-makers, media, and affected populations. Describe your communication strategy.
  6. Budget and Continuation Funding: Show your budget in table form and use a budget narrative to explain each item.

Please also consider testing how you might serve our region.

The outgoing chair has offered to mentor the incoming chair, and the board members of each center will not change.

Test questions on serving the region will be provided by the Regional Helpers to center helpers on May 1st.  Local helpers will then offer to test these questions with members after latihans leading up to the Regional Congress. All members are encouraged to participate in this testing.

Shall the Congress Include a virtual Component? – Please Respond By Friday
All current members of Subud PNW should have received an email asking them to consider a change to our current bylaws to allow for a virtual – as well as personal – attendance. Please see the article on the Subud PNW website for more details. Please Respond By Friday!

New Info! Eastside Latihan, etc.

Eastside Latihan!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have been renting facilities from the First Congregational Church of Bellevue throughout the 2000’s. Gradually the attendance at these latihans has dropped to only a couple of couples and one member coming on a regular basis. When we were gone for two and 1/2 months, the concern was that only one couple would attend. And so, it was decided to suspend these latihans.

At our first meeting coming out of COVID-19 lockdown, our General Meeting In July, I asked the group if it was time to abandon these latihans and end renting this facility. At that meeting there were 8 people who said that they would attend regularly.  And yet they have not.

So, does it make sense to continue this rental?  For the next two Fridays – April 8 and 15 – we will see who attends, and if it’s just the five of us, we will then decide what makes sense as far as continuing to rent on the eastside.

Thank You, Oswald

Committe news! 
Work on the South wall will start the week of May 2nd.
We have been saving for this, and may be close, but are not at our goal yet for the project. Please keep those donations coming!  If you are new to donating, any amount helps.  You can put in the donation boxes in the Men’s Hall or the Women’s quiet room; or send to 1101 15th Seattle WA 98122.
Please make checks out to Subud Pacific Northwest-at Subud Greater Seattle.
Thank you and love, the SGS committee