Category Archives: General Announcements
Rosalyn Neel Informal Memorial Celebration
Sharing her favorite foods or yours!
Serena and Michael DuBois and Marius Hibbard invite you to a
fall potluck memorial for Serena’s sister, Rosalyn.
Sunday, November 10, 2024, at Marius’s house,
1501 Seventh Street, Anacortes, WA
Potluck begins at 1 PM.
Michael will bring his baked chicken, and I’m making the fall Cranberry-
Pomegranate salad, both of which were among Rosalyn’s favorites. We
welcome any dishes others might want to bring, particularly those you
might remember her liking. It can be a time to chat, reminisce and
share memories of her.
RSVP to or 360-724-3405.
A more structured event is being planned for some time in April of
2025 coinciding with the Tulip Festival, one of Rosalyn’s favorite times
of the year. It will be at the Croatian Cultural Center NW in Anacortes
and further info will be provided after plans are firmed up.
Many Hands Make Light Work. We Need Yours!
Dear Fellow Members of Subud Greater Seattle,
On Sunday, Adira organized a great monthly potluck lunch after latihan. It was harmonious. It accomplished great things for our group. The only thing missing, was who did not come.
Your center is being managed by a few dedicated members. We could use more help!
As a regional helper – working to support groups around our region – and member of this group, I noticed that we don’t have a full committee. We need a vice chair. We need a secretary. We need those of you who have not done this work before, or who are not currently a part of our committee, to be willing to take on some of the work.
Job descriptions:
Vice Chair:
– Help plan the monthly meetings.
– Be willing to attend SPNW board meetings once a month when the chair isn’t able to and
tell the other board members about the great things Subud Greater Seattle is doing.
– Time commitment: A couple of phone calls with the chair. 1.5 hours a month as a part of
the board meetings when needed.
– Be willing to take minutes during the monthly meetings that are a part of our potlucks
and write them up for the next meeting. The minutes are an outline of what we discussed
and the decisions we made.
– Time commitment: 1 hour after meetings.
As the saying goes: “Many hands make light work.” Your hands are needed!
If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Adira, or just show up at the next general meeting and volunteer for the position.
Love, Oswald Norton
Subud Greater Seattle member and regional helper
Message from Adira
Note from Adira!

News Items
Just letting you know that Rosalyn has begun her next journey. She passed peacefully at 11:23pm Saturday night, September 21, 2024.
Note from Halimah Brugger
Note from Debbie regarding use of the house
Directions and the link below for all Subud members who request reservations for Spring Street Center. The link will take them directly to the iTrip website for Spring Street Center so they can explore availability and cost.
Here are the directions:
1. In the iTrip reservation website for Spring Street Center, please choose your dates
2. Review the total amount for the requested dates and take 10% off (this includes nightly rate, insurance and fees, cleaning, and all taxes).
3. Email me at Write in the subject line: Subud Member Booking Request and share your selected dates in the email. Remember checkin is 4pm and checkout is 11am so book according to your arrival and departure needs. No early checkin or checkout is offered in advance.
NOTE: Please do not email me if the price is not within your budget. The Subud Board has only approved 10% off the advertised rate for members and I am not allowed to go lower.
4. I MUST book the reservation online if you want the 10% discount. I will block the dates, send an email confirmation, and a request for payment via credit card.
Thank you!
National Helpers Meet in Seattle
Last weekend the new national helpers were using our house for their introductory meetings, which, I am told went very well. They were very appreciative and gave praise for our facility and how well it worked for their meetings.
On Sunday the group was invited to meet with them and have a potluck lunch, which was very delicious! Thanks ladies!
The latihan for me was very strong and after the men had a discussion. Various items were brought up and I mentioned that I had in the past year or so had trouble receiving the latihan by saying ‘begin’ but when I inwardly asked to receive the ‘latihan kejiwaan of Subud’ my latihan started very strongly and has continued over the past year or so to be very strong when I asked that question to begin the latihan. I felt this could be helpful to members who may have a hard time feeling the latihan.
I also brought up my feeling that I had been neglectful of doing my helper work and felt that it was important to make sure new members were able to receive by themselves on questions regarding direction in their lives as I had done in the early days of my Subud life. I realized that we had been a bit negligent in carrying out that duty and I felt the need to address that issue. If any newer members would like to explore how to do testing alone, please contact me or any of the other local helpers. I have found it very useful over many years and feel my own personal testing has always led in a positive direction. It is truly a tool for helping to lead to a better, more productive and joyful life and like any tool it needs to be used properly!
It was enjoyable talking to my brothers and sisters after lunch. I feel we truly are a family, but even in families we make mistakes and disagree. I hope we can all learn from the mistakes and become more harmonious in our dealings with each other.
Please forgive me for the mistakes I have made both recently and in the past! I truly give thanks for receiving the bountiful blessings of the latihan! May those blessings continue and spread throughout the world!
Potluck with the National Helpers Sunday 9/10/24
There will be a potluck after latihan this coming Sunday September 10th with the national helpers. They are using the house for meetings from Friday till Sunday. See you there!