Dear All,
Nahum Harlap
WSA Chair
Dear All,
The Delta variant has dealt a blow to Menucha, which we had hoped to have in person this year. Stay tuned for news of a possible online event.
There are three Tuesdays when Spring Street Center was already rented before women’s Latihans returned. Those three dates are next Tuesday, August 17, August 31, and October 5. What does this mean? The upstairs restroom will not be available those days. Women may use the restroom downstairs, off the men’s hall, before or after Latihan.
Latihan on the Eastside will resume on Friday nights. It takes place at Bellevue First Congregational Church of Christ, 11061 NE 2nd Street, Bellevue 98004. Quiet time is at 7:45, with Latihan at 8:00.
There is latihan available for women once again Tuesday on Tuesday mornings at 10AM. Due to unforeseen circumstances there may or may not be a helper present.
Please consider testing for a position on the Subud Greater Seattle Dewan in 2022. The current Dewan members have all served an extra year due to COVID and are ready to hand the reins to a new group of leaders. There is training and mentoring available.
Menucha this year will be held November 11th-14th. Please mark your calendars so you will be ready when it is time to sign up.
Message from Salamah O’Brien
Subud Members…
Log into to hear Subud Brother
Philip Quackenbush’s Music
Friday, Aug 6, 2021 – 6:30 pm
via livestream on
St James Cathedral Vimeo & Facebook pages:
Hear Cathedral Guitarist
Mark Hilliard Wilson
Offers a program with
Preludes & Fugues of
Seattle Composer Philip Quackenbush
(1936-2014) and other works!
Rayma Norton will be the helper for Tuesday women’s latihans at Spring Street Center. Latihan will begin at 10 AM, and will be available July 27, Aug. 10, Sept. 14, and Sept. 28. Watch here for future dates.