Currently SPNW income from groups is about $1100 monthly, while fixed expenses are $2200. We are falling short $1100 monthly. By June 1, we would be down to $100 in the operating fund, but the board just authorized a transfer from the general fund.
Category Archives: General Announcements
In-Person Latihan Guidelines
Meet New Member Robert Westmoreland

Sebastian Tedrow, Halstein Stralberg, Robert Westmoreland, Evan Padilla and Marston Gregory, May 18, 2021
The pandemic lockdown, now some 440 days in, at least had some good news for Subud Greater Seattle. We had an opening! Please meet Robert Westmoreland, who lives in Everett and was opened Sunday, May 16, 2021, after the regular Latihan. I asked him for a bio and he sent this!
I was born on March 27, 1956, in Gadsden, Alabama. Just before my 7th birthday, my family moved to Louisville, Kentucky, and that is what I consider my “home town”. I was very shy and bookish, and spent most of my time avoiding people (who generally make no sense to me) and reading books. I was raised a Southern Baptist, and at 10 or 11 years old I “made a confession of faith” and was baptized. About a year later, I realized I couldn’t honestly believe the religion I was taught and quit attending church. I have ever since been looking for some spiritual center of gravity for my life, with no real success.
In college, I majored first in Psychology, then switched to Linguistics. In the ’80s, I got a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Hawaii, then got a job at the University of Louisville teaching English as a second language, which I did for about 8 years. In 1990, I scandalously married one of my students, a woman from Japan; in 2005, we were divorced. I am embarrassed to say that after 15 years of earnest struggle, I was not able to learn more than rudimentary Japanese.
During the ’90s, I studied at Indiana University for a PhD in Linguistics. Afterwards, for about a year I tried unsuccessfully to get an academic job in Linguistics, and eventually found a position with Microsoft working as a “linguistic tester” for the Office proofing tools. This is what brought me to Washington. While at Microsoft, I taught myself programming, and became a software tester. I worked there for about 14 years. During that time, I met my girlfriend Janet and we have been happily unmarried together ever since. I worked a few years at Starbucks as a software engineer, then about a year at Premera Blue Cross. I lost that job due to the Covid crisis, and decided to throw in the towel and retire. This should work so long as I am careful with my spending, the world economy doesn’t collapse, the government doesn’t up and cancel Social Security, and I don’t live much past 92.
So here I am. I read too much, listen to oddball music, like to cook (but nothing complicated), and volunteer a couple of days a month at a food bank.
Please introduce yourself when you next come to Latihan and welcome this Brother to our community.
No Zoom After Latihan This Sunday, May 23rd!
At the last helpers’ meeting it was proposed that members of our group have a potluck in the park across the street from Spring Street Center on July 4th. Is this something you would enjoy? Please contact a helper to give feedback. Stay tuned for further details!
House Repairs Complete (for now)

Upstairs deck resurfaced and no longer leaking!

Rooms 2 & 3 windows recaulked and repaired!
No Post-Latihan Zoom Sunday May 16th
Post-latihan Zoom has been poorly attended (read no one) the past two weeks. Zoom fatigue may be a factor, or perhaps we are just ready to see each other in person. At any rate, Sunday Latihan in person carefully continues. There were 6 men and 3 women last Sunday. We are wearing masks and disinfecting surfaces before leaving.
Post-Latihan Zoom May 9th
Jim O’Halloran will be hosting the post-latihan Zoom this Sunday, May 9th. Here is the information to join in:
Gathering after Latihan When in Person
Since Spring Street Center is being rented as a whole-house rental, we will be needing a place to gather and visit after latihan post-COVID. For potlucks or special events we can reserve the house, but for our weekly chatting after latihan a space will be needed. The Dewan members had the idea that the corner of the men’s hall nearest the downstairs kitchen might be a good location. Do you like that idea? Do you have another one you would like to propose? Would you like to have a couch or two added for comfortable seating? If you have ideas about this, please email Bhakti (
SICA-USA Fund Drive
Paul Nelson, Subud Greater Seattle Local Helper (and rental agent for 9 years) has been Chair of SICA-USA since November 20, 2020 and his latest report as Chair features these developments:
SICA’s website ( is averaging 80 hits a day in 2021, up from 44 last year and 43 the day before that, a 55% increase. March was an average of 100 hits a day. Posts have been done for approximately 114 consecutive weeks. There are several regular bloggers and our Cultural Conversation was launched this year. A Lawrence Pevec idea, the direct link is: SICA hopes to be engaging members in this conversation online and, when we again can meet, at workshops at Congresses. The Board feels that the conversation about culture has the potential to transform SICA AND Subud.
Website submission guidelines are being developed. Lauren Stomel has joined as Web Coordinator.
SICA has awarded grants in 2021 to Patrick Morgan, former Office Manager for Subud USA for his memoir, River of Dreams. He died in March. His memoir is available on the SICA-USA website. Emmanuel Williams was also awarded a grant for Crinolina – a Young/Adult fantasy novel.
SICA’s fund drive, the first ever in SICA-USA history, started a few weeks ago with a goal of $20,000 and 200 contributions of $100 a piece. So far we have raised $4,250.
Role Testing was done this past Friday (April 23) and the results were pretty amazing. The men’s testing was taped and a transcript being developed from that.
SICA needs a Secretary. Please refer potential candidates to:
Paul woud love to see Subud Greater Seattle members support SICA-USA at this time and gives thanks to those members who have already donated.