Category Archives: General Announcements

Subud Seattle general meeting August 30th, 2020

From Jim

Brief synopsis of Subud Seattle general meeting August 30th:
Financially we are doing OK thanks to member donations and reducing our commitment to the region.  Thank you , members!
Remote latihans continue on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday, no in-person latihans at this time.
The rental committee and dewan presented their recommendation to the membership regarding contracting with Karen Hunt of itrip vacations to manage whole-house rentals at Spring Street center.
This would not interfere with latihans on Sunday at the time that is again possible.
The membership voted yes with the exception of one abstention.
The proposal will now go to Subud Pacific Northwest in compliance with SPNW bylaws, as this would be a long-term contract.

Paul Nelson Surviving Prostate Cancer

Paul E Nelson (Photo by Philip Brautigam)

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on February 17, 2020 and had highly-targeted radiation treatment in Late June and early July and I am recovering. Along the way I had the Subud community helping me test treatment options, letting me know this form of cancer is quite survivable, helping me with my attitude and I had sisters and brothers praying for me.

To have a spiritual community is a real blessing ESPECIALLY during such a challenge. I think it is the birthright of all humans and yet it seems quite special to me. I am grateful for this and, during Latihans, have had some of the most visceral experiences of gratitude I have ever had in my life right down there in that basement hall where I was opened June 27, 2004. The same room where we did a special Latihan for my Dad when he died on May 11, 2014.

You would think that to have cancer treatment in the middle of a pandemic and also contend with the loss of a job would make 2020 a crummy year, but I see all this as a gift. (I no longer handle lodging for the Subud House.) That my guidance has been excellent and that I trust that guidance, has made things surprisingly easy. Vaya con Dios say Spanish speakers and Subud has helped train me to understand that there is a plan designed by a life force much more intelligent (& PATIENT) than me. I am beginning to trust that.

What is also interesting about this journey is the personal mythology side of this. “Mental fears weaken the masculinity” is the thought pattern that Louise Hay says could be at the root of this issue. To have her work as a guide in understanding the spiritual side of this and an excellent care team at Swedish led by Dr. Robert Meier handling the Cyberknife treatment has been a blessing.

To also have POPO (poetry postcard fest) happening all summer, was another outlet for me to turn energy, that years ago, might have been used for worry, into creativity. Below are two examples of postcards I sent out about the treatment. Thank you for being part of Subud, this life-affirming organization that has enriched my life.


Subud GS General Meeting This Sunday

The SGS committee is asking you to participate in a general meeting this coming Sunday, August 30th at noon.
It will be the usual link, Meeting ID: 988 202 1449
We have some important news to share, in addition to approval of the previous minutes from 2-23-20
and a brief financial report.
As you may know, the committee has been grappling with and comparing various income-generating models for over a year.
The committee is recommending that we, contingent on member and SPNW approval, contract Karen Hunt, of iTrip vacations, to manage house rental of the Subud house.
iTrip has a presence on 80+ web platforms.  Karen is the sole Seattle franchisee.  She is well known to Lucinda and Bhakti; and Lucinda and Karen’s husband Ken (a partner in the business) have worked together previously.  itrip Seattle has a business license, business insurance.
Karen has reviewed the SGS, SPNW, and SUSA websites, and has some initial familiarity of who we are as a group; and is respectful of that.
This rental arrangement will allow us to do Sunday latihans when the time comes that the helpers and committee consider it safe to do so; and Tuesday latihans are a possibility.
We believe this will be a benefit to SGS, SPNW, and to SUSA in addition to creating a simpler arrangement and less work for the next committee; thereby reducing the risk of burnout.
The cost would be 25% of gross revenue; and if we cancel within the 60 day grace period; a cost of $650 for a wi-fi door lock; and $450 for platform listing.  Those costs would be waived if we continued for the year.

We would receive payment monthly from itrip via electronic deposit, and receive a monthly statement.

Karen would provide the party squasher app, which flags the number of WiFi devices in the building and a decibel meter app free of charge.
Should we decide, we could engage a professional high-temperature (read virus-killing) linen service.  That would have an initial start-up fee of $800 which could be spread out in installments.  Karen strongly recommends this for client peace of mind.

All cleaning fees would be paid by guests.
Subud Seattle would be responsible for normal wear and tear on the house and furniture.  itrip would cover accidental breakage up to $1475 if the guest calls before checkout.  If the guest doesn’t call, is negligent, or the amount exceeds $1475, the guest’s credit card is charged and itrip also files through AirBnB or VRBO for recovery.

Karen would not charge to come to the house to let repair people in, or for wait time; nor for lining up and scheduling a repair person.  She will communicate with the committee to establish guidelines and dollar amounts for repairs which would or would not need committee approval.
Spring Street would be responsible for carrying a separate renter’s policy.

We have a power point from iTrip which you may review by requesting from Jim.

New News!

Zoom gathering after Sunday Latihan:  Sebastian will be the host this week.   The Zoom link to use is:
Meeting ID: 988 202 1449
Good news from Susila Dharma! 
The Subud Portland Match Fundraiser has met its goal!
Thanks to Subud Portland and many generous donors, SD USA has received a total of $10,000 for project support!
The match has now been closed. Contributions to Susila Dharma are always welcome but will no longer be doubled.
Link to the Subud Library:
Some members had asked about listening to or watching talks with Bapak or Ibu.  Here is a good link.  You have to sign up by sending an email.  There is a link on the site.
This is an excellent venue for watching or listening to Bapak’s talks.  Some talks have simultaneous captions so you can follow along with what Bapak is saying without waiting for the translation!

Latihan under Duress!

A point of comparison for call-in latihans:

Our long-time member Amrin Ngon Van Ho was opened in Vietnam many, many years ago. When Vietnam had a communist government, Subud and latihans were prohibited.  In order to continue practicing latihan, the Subud group that Amrin belonged to at the time would organize bicycle rides, and do their latihan while riding!