Category Archives: General Announcements

Testing for Month of Ancestors

We caught up with Local Helper of Subud Greater Seattle (& LONGTIME Subud member) Sebastian Tedrow, who discussed the testing he will make available on Tuesday, April 7, 2020:

Paul E Nelson:  So it turns out the month of ancestors starts on March 24th, which is a Tuesday, meaning April 7th is the full moon and there is an opportunity for Subud members to do ancestor testing on that day, April 7th, Tuesday at 11:00. (Testing will start after Latihan.)

Sebastian Tedrow: Historically, with the full moon in the middle of the month of the ancestors is considered like the night of the ancestors. And when it fell during Menucha times, we had some pretty powerful sessions of ancestor testing. And occasionally, we’ve done it in the past, but I realized that since it falls on a Latihan day, a Tuesday, I’m willing to do ancestor testing with anyone who wants to do testing about their ancestors and how it is affecting their lives and whether their Latihan has progressed or moved to the point that it’s possible that their ancestors are ready to move on, are ready to experience a conscious effort to engage in the Latihan at this time.

The month of the ancestors is a time in which historically in the Islamic community and in our Subud community, that the ancestors are more available or more aware, or more in touch with us in the world at this time. And so, it is an opportunity to fulfill part of our obligation as Subud members to help lift and show respect to those ancestors who brought us to this Latihan and brought us to this place in our lives. And so, it is something that we can do if you’re willing and you wish to do.

Paul E Nelson: You said this is not for the weak of heart?

Sebastian Tedrow: I have said that and the ancestor testing doesn’t have to be really rigorous. It can just simply be a dedicated Latihan. Historically, some people have wanted to go much deeper. That is the portion that I think is probably not for the weak of heart or the faint of heart, I should say. But simply doing a Latihan for your ancestors or a Latihan to honor and be aware of the presence of the ancestors in your life and what brought you here is something that should be available to all who wish to participate, and that should not be anything that would be…

Paul E Nelson: Difficult.

Sebastian Tedrow: Challenging or difficult. Yeah.

Paul E Nelson: Thanks, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Any time.

Subud Greater Seattle Treasurer 2019 Summary Report


Over all donations for December were $3832 ($1,740 general fund $2,092 Maintenance Fund). At the end of the year we were behind our 2019 budget for donations to our building and general funds by $1,600.

Member 2020 donations calculated through Pledging this year

This year we’re asking all members to participate – in whatever way they can – by donating to our center.

As of the end of December only 8 members have pledged. Total annual pledges so far $5,264.

Update on Building Repair Fund

With December’s donations we have completed our fund raising and have $215 toward our 2020 Maintenance Fund. Many thanks to all members throughout 2019 that made this happen!!

Building Rentals

December rentals brought in $800. AirBnB rentals for December were $5,880 – $870 up over November. For 2019 we were -$1,923 under budgeted income for AirBnB. Because of a major client for Hall Rentals, our overall budgeted amount for 2019 was positive $ 982.

December Expenses

December expenses were up again over November due to increased heating costs. We ask everyone who uses the hall for latihan to return the heat to normal after using the facilities.

Future Expenses

January expenses will continue be higher due to heating costs, but should be in line with average winter costs.

Proposed 2020 Budget

The budget for 2020 was approved at our last group meeting at the Subud House on Sunday December 15 th . In that
approved budget is $400 a month to be dedicated toward building up a building maintenance fund; $100 a month
toward building up a fund to assist Subud Seattle members in need to attend Subud events; and, $1000 ($500 ea.) to send 2 delegates from the Seattle Subud Group to the SUSA congress this summer.

Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle

Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center. Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits. Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawal check from your account and use this name. If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check ‘Subud PNW’.

Pledges still being accepted

Please fill out a pledge form online if you haven’t already.

Bank Information for monthly donations

Thanks monthly recurring donations setup through your bank. These regular checks really help us meet our monthly commitments to the region and pay for our use of our facilities.
If you’d like to know how to setup a recurring donation to our group through your bank, please contact me.

Meeting Friday night!

Our annual general meeting will be after Latihan in Bellevue this Friday, January 31.
We’ll keep it short, a recap of the year, and vision for the coming year.

Helper meetings (men and women) after Latihan the third Sunday of each month; next February 16th.

Kedjiwaan day March 8th after general Latihan.

Paul Nelson Book release April 11th at Open Books in Wallingford, 7PM

New from Jim!

We have passed a budget for 2020-this was accomplished at the general meeting Sunday!

Please pledge for the year!  Here’s a link—-

Holiday family potluck party this coming Sunday, December 22nd after Latihan in Seattle

Womens’ retreat January 24th-26th near the Skagit river!  Here’s a link—-

You can now fill out your own census information for Subud USA, AND choose what to dilvulge and what to keep private!  Here’s a link—-

Ressurection of art camp/family camp?  Any interest?

Jim O’Halloran

Launching the New Subud Archives Website

A letter from Daniela Moneta, WSA and Subud USA Archivist in Arizona

Subud California members, did you know that right next door in Phoenix, we have one of the five international archives designated by Bapak? This archive has documents, photographs, and personal accounts going back to 1958 when Bapak made his first trip to America. Here is an example from the collection:

Bapak at Disneyland May 1958.  Left to right: Ismana, Bapak, Ibu Rahayu, Luthfi James, an unknown woman.

The second photo (below) shows a view from the front of the same unknown woman in the photo above (left of Ibu Siti Sumari). Do you know her name? Or, do you recognize the other woman (right of Ibu Siti Sumari?). If you can identify either person, please contact The quest to add information such as this to the archives is part of our mission!

Another item in the archive is a film by Peter Mark Richman of Bapak’s second trip to Disneyland in August 1963, while on Bapak’s 3rd World Journey.

Our newly launched archives website makes Subud material visible and available online and gives members access to records about our Subud history. You can watch films and interviews, read stories and see beautiful photographs on your laptop or via hook up to your TV screen. Now you can readily show some of the Memories of Bapak interviews and other films and videos at your local Subud center.

For a preview of what is on the Subud Archives website, watch this brief video:

The website is available to Subud members only. If you would like to access it, send a request to  If you have any questions about the archives and how you can help, please let us know.

Help Shovel Snow!

The ten day forecast looks like snow is pretty certain.

Remember February 2018?

If you can help keep the sidewalk clear next week, let Marston Gregory know so we can be good neighbors, can attend Latihan and lodgers can get in and out of the house!

Eastside General Meeting Friday, January 31

Annual general meeting in Bellevue after Latihan Friday, January 31st.

We WILL keep this short.  Helper reports, review of the year, finances, SES.
Women’s retreat, Skagit January 24th-26th.
USA congress in Asheville, NC July 4th weekend.
Jim O’Halloran

Skagit Women’s Kejiwaan Gathering


January 24 – 26

Join us for a quiet winter get-away near the Skagit River



The ladies of Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley warmly invite you to a winter kejiwaan retreat near the Skagit River. There are spaces for 18 guests. Please see the attached flyer. Contact Roosmiwati Reynolds to register; or 360 734-8517 and Julia Hurd with questions; or 360 724-3404.

New Stuff!

General meeting this coming Sunday, December 15th after Latihan.  The big ticket item will be the proposed 2020 budget.

Also, there is a free concert Saturday, December 14th open to Subud members and family in the Womens’ latihan hall; 4-8:30 PM.  This is put on by a group of professional musicians in the Seattle area.

Christmas party Sunday, December 22nd after latihan for Subud members, family and guests.  It will be a potluck.


Subud Skagit will have a Womens’ retreat Friday evening January 24th to Sunday January 26th.  There will be room for 18 women.  The cost will be about $220, but there will be some assistance available.  Expect to see more from SPNW.

General Meeting Sunday!

We’ll have a general meeting Sunday, December 15th after latihan in Seattle

Among other things we will present a fundraising campaign, and a proposed budget for 202.

There will be a family potluck Christmas party after Latihan Sunday, December 22nd.