Category Archives: General Announcements

Subud Greater Seattle Pledge Commitment for 2020

This year we’re asking all members to participate – in whatever way they can – by donating to our center.

To understand what to estimate in our proposed annual budget, we’re using a pledge system. Please click on the link provided below. This will take you to an online form.  There we ask you to please provide an estimate of the amount you think you could donate annually.  At the end of December, all pledges will be totaled and we can estimate the donor portion of our 2020 proposed budget.

Your committee is working with those who run our centerprise to grow our revenue there.  However, to sustain our contribution to regional expenses for helper travel and insurance, and its contribution to Subud USA we need your help.

This year, we are planning to monthly put away money any extra money we receive toward a building maintenance fund.  This fund will allow us to have reserves the next time that we have extraordinary expenses. If the members approve, at our next General Meeting 12/15, we would also like to save in a separate fund for members on fixed or limited income.  This so that they could attend kedjiwaan events and congresses.

With your help, Subud Greater Seattle will be able to establish and build these funds, sustain our future and provide for all members of our group to be able to participate.

Please fill out a pledge form online by 12/31/2019, or contact our treasurer for a paper pledge card.

Thank You,

Jim O’Halloran, Bhakti Watts, Ramon, Oswald Norton

Subud Greater Seattle Treasurer Summary Report for October


Thanks again to all who have set up a recurring donation through their banks.  These regular checks really help us meet our monthly commitments to the region and pay for our use of our facilities. If you’d like to know how to setup a recurring check to our group through your bank, please contact me.

Donations to the General Fund during this two-month period were $1,065. Donations in the same period for the building fund totaled $830. We are behind in the 2019 budget for donations by $4,473. We are ahead in the 2019 budget for building repairs by $2,326.

We appreciate all members who donate to the needs of our group.

Update on Building Repair Fund

With October’s donations of $830 toward repairs we only have $2,379 left to raise. That means we only have 22% left in order to complete the member portion of these costs.  Please earmark any checks or portions of your current donation that you wish to go toward this expense.

Building Rentals

We had one hall rental in October from a client who has now booked monthly hall rentals into the new year.  AirBnB rentals for October were up $835 over September.

October Expenses

October expenses were up over September due to onetime tax and insurance costs.

Future Expenses

November expenses will be higher due to heating costs, but should be in line with average winter costs.

Results of outstanding costs:

  • Real Estate Taxes: We expect that any additional real estate taxes will come through King County at the beginning of 2020.  We do not currently anticipate addition costs for 2019.
  • Spring Street Center Business Taxes: Sherwin completed the filing for Spring Street Center.  There was no income tax due for 2018.

 Proposed 2020 Budget

Your committee is in the process of putting together a proposed budget. We will present that budget at our next General Meeting for your review.  As a part of that budget, we are going to ask members to make a pledge of how much they think that they can donate to supporting our center in 2020. We will total your pledges and use that figure to determine how much we could potentially count on from members for 2020.

Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle

Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center.  Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits.  Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawn check from your account and use this name.

If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check Subud PNW.

General Meeting Friday Night – Eastside!

Subject: General meeting after latihan this Friday November 15th in Bellevue


– Our goal is to limit the meeting to 30 minutes.

– Proposal to increase our commitment to Subud Pacific Northwest

– Proposal to make a one-time donation to Subud Pacific Northwest of $1000 earmarked for regional helper travel.

– Holiday potluck party after latihan in Seattle Sunday, December 22

– Sharing moments or epiphanies from Menucha

Eastside Latihan Address:

11061 NE 2nd St Bellevue, WA 98004

Quiet starts at 7:40 pm.  Doors close at 7:50. Latihan at 8 pm.

New Announcements!

Building Maintenance Project Update

Update on Building Fund

At the September 9th Subud PNW Board Meeting, the board of directors approved converting the region’s $7000 loan to Subud Greater Seattle to a grant which we do not have to repay. This was made possible through donations earmarked for the Building Fund from Subud members outside our region, and, mostly, because local members gave additional funds – on top of their monthly donations – until we reached the $7000 mark. Thank You!

We are now three quarters of the way towards completing member portion of these costs. We still have $2478 to raise.  If you wish a portion of your donations to the general fund to be earmarked toward this goal, you can either indicate this on your check, or email me your wishes and I’ll do the paperwork for you.

Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle

Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center.  Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits.  Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawn check from your account and use this name.

If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check Subud PNW.

Upcoming Events:

Friday November 15th General meeting in Bellevue after latihan

Sunday December 22nd Christmas family potluck party after latihan in Seattle

General Meeting this Sunday! Join the party!

We will have a general meeting after latihan in Seattle this Sunday the 13th.  The goal is to keep it about 30 minutes long.
Big agenda items will include increasing our commitment to Subud Pacific Northwest, and discussion about how we finance non-emergency large expenses moving forward.
Be sure to sign up for Menucha soon!

New from Jim

1. We will have a general meeting in Seattle after Latihan Sunday, October 13th.  We hope to hold the length to 1/2 hour.
We would like to discuss increasing our donation to the region.
2. The region has retired our loan of $7000 for house painting and has converted it to a match as we raised that much in earmarked donations, thanks to the generous donations from members and centers locally and throughout the United states
3. The region still needs a secretary, and if not a secretary then someone to transcribe notes from the regional board meetings which take place as conference calls.  This would be a great boon!

Menucha Kedjiwaan Gathering November 7-10, 2019

Menucha Kedjiwaan Gathering November 7-10, 2019


Every November for 30 years, Subud members have gathered at Menucha in the breathtaking Columbia Gorge to participate in great latihans, insightful testing, inspiring conversations, fabulous entertainment and a welcome opportunity to take a break from the rigors of everyday life. Join us for this extraordinary weekend. You’ll be glad you did!

How much does Menucha cost? Check the rates here. If you are staying in the Barn or Wright Hall, please be sure that you either order the linen package or bring your own linens, towels and blanket. All other accommodations include linens and towels. If you register and do not specify a roommate, one will be assigned to you. 

When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

NOTE: All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 15. All prices quoted are per person, but you may register up to 4 people at one time. Your registration is not confirmed until full payment has been received. Registrations not paid in full by October 15 are subject to cancellation.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $30 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/daypass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $30 administrative fee. ($10 for day pass refunds) 

Questions? email us at  REGISTER NOW

General Meeting in Bellevue Friday!

There will be a general meeting after latihan in Bellevue this coming Friday the 30th.  Our goal is to keep it to 30 minutes.
We’ll have minutes from the previous meeting, financial report, Menucha dates (November 7-10th), inquiry whether anyone is interested in spearheading fundraising to help members with limited means attend subud events, a call for women helpers and open space for people to bring up subjects.  Please come!

Subud Picnic This Sunday!

Subud picnic for members and family
Potluck bring lunch or something to share.
When Sunday, August 11th, 1:00-4:00 pm
Where Bradner Gardens, 1730 Bradner Pl. S, Seattle, WA 98144
Also Hadidjah Gregory’s birthday!