Category Archives: General Announcements

New Committee for Subud Greater Seattle!

Report from Elisha:
“This is the new committee for Subud Greater Seattle: Former Vice Chairman/Acting Chairman Jim O’Halloran was chosen through testing as Chairman.
The new Vice Chairperson is Bhakti Watts, also selected through testing.
Ramon was asked by Chairman Jim, accepted, and will perform the duties of Secretary.
And Oswald Norton has agreed to take over as Treasurer, replacing Sherwin O’Bar after a long and consummate tenure.   Everyone was pleased with the results of the meeting and are looking forward to the service of the new committee, a most capable group.”
New (and old) chairman, Jim O’Halloran
Also from Elisha:
In the SGS membership meeting today (1/27/19), during the selection of the new committee, the question of “member-at-large” came up. At this time a fog of bewilderment rose up in the room. Personally, I am at the end of my tether with the mysterious concept of “member-at-large.”  No one here has ever defined it, to my knowledge.  I am convinced that there are not more than two members of SGS who can supply the definition-and-duties intelligibly. Would it be possible that anyone might offer the rest of us a clear understanding what a “member-at-large” actually is, what duties that person would perform, and WHY WE NEED ONE?
From Rachman:
I can’t answer the question about ‘member-at-large’ but I personally don’t think the position is necessary.
Thank you, Elisha, for giving us the news about the new committee!
Eastside news: 
Rayma Norton is now active as a helper for the Eastside latihan!  Thank you, Rayma!
Our newest memberNadjmat Abdoulhakime, has left to go home to Paris for a short while before leaving on an extended stay in Cilandak where she will be volunteering for one of our Subud social projects there.  We wish her well on her new adventure!

Recent email note from Najmat:

“My main mission part of the Yum Foundation will be to support and help “improve their management and financial control skills”
“The second aspect of my mission will be to help with their digital transformation. This year the foundation is planning to digitalize their work (using Google For Non Profit), organizing files so all 3 offices (Jakarta, Cipanas and Kalimantan) so they can share data easily. Hence they are also planning to improve their Social Impact Measurement and I will be helping with that as well.”
Photos from the Eastside wishing Nadjmat a good trip!  

Paul Nelson’s Interviews

Dear Subud Greater Seattle member,

I would appreciate your support of my new book of transcribed interviews,American Prophets, at Elliott Bay Books.

February 3, 3pmElliott Bay Book Company. 1521 Tenth Avenue Seattle.

From their site: Paul Nelson, founder of SPLAB/Seattle Poetics LAB and Founding Director of the Cascadia Poetry Festival, joins us today with highlights from some of the interviews he has collected in his new book, American Prophets: Interviews with Thinkers, Activists, Poets & Visionaries (Seattle Poetics Lab). Included here are Paul Nelson’s interviews with luminaries such as Rupert Sheldrake, Jean Houston, Wanda Coleman, Allen Ginsberg and many others…

Early reviews of the book are in and people are saying that calling them simply “interviews” do not do them justice because of the quality of the content. This project is near and dear to my heart and I hope I see some Subud people there Sunday. Thanks for considering. Paul

Subud Elections

This morning! Sunday, January 27, 2019, Subud Greater Seattle will elect new officers for the Local Committee: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and At-Large Members. This is the business side of keeping our organization strong and we have had candidates step up for Chair and Treasurer, but we need you to consider serving a two year term to make sure Subud Greater Seattle continues to operate in the best way, ensuring we have places to do our twice-weekly Latihan Kejiwaan and (hopefully) expand our membership.

Please consider bringing snacks to share with other Subud members.

The meeting will commence after Latihan. We hope to see you. Watching this process always renews my faith in Subud and the power of our practice. Let’s also give thanks to outgoing the outgoing committee, especially Jim O’Halloran
and Sherwin O’Bar for all their service.



Exciting Times!

This is an exciting time for Subud Greater Seattle!  I just heard that Oswald Norton has tested and received to take on the treasurer’s job, which is wonderful news!  Whoever takes on the role of chairman will have a much easier time with Oswald in that position, but, of course, the final decision rests with the new committee.  The people in charge of the house and Airbnb rentals ( Paul and Debbie with many helpers and volunteers) are doing a great job and it looks like things are getting even better with new tenants and new opportunities for rentals for our property!  Adjustments are being made due to new taxes and other expenses related to those rentals but even so prospects are good!  All in all 2019 is looking to be a great year for our group with new projects and a great time to experience working for Subud!  Please take the time to consider if you would like to experience this life altering process in whatever capacity that feels right!  Our meeting for choosing the new committee will be Sunday, January 27th after the general latihan.  Please come and help in making this a successful event and find out who will be guided to fill these positions!


Subud Greater Seattle annual meeting with testing and election of new officers will be after Latihan in Seattle Sunday, January 27.

Subud Greater Seattle Officers
Please consider testing for chair, and vice-chair; and also for appropriateness of serving as secretary, treasurer, or committee member at large.  All positions are needed.  Bapak has stated that when you get the job, you get the energy to do the job-and that it has personal benefit.  Please consider if now is the time to step up.  Subud Seattle needs you!


Spring Street Center Centerprise Report for 2018:

From:   Debbie, Ricardo, Dawn, Marston and Paul


The management team that keeps our “centerprise” working each day is happy to report that at year end we are in excellent shape and 2019 could well be a record year due to a major new client (University of Colorado) that will be booking daytime use for classes on a long term basis starting in September, which could bring in new significant revenue to the center into 2020.

Paul Nelson handles all the Airbnb rentals which had over 200 guests from all continents in 2018 and generated $76,500 in revenue.   This is a challenging job since with four guest rooms, there are constant emails from clients at all times and day and night. It is interesting to note that several Airbnb guests have become applicants.  

Paul also attended city hearings and helped with getting sections added to the code to cover non-profit use of Airbnb.   Starting Jan. 1, a new set of statutes come into effect regarding short term rentals. Also, a new tax will be added to each night’s rental.  This is charged by Airbnb and paid to the City of Seattle by Airbnb and is $10/night. We do not know if this will have any effect on our volume of rentals in 2019 since rates will increase.   Our Airbnb is still receiving high ratings from guests with 4.8 out of 5.0 average and we continue to have the coveted status of “Super Hosts”. This is due to a spotless, well located site with excellent customer service.  2018 had a busy summer with close to 98% occupancy on our four rooms.

Also, Sherwin O’Bar, our Treasurer, has now placed our Airbnb space on the tax rolls so we will now be in full compliance with taxes due on Airbnb rental space.   We also are now filing a Federal Tax return on this unrelated business income. This is all important to be sure we are in full compliance with all tax laws.

Event Rentals:

Debbie Machado-Santos is now our rental agent.  2018 was a slow year for event rental revenue but 2019 looks so far to be a much better year with several major clients signing contracts.  

Facilities Repairs and Maintenance:

Since our major revenue source is Airbnb, we give first priority to insuring that the four upstairs bedrooms are kept super clean.  In 2018, Owl Painting Co. repaired water damage in the dining room area ceiling and repainted plus painted and repaired the main bathroom.  In December the faucet in the main bathroom had to be fully replaced and now has a fully coded fixture. After getting quotes in 2018, 2019 will be our year to repaint the outside of the building which hasn’t been painted for over 12 years and a bid from Owl Painting has been approved.  The painting should be in May, weather permitting. A loan from the region plus some fund raising and reserves will pay for this $13,000 repair. We hope to do some upgrades on the downstairs kitchen in 2020. In February, we added new black out blinds to the Women’s latihan room (Chapel) which will reduce glare and enhance booking of classes in that space plus save energy.  Ricardo Santos, Debbie’s spouse, has also done lots of little fixes around the building and is an invaluable member of our team.

Twice a month, we have Rosy’s Cleaning Service comes in to clean the building which really helps keep the center very clean.   Also, we had a professional gardening service do a full leaf pickup and weeding plus clear our gutters. A new Subud member Aleta Blakeley  has also assisted with gardening work this winter and will continue into the Spring as needed.   Kudos too to Leandra and Honora for staining the disabled ramp.



On behalf of all who work in our “Centerprise”, we are grateful to working for Subud and in harmony together.  The Centerprise is a key element in helping secure the building as primarily a space for Subud and the Latihan plus sharing it with the community and Airbnb guests from all over the globe.   We are all looking forward to serving the center in 2019. We especially wish to thank Jim (acting Chair) and Sherwin (Treasurer) who do an amazing job in supporting all this as volunteers on the committee.  We also look forward to working with the new committee who will be in place by February.  

Important Announcements

Announcement #1

Subud Greater Seattle general meeting after Eastside Latihan Friday, January 11th.
This will be the last meeting before our annual meeting in Seattle on January 27th, when we will have testing and election of new officers.
We should have year-end reports from our esteemed treasurer, Air BnB manager, facilities manager, and event manager.
Hope you are able to come for Latihan and the meeting!

Announcement #2

Subud Greater Seattle Officers
Please consider testing for chair, and vice-chair; and also for appropriateness of serving as secretary, treasurer, or committee member at large.  All positions are needed.  Bapak has stated that when you get the job, you get the energy to do the job-and that it has personal benefit.  Please consider if now is the time to step up.  Subud Seattle needs you!

A regular practice of coming to group latihan is encouraged in order to reap the benefits of serving in any of these positions.

Announcement #3

Subud Greater Seattle annual meeting with testing and election of new officers will be after Latihan in Seattle Sunday, January 27.

Please come for Latihan and help select the people who will keep our spiritual group on course for the next two years.

Help Support the Work of Subud!


Bapak 1975

Note from Rachman:  I found it easy to donate to Susila Dharma and Subud USA by going to the Subud USA site and filling out the form there.  It has a check box for donating to Susila Dharma and other Subud wings as well as to Subud USA with currently matching funds up to $15,000 till the end of the year!.  If you can afford it let’s help meet that goal!

A Message From Subud USA

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thanks to the generosity of Subud USA members like you, in 2018, we were able to support many programs that will advance the Subud legacy:

– We allocated $28,000 to fund expenses of our National Helpers as they travel from coast to coast, visiting Centers and Regions in support of our Subud USA members.

– This spring, in preparation for the Freiburg World Congress, our members again answered the call, contributing $13,000 to the Melinda Wallis Fund to ensure that we could offer travel assistance to those in need.

– Over the last 12 months, $8,500 was donated to facilitate the cataloging, preservation and maintenance of our irreplaceable Subud archives, which are managed in the U.S. under the professional guidance of archivist Daniela Moneta.

– In the global arena, Subud USA earmarks over $36,000 in donations each year to support the operations of both the World Subud Organization and Zone 7.

There are other exciting developments across our Subud community as well. We are observing a surge in engagement of our younger Subud members, who are now moving into positions of responsibility as regional/national/zonal officers, helpers and representatives. This fall, many members who attend regional gatherings will be accompanied by their children, among whom are the next generation of Subud members and leaders.

The first steps, including approval from the regulator of the name and field of membership for the proposed Subud USA Federal Credit Union, have been completed. Although many steps are yet to be climbed before the credit union is established, we are excited about bringing to life what we believe is part of Bapak’s vision for Subud members in this world: a financial institution managed by Subud professionals that will support both our personal and organizational financial health.

We ask you today to donate to Subud USA (or continue your current gift) so that we can further our commitment to building a strong Subud family, both in the USA and around the world.

Please take a moment to complete our online donation form, which can be used either for one-time or ongoing financial gifts, or to indicate volunteer preferences. Help us bring Subud to all who wish to share in the gift of the latihan.

Sincerely, Lucas Boladian, Chair and Rafiq Dossani, Treasurer

A Message from Susila Dharma

Susila Dharma USA wishes you a very happy holiday season and a blessed new year!

Late autumn through the end of December is the season when we do our most intense fundraising. We hope that you pause for a moment to consider the wonderful work that Subud members have done around the world because of the inspiration of the latihan, and

join the Susila Dharma Network in supporting them. Please give generously; and, if you feel you can,  continue to give throughout the year by making yours a monthly donation. All you have to do is check off the box in the donation form on our website.  Donate now! With your help we continue to raise funds to support more than 20 projects here at home and throughout the world.