Category Archives: General Announcements
If you feel to do so, bring some food to share.
New Member experience!
This is an interview with Greg Doland who was opened at the Subud World congress in Germany. Greg is the husband of Eva Maria who was a member in the Seattle group for about three years before marrying Greg and moving to Hawaii. I thought Greg’s Subud story was of interest and he agreed to share it in an interview at our house last Monday. Greg’s opening was somewhat unusual for a first time experience! Click the link below to watch the video.
Subud World Congress photos
Rachman’s photos from the Subud World congress in Freiburg, Germany from July 26 through August 8th, 2018. There are a lot of photos so take your time in viewing them! There are two links, one for July 26 through August 5 and the other one for August 5 through August 8. Please add comments or identify people you know!
Links are here:
2018 World Congress Freiburg
The 2018 Subud World Congress is in progress in Freiburg, Germany, and your regular SGS webmaster, Rachman Cantrell is on the job, taking photographs as he has done at previous World Congresses going back to the 1960s.

Aida and Rachman Cantrell
More information on the Congress is here:

Photo By Erwin Hudoyono

Renata Reid & Rachman Cantrell
And some photos from Daphne C Alexopoulou:

Photo by Daphne C Alexopoulou
No Latihan on Eastside for the next 3 weeks
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Those of us that usually open your eastside latihan facilities will all be at the World Subud Congress during the latihan dates of July 27th, August 3rd and 10th. We know of no other person willing to take the key and open/close the facilities for those 3 dates.
As a result there will be no facilities available for latihan on the eastside until August 17th.
Latihans will continue in Seattle on their normal schedule.
Thanks, Oswald Norton
Subud Eastside Helper
Important Message re Ibu Rahayu
We have just learned that Ibu Rahayu will attend the upcoming World Congress in Freiburg. This will be a wonderful opportunity to be with Ibu Rahayu in person.
Please spread the word to others.
For information and updates regarding World Congress, please visit:
Just a few days to the start of the 2018 Subud World Congress!
The 2018 Subud World Congress in Freiburg, Germany, begins July 28 and runs until August 8. If you plan to attend Congress but have not registered and paid, please hurry up and do so, and make your travel plans. It’s not too late!
Would you like to know about Husein Rofé, one of the first pioneers of Subud?
When my wife and I lived in San Francisco, Husein Rofé would come to visit the group and we’d go out and have dinner together. He was such a gentle and interesting man and we made a connection. Because of that, every time he was coming into town we’d get together and he’d share stories of his life.
Sharif and Astuti Horthy have just published his autobiography, “Veil of Light”, through their Purple Pagoda Press. They describe the book this way.
“In 1951 he arrives in Central Java, in newly independent Indonesia. Here he discovers an unknown spiritual practice called Subud, a transformative experience that is passed from person to person without any teaching involved. He becomes convinced of its universal significance and feels called to make it better known. Through a series of adventures and uncanny coincidences, he succeeds in bringing it to the attention of seekers in the West.”
To learn more about Husein and the story of the early days of Subud, please visit their site where you can purchase a copy.
Also available there is the memoir of Sharif’s mother, Countess Ilona Edelsheim Gyulai, titled “Honour and Duty”.
Bapak’s Birthday party!
Friday night after the Eastside latihan Oswald, Marston and Hadidjah brought goodies to share! We sat in a circle and shared our various memories and experiences of Bapak. It was a very nice evening and it was good to be reminded of what Bapak has brought us and how important is the gift of the latihan! Danella mentioned she had shared some of her experiences in ‘Subud Reminders’, a web site with many Subud members shared experiences.
See it here:
Photo of Bapak by Sim’on Cherpitel
World Congress registration countdown!
The countdown to our 15th Subud World Congress is on!
Over 2000 Subud sisters and brothers from 69 countries around the world have registered for the World Congress. As of now, we are only 200 paying registrations away from our break even! This HAS helped us to keep the registration fee at €390 until the end of June. (the registration fee was supposed to go up to €450 ON the 15th of June already).
We are well aware that we in Subud love to decide at the last moment; never-the-less it would support the congress organizing team a lot if you register as soon as possible.
To register please go to
For on-going news updates, please visit:
If you should have difficulties finding affordable accommodation, we still have
some beds left at the Old Town Hall! You just have to pay €180 for 13 days and €50 more for breakfast. Contact: viktor.boehm.wcot2018@subud.
Please click here to get a sense of the numbers involved in this World Congress!
Subud Jazz at Conway Muse
Join us!
Luther Schutz and Elisha Gullixson would love your company on Saturday, June 23rd at 7pm, as would bassist Drew Baddeley and tenor saxophonist Jon Anderson for a repeat of the fabulous April 13th concert at the Conway Muse in Conway. WA.

Luther and Elisha
The Conway Muse is north on I-5 about 1 1/4 hours from Bellevue.
The venue opens at 6pm and food can be ordered during the performance. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.
From the Conway Muse website:
Join Luther Schutz, Elisha Gullixson, Drew Baddeley and John Anderson for an intimate evening of vocal jazz standards.
Luther, a retired ER physician and long time Skagit County resident, has been singing non stop since the age of six. Over the years he has explored many different vocal genres(He is a founding member of “Midlife Crisis”). For the last several years he has been entranced by the “Great American Songbook”,and has put out a well received CD of jazz standards.
Elisha has been playing piano since 1947. He has a committed respect for the discipline and joys of jazz and is a gifted soloist and accompanist.