Category Archives: General Announcements

International Helpers Visit Agenda – Your Choice

The International Helpers are willing to go with the agenda that works for you. What are you curious about?  What would you like to test or ask them about. Does what’s happening internationally concern or interest you?

Their comments on past visits.
– We don’t plan the content but just let any testing or topics arise.
– If you or your members have anything specific you would like to share, please do.
– We can also share our visits and communications from Ibu,
– Also the work on the new helpers guide and world congress information.

Youth Assistance for the World Congress!

For all youth wishing to have assistance in attending the 2018 World
Congress here is the link to the application forms.  It pays for travel
costs only.


I just went online tonight and registered for the World Congress and it was a breeze to do.

Before you start have: 1. Passport out. 2. Credit Card Available. (350 Euros = $415 US approx.)

They allow partial payments which is great.

Here is link:

Due to high volume at the site and it doesn’t come up please try again later.

Hope to see many of you in Freiburg.


p.s. Cheapest fares are I find are on Air France (with Delta) to Basel, Icelandic to Frankfurt, and Norwegian Airlines via Gatwick (add short hop from Gatwick to Basel).

Christmas Eve Services at our Eastside Latihan Facilities

For those of you looking for a Christmas Eve Service, may I recommend First Congregational United Church of Christ where we have our Friday latihans?

They have both a children’s 4:30 pm and adult 10 pm service on offer.  The music is always fabulous and the the message uplifting.  The sanctuary fills up fast, so I recommend arriving no later than 9:45 for the 2nd service.


Updated International Helpers Visit Pacific Northwest

Pictured above left to right are Mahmud Nestman, Myriam Ramsey, Suzanne Renna and Sjarifruddin Harris

Friday, Jan. 12 – Subud Greater Seattle – Eastside facility

  • Group Dinner at 6 pm with Subud Members at Pogacha Restaurant in Bellevue (See Halstein Stralberg for details)
  • Attend 8 pm latihan Friday evening

Saturday, Jan. 13 – Bellingham/Skagit Valley

  • Will drive up from Bellevue, WA Saturday morning
  • 11 am Latihan
  • Group activities as decided by the group

Sunday, Jan. 14 – Subud Greater Seattle Subud House 

  • Attending morning 11 am. latihan
  • Potluck Lunch – Please bring a dish to
  • Group Activities with the IH team

Monday, Jan 15 – Portland Subud House

  • Attending Evening 8 pm. latihan
  • Group activities decided by the group

Tuesday, Jan 16 – Portland Subud House

  • Attending 1 pm. latihan
  • Group activities decided by the group


Can Practice Make Perfect: The Power Of Listening and Speaking

It was my privilege to be a part of a regional helper team, assisting the Subud Greater Seattle committee and helpers in organizing a Kedjiwaan Day last Saturday.

This request started with your chair, Honora, asking for help from the regional helpers during our Spring Subud PNW Regional Board meeting in Bellingham/Skagit Valley group’s facility.  It took a while to organize, but the outcome seemed to satisfy everyone.

Each member attending spoke clearly about what they have been experiencing and what they needed.  These same members set the agenda and determined what was to be tested and how much latihan was desired.  These same members brought food for the potluck that was sufficient for our needs and satisfied everyone. All the regional helpers did was to help the group determine the date available and the facilitation desired agenda.

During and after members asked, “Why don’t we do this on a regular basis?”

All that’s required is for the group to setup a regular schedule.  Example: the Bellingham/Skagit Valley group has a general meeting one month and a Kedjiwaan day the next.

What do the members of SGS want for themselves?

Making time to listen deeply to each other might have a transformative impact on lives of the members of Subud Greater Seattle and in turn on the center itself.

If your regional helpers can help you further in understanding how to go about the planning of a regular series of future kedjiwaan events, please let us know.

Kedjiwaan Day Huge Success

The first Seattle Kedjiwaan Day in many months happened Saturday, December 9, 2017, at the Subud House in Seattle. With meticulous planning by the Subud PNW Regional Helpers, Elisha Gullixson, Elizabeth Flanders, Benjamin Boyce, Isadora Roth and Oswald Norton, the day started with a strong Latihan and then had an opening circle.

Elisha Gullixson, Subud PNW Regional Helper sets the ground rules

The opening circle tradition comes out of Menucha and many members, still buzzing from their Menucha experience from a month ago are running with the momentum that long-time annual Subud event provides. That members can talk about the issues in their own lives, as well as their hopes for the day, has a cathartic effect for individuals and deepens compassion and understanding in general. Members who felt they were not appreciated, or just needed a hug, or were at a crossroads in their personal lives had a chance to articulate and find relief, support, or at least a path forward by day’s end.

For the opening circle, it was suggested members talk about what is happening in their lives and what they hoped for Subud Greater Seattle, with a three minute time limit.

Hanafi Libman and Aaron Mann, the bird feeders

One of the more humorous moments was when two members, local helper Hanafi Libman and Subud PNW Chair Aaron Mann, (attending from Spokane) discussed how one of the pleasures in their own lives was watching the wildlife attracted to their respective bird feeders. Aaron mentioned that neighborhood turkeys have found his stash and must negotiate the squirrels, who quite nimbly get their share of sunflower seeds.

A potluck lunch followed, with modified picadillo and sugar-free upside cake being two of the highlights. The attendees decided after lunch to have another latihan and then attend to personal testing, awareness testing and other activities. Awareness testing was described by one attendee as “waking up your body to the latihan” as members were allowed the opportunity to experience how the latihan felt in different parts of the body.

Many members left smiling and Subud Greater Seattle Chair Honora suggested we should plan on doing this again in a couple of months. What a great way to deepen harmony in our community!




Melinda Wallis Recovering

From Malama MacNeil:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Melinda Wallis

I sorrowful call came to me today from Henrietta Haines with news that our sister, Melinda Wallis, of the greater Seattle area, is unresponsive and not expected to survive.  Let us pray and let us latihan on behalf of her graceful exit from this mortal life and her soul’s return to the Source of Life, the All Embracing One Great Loving Mystery.

Further, let us pray that grace and comfort wrap around her sons, Emmanuel and Hampton Pleshe, and all of her family in this time of grievous bereavement.
May all of us who knew her, loved her,  and were loved by her, who worked, argued, laughed, cried, conspired, planned, organized, and worshiped with her, and those of us who were rubber-chicken-carrying members in her “Silly Subud” family be filled with gratitude for her presence in our lives and her impact, as the long time Office Manager (and voice) of the SubudUSA organization.
Others will, I’m sure, fill in the details of her long membership in Subud, and have many stories to tell.  I imagine she’ll be listening in.
Go with God, Melinda, as you often said to me at the end of a conversation, “You go, Girl!”
In gratitude for prayers shared,

UPDATE Saturday morning Dec 9. Regional Helper Elizabeth Flanders visited Melinda and reports she is conscious and would love Latihans done for her well being.

Further update from Marston:  The article jumped the gun on Melinda’s condition she improved a lot yesterday and is eating again and
talking a bit.  Hadidjah and Elizabeth Flanders went to see her yesterday and did latihan with her.   Her
improvement was amazing and unexpected.




Let’s have a party! 



Come enjoy the holiday fun!

All come, bring instruments and your voices!