Category Archives: General Announcements

If you are going to the Great Create… you have space in your vehicle for another delightful passenger and her gear? Your editor will be leading a fantastic class—if she can get there.

What’s the class? What else? Bug Draw. Yup. We find ‘em, we bag ‘em, we study ‘em, we draw ‘em. Then we take them back where they came from—alive.

I’m an easy jaunt from a freeway, located on NE 75th and 21st in Seattle, a bit south of Lake City Way and North from the U-District. (206-778-3227)


Profile of Rachman Cantrell’s Dad

Great article that longtime member Rachman Cantrell posted on Facebook about his Dad. From the article:

…“I’m his son,” answered the kind voice of Rachman Cantrell, 74, from his collectibles shop, Bothell Jewelers & Collectibles, all the way across the country in Bothell, WA.

I must’ve sounded oddly euphoric over the phone, but I’d just spent numerous hours over the course of a few days researching his rather eccentric and entrepreneurial father, Clifford, the author and publisher of the brief autobiographical spiritual tract Holy Stone Mountain (c. 1975), but had turned up next to nothing until that moment. I’d gleaned from online mentions here and there that for many decades he’d been the proprietor of several iterations of a long bygone used and collectibles store in Metro Atlanta—from Jonesboro to the West End to Decatur—variously called C.E. Cantrell’s Quick Picture Studio (he was quite the amateur photographer), Cantrell’s Oddity Shop, Cantrell’s Books & Oddities, Cantrell’s Swap Sell & Buy Service Storehouse of Used Bargains, Cantrell’s Book Swapping Center, and the last known storefront, Cantrell’s Books & Things in Decatur. He was probably regarded by many not only as a self-made man but as a bit of a curiosity himself for his singular zeal about Stone Mountain that verged on messianic. He believed God was inside the mountain and described it sincerely in his 62-page book…

Holy Stone Mountain | Remembering C.E. Cantrell

Flash news for friends of Lucida Garneau and/or Michael Chapman

lucida Garneau and Michael Chapman, July 22, 2017 wedding picture

Lucida Garneau and Michael Chapman were married on July 22, 2017 in New Zealand.

Just this morning, your editor received this announcement in an email from Lucida. They arrived in Vancouver BC a few days ago and are currently on Vancouver Island, resting up from their New Zealand adventure before visiting Seattle. They plan to attend our August 6 Latihan in Seattle.

Great Create Information Posters now available for your bulletin board

Hi All,
We invite each and every one of you to be a part of and to promoted The Great Create. So, we’ve created two posters:
The announcement
The Rate Sheet

Please post them in your Subud houses and on your bulletin boards, refrigerators, or, where ever you store reminders for those things important to you.

Looking forward to seeing your Creativity Show Up August 24-27 at the Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center in beautiful Port Orchard, WA.

Oswald Norton, Subud PNW Regional Helper

What a day!

Welcome, Olivia Clare Barclay opened May 21, 2017

What a day! A lot happened on Sunday May 21. First we saw two new dogwood trees planted outside, had an exciting Dewan meeting at 9:30 (see Dewan Meeting Minutes here…), added a new woman member to our group, and enjoyed a delicious potluck.





The Dogwood Gang: Paul, Phillip, Marston and Halstein

The two dogwood trees replace the dying acacia tree that had been invaded by a fungus. Lucinda O’Halloran recommended this variety of dogwood because of its resistance to diseases.

It’s great when cooks include a list of ingredients.

We love to eat. And what a feast this was, featuring two hearty stews,  a rich variety of salads and delicacies like latkes and sour cream, homemade hummus, cornbread, roasted root veggies and gluten-free brownies.