Category Archives: General Announcements

Subud Greater Seattle has a New Chair!

Subud Greater Seattle has a New Chair!

From Jim, outgoing chairman.
Please Welcome Annie Padilla, who tested positively and was then unanimously voted in as our new chair!
Thank you, Annie, for your willingness to test and to accept this position.
Annie will be seeking a treasurer and secretary.  The group still needs a vice-chair.  Will you be our new vice-chair?
Annie graciously allowed me to write an exit e-blast before she brings her vision of what you will receive in the weekly emails.
First and foremost, thank you all for joining me in the latihan.  That’s why we’re here.
Next, thank you committee members.  Everyone has brought their best, brought their strengths and perspectives, and their good intentions.  Thanks to the committee, the group has a pleasing place to practice the latihan, we are able to support the region, Subud USA, the World Subud Association, and wings through regular contributions; and that we have a space for regular kedjiwaan days and social events.
Needless to say, this would not occur without the regular financial and sweat equity contributions of all of us, the members-and our very consistent low-maintenance enterprise managed by iTrip.
Finally, one of our helpers commented at the end of the meeting that with every single test there was a sharp reminder that the committee needs and deserves the support and active help of all the members in the group.  So true!
Thank you all for your support over the past nearly seven years; and thanks to Ramon, Daniel, Alexa, Oswald, Bhakti, Sherwin, Honora, Leandra, Hadiyah, and Lorraine who have been committee members since my transition from helper to committee January 29, 2017; to Paul Nelson who served as short-term rental manager, Marston, house manager; and a huge shout-out to Debbie and Ricardo who have kept the house pristine and in good repair for the entire time and longer!
Jim O’Halloran

Note from Elisha!

To all members and helpers (including regional and national) of Subud Greater Seattle:
This is just a little extra encouragement for us all to attend the membership meeting and new committee selection this Sunday Jan. 14, after latihan.  This is an important and vital time for our center, and all of our support is needed.  Yes, it is ourselves we are supporting. And let’s all consider our talents and abilities and how we might fit nicely in the new committee. Let’s make it happen!
-EG for men helpers

General meeting and election Sunday, January 14th.

General meeting and election of officers after latihan Sunday, January 14th.

We ask all Subud Seattle members to consider serving on the next committee in preparation for our selection process on Sunday, January 14th after latihan.  Please open yourselves to the possibility of serving our community

Positions to be tested are chair and vice chair.

The current committee will be available for mentoring and guidance should the new committee want that.

50th Anniversary Photos!

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the purchase of our lovely Subud house, and extra thanks for the bounty of delicious food!
Thanks also to David and Maryka for providing music, to Sebastian and Lorraine for perusing the treasure trove of documents which Salamah received from David Freeman.
It turns out that the timing of our event was truly serendipitous.  December 10th, the day of our gathering, was fifty years to the day from the first inspection of the property by the Subud committee in 1973!
The 50th anniversary mugs, designed by SICA board member Roberta Hoffman, are beautiful.  We still have quite a few.  If you would like one, please ask.  It would be helpful to include a donation to defray the mug costs (a little over $15).
Finally, please remember!  We’ll have an annual general meeting and election of officers on Sunday, January 14th.  The present committee has served steadfastly through COVID.  It’s time for a change-will you be a new committee member?
  We are discussing having the option of remote attendance for the meeting.

Link to all Rachman’s photos from our 50th anniversary and holiday party:

Come! Celebrate! Live Music! 50 years of Grace in our Seattle Subud House

Everyone is invited, members, non-members, children, and friends; and welcome to attend (please bring a favorite holiday food) to the potluck Holiday Party and celebration of the 50th year of Subud Seattle owning our property.  Please join the festivities on Sunday, December 10, around noon (after 11AM latihan).  There will be 50 printed mugs available to  commemorate this event. A donation to cover the costs (and contribute to the building costs) is requested.

Live music will be provided by David Lynch and Maryka Ford.

[From an article that Sebastian Tedrow did with Chuck (now Robert) Cary]
“The history of Subud in Seattle starts in 1959. We were opened by a group of Subud Members from Vancouver BC. Members of the Vancouver group were originally opened by the Von Bissings who I believe were on a world tour to promote Subud and sailed from San Francisco to Vancouver in a yacht.”

The article continued: “Ann and I were opened in what later became the first Subud House in Seattle… Sebastian: The address is 959 Broadway E. It is currently a Bed and Breakfast – ‘The Bacon Mansion.’” Cary continued, “Before it became a Subud House it was leased by an organization called the ‘Center of Integration’”. [To read the full article, click here]

After the group was no longer able to lease the house, it rented a storefront on Belmont and Olive in Seattle. It was in a crime-ridden area of the City with heroin sales happening in the area and in the adjacent tavern, according to an interview that Paul Nelson did with Sebastian and Robert in March of 2022. After doing some fasting for help with finding a suitable building, the group was led to our current location. [To hear the full interview, click here.]

After seeing the building Lawrence Crouse wrote a binding check for $500 for the purchase of the house, He and Roseanna Crouse provided the main part of the loan with Bob and Andrea Maynard among others contributing as well. Sebastian Tedrow agreed to be the chairman and to sign the documents for the loan.

Rachman Cantrell discovered an article that Robert (now Sebastian) Tedrow published in a SUSA article and wrote about it in this post from May 26th of 2021. It included a picture he took of the house in 1973. To read that article click here

One of the first renovations that the house received was in 1976 when Bapak came to visit and what is now the ladies latihan space was converted into his bedroom and the toilet on the first floor was added.

Other renovations have happened since then through the contributions of many current and former members including Evan Padilla, Marston Gregory and Insiah Caspers. It is their efforts that have modernized the house and made it possible for us to continue to worship Almighty God in our own facilities.

It is only through the efforts of those willing to serve our community that we have purchased and been able to maintain our facility. Please consider becoming one of those members that does the hard work of keeping it possible for us to worship in our own facilities by becoming a member of our committee in January of 2024.

General meeting and election Sunday, January 14th.

General meeting and election of officers after latihan Sunday, January 14th.

We ask all Subud Seattle members to consider serving on the next committee in preparation for our selection process on Sunday, January 14th after latihan.  Please open yourselves to the possibility of serving our community

Positions to be tested are chair and vice chair.

The current committee will be available for mentoring and guidance should the new committee want that.

Archive Help Needed

We’ll have many documents pertaining to our rich Subud Seattle Culture which came from David Freeman via Salamah O’Brien.

If you can help identify them and the people in the photos, with dates, etc., your help would be greatly appreciated.

Holiday Party and 50th anniversary of the purchase of the Seattle Subud house!

Holiday Party and 50th anniversary of the purchase of the Seattle Subud house!
We are having a party after Latihan December 10th to celebrate the holidays and the 50th Anniversary of our purchasing our Seattle Center.

All ages; members and non-members welcome!  It’s a potluck!

Your Help Is Needed 
In order for us to celebrate we need to collaborate on:
– Decorating and Setup
– Tear Down & Cleanup

We can potentially setup Saturday night!

To volunteer, email our chair Jim O’Halloran

Message from Rayma and News Items

Rayma’s Experience at the Kejiwaan Retreat

Gathering at Menucha Retreat Center this past weekend with 85 Subud members left me with a
feeling of gratitude that I carried home and remains with me as I write. There was enough of
everything. Enough together time, enough apart time, enough time for latihan and testing,
enough support from fellow travelers on this path.

As is the tradition, we sat in a large circle at the beginning of our time together there. Each of
us introduced ourselves and said a few words about why we had come and what we hoped for.

At the end, again in a circle, we each shared a bit of what we were taking away. This year, the
take-away for many was a feeling of deepened experiences in the latihans, and more connection with others present and within our greater Subud community. Love, really. I pray that feeling travels with each of us into our daily lives in the aftermath of our time together.

It was great to connect again with lots of long-time Subud members, and with some of their adult children, and also to meet Jennifer, who had come after being opened just 4 days earlier
in Palo Alto. Not only that, but seven members from Subud Canada made the trip, too!

My take-away was a sense of reawakening and reconnection. A sense of possibilities. Thank you to everyone who put in a lot of hard work to help make this past weekend a reality.
-Rayma Norton

Holiday party and 50th anniversary of the purchase of the Seattle Subud house, Sunday, December 10th!  Planning is in progress, volunteers needed!
Annual general meeting January 14th, 2024, with election of officers.  Will YOU be one?
Likely event February 11th, 2024.  A Super Bowl alternative!
Want to go to a latihan?  Here are some options!
Sundays in Seattle 11:00AM
Tuesdays in Seattle 10:00AM
Frequent Thursdays on the Eastside in each other’s homes, Men and Women, 7:30 PM, dessert and conversation after,
contact Rayma, Rachman, or Oswald for current times and directions.
Thursdays in Kent: 6:00PM, currently just men, but there is room for Women also.  Contact Daniel.
Some Thursdays in Seattle, Men only (currently), 6:00 PM. Check with Nathaniel.
Some Fridays on the Eastside, 5:15 PM, currently Women only, but there is room for men also.  Contact Annie.

Rasjad Hopkins Has Passed!

Rasjad with Bapak and Sharif in Marin County, California.

Rasjad Hopkins on the way to a Subud meeting, circa 1968.

Rasjad Hopkins, a long time Subud member and one of the founding members of Subud Seattle has passed over to the next world.  Below is a link to a Zoom interview I did with him in July of 2022.  It gives some history of the beginning of our group, his very interesting life happenings and some of his Subud experiences.  It is quite powerful and well worth watching till the end!  The video is 34 minutes long.

Click the link below to see the YouTube video.