Category Archives: General Announcements

Ramadan 2016

Ramadan 2016Ramadan this year happens from June 5 to July 4. While Subud members are not required to observe Ramadan, there can be many benefits for those who do and many Subud members do observe it as a way of reevaluating their lives and connection to the divine.

There was a great post on the Subud California site last year with many tips, including those for the “inner fast” which is a good idea for anyone, not just people observing the month-long ritual. They are:

Fasting includes the following restraints or abstentions:

  • Do not use your ears to listen to gossip, quarrels or bad words;
  • Do not use your mouth to say anything wrong or unkind;
  • Do not use your emotions to reach the emotions (passions) of others;
  • Do not use your eyes in a way that is not good or nice;
  • Do not use the heart or mind to imagine or think about unhappy things, fantasies or unrealities;
  • Do not eat or drink or smoke between dawn and sunset each day.

Ideally, couples refrain from having sexual relations during the whole month, or, if they cannot do that, at least during the hours of the fast.

Also, last year Subud Portland broke the fast every Friday night with a potluck at the Portland Subud House. Anyone interested in doing that in Seattle?

Salamatan for Our Ancestors

From Local Helper Jim O’Halloran:

Bellevue First Congregational 11061 NE 2nd St

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we are now nearing the end of the month of Ancestors, the helpers of Subud Greater Seattle would like to invite you to a salamatan for our ancestors following Latihan on the Eastside in Bellevue this coming Friday, May 27th.
Please consider bringing a dish or treat that your ancestors would have made and enjoyed.
The month of the ancestors, began Sunday, May 8th.  According to Bapak, this is the month that God allows our ancestors who are spiritually developed to visit us in this world.
This is the month before Ramadan, which begins in North America on June 4th, which is the new moon and the first night of Ramadan.
Here is a link you may find illuminating:
The first day of fasting  this Ramadan in North America is Sunday, June 5th. May Almighty God bless all of us who are fasting . Amin!
Jim O’Halloran
Bellevue First Congregational 11061 NE 2nd St

Bellevue First Congregational 11061 NE 2nd St

Month of Ancestors

From Isman:


Brothers and Sisters,
We are now approaching the month of the ancestors, which begins Sunday, May 8th. According to Bapak, this is the month that God allows our ancestors who are spiritually developed to visit us in this world. This is the month before Ramadan, which begins in North America on June 4th, which is the new moon and the first night of Ramadan. The first day of fasting is Sunday, June 5th. May Almighty God bless all of us who are fasting . Amin!

For those observing the fast of Ramadan
Explanations of the Ramadan Calendar
Compiled from explanations given by Bapak, by Mas Sudarto and by Mas Prio
Eve of Ramadan: The way to observe Ramadan is to take a full bath, including hair washing, and also cutting the hair and the nails, the evening before the fast. Then, after you are clean, to state your wish to observe Ramadan as a sincere expression of your worship of Almighty God. Then stay up at night, preferably spending the night together with other Subud brothers and sisters, in the home of a member who is also observing Ramadan.
Around three o’clock in the morning, you should take breakfast and you should brush your teeth no later than 4:30 in the morning, and after this, no more smoking, not even gargling till 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM – along about sunset. (The local mosque can clarify as to the hour for breaking the fast.)
To break the fast, start slowly by drinking warm tea and a light snack; you can eat your dinner about half an hour or an hour later. Bapak also recommends no sexual union during the whole month of Ramadan. It is also beneficial to sleep as little as possible during Ramadan, not only on Nights of Power.

July 22 to 24, Subud Canada Gathering

Subud Canada Crescent Beach

Click Image for Registration PDF

From Dave Hitchcock:

Hi there.

Once again this year, from July 22 to 24, the Western Region of Subud Canada will be organizing a Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, in Surrey BC, very close to the US border.

In the past we have welcomed brothers and sisters from south of the border and we extend a very warm welcome again this year and hope that even more will be able to come!

Therefore, I am sending this note to a number of you, who I know are able to help “spread the word” and might even consider coming yourself!

Thank you in advance for helping us to promote this event.

Subud Canada Western Region Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, Surrey, BC – July 22 to 24, 2016

Only 3 months from now (at the end of July) you will either be:

  • reflecting on what a wonderful weekend you have just enjoyed at the Western Region Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, BC, OR
  • regretting that you didn’t attend this Gathering!

Which is it going to be? Hopefully, the former!

So, you need to, please:

  1. read the attached information,
  2. check out the following link to the website
  3. register, as soon as possible, to ensure that you:
  • take advantage of the Early Bird rates,
  • get the accommodation you want (“first come – first served”), and
  • aren’t one of those people regretting that you didn’t attend the gathering!

The website should contain all of the information you require about the gathering, but if you have any questions, please contact:

Maemunah Coleman Doran regarding registration (


Dave Hitchcock about any other aspects of the gathering (

I look forward to seeing you at Crescent Beach.

All the best,

Dave Hitchcock

Western Regional Chair Subud Canada

Bathroom & Landscaping Update

From Marston Gregory:


Evan Padilla and Bhakti Watts help clean up the landscape around the Subud House April 23, 2016

The bathroom floor is installed and looks good.  Next, hoping this week David comes in to
finish the walls where the cabinet was taken out.  The color works well, I think with the pink tile on the walls.   We are close to completion on it and its looking super good.

Also, we had 5 people working on the garden mostly weeding and got a lot done.  We didn’t have a truck so we still need to do a dump run with stuff in the back.

Marston 4.23.16 SGS

Marston hard at work.

What was predicted as a 90% rainy day was gorgeous which really helped.
BIG!  Thank you to Paul, Bhakti, Evan, and Oswald for helping.

Also, Evan brought over 10 more chairs which Oswald cleaned up with spot cleaner & they are stored in the alcove of the chapel. This brings us up to 60 chairs which is about our capacity for a wedding in that room.  We took the dark grey chairs to the basement.

We might want to schedule another one of these to get more done at a time when
more can come and maybe after Sunday latihan.  Have latihan, lunch and then work?


Bhakti Watts goes dandelion hunting.

Help Subud L.A. Install a Sign

FROM: Hanafi Fraval
TO: Paul Nelson
Hi Paul,

Below is a little description that I have used before. Hopefully it’ll help with your post. I thought after we finish talking, that it would be great if there was some kind of collective response to our appeal. It is true that the odd member may feel prompted to send some money in support of our fundraising efforts, but may be at the gathering you have coming up you could make an appeal for “one group supporting another”. That was the approach that Portland took and in the end they were able to send us $350. Magnificent. Anyway, I leave it to you…

Warm wishes,


Subud CA SIgn

Wilshire Boulevard is one of the main roads running all the way from Santa Monica into the center of Los Angeles and beyond. The Subud Center is on what is known as the historic “miracle mile” section of this famous road. As you go into town on the left is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and to the right is our building, designed by a well-known architect in the early part of the 20th century. But our building says nothing of who we are.

How many stories have we heard of people who have simply seen the word “Subud” and felt compelled to investigate more, finally finding the Latihan. We felt it was important for our community to know where our home is and who we are.

The LA Subud Group has worked long and hard, to raise the finance and to produce a professional design for the two signs for our building on Wilshire Boulevard. The first is a lit blade sign that mounts to the side of the building. The second is a 25 foot wide parapet sign, lit from behind. Both are shown in the attachment, although they are now to be constructed in BLUE and GOLD in place of the brown color in the first document.

So finally the project to put signage on to the building is near completion. We have raised $16,500 of the $18,000 needed for the project. We have gone through multiple bids, so we’re nearly there. But we need some help for the last few steps. We are just $1500 short of our target.

Thank you for your support, without which we would be unable to achieve this long-sought project. You can send your check to

Subud LA
5828 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90036-4501
And write “signage” in the Memo line

For the Subud LA Committee,
Hanafi Fraval
Newbury Park, CA

Subud California Sign

Subud Blade Sign

Subud LA signage

Earth Day (After) Landscaping

See you at the Subud House

See you at the Subud House

Please join us for a landscaping party the day AFTER Earth Day, Saturday, April 23, 2016, as members will pull weeds, cut grass, remove stuff that’s been laying around awhile behind the house and generally groom the landscape around the Subud House. We’ll get dirty after latihan (quiet time 10:15am for 10:30am) and have lunch after a couple of hours of landscaping. Bring a dish to share and work clothes and show some pride in the Subud House.

WHAT: Landscape Party.
WHERE: Subud House, 1101 15th, Seattle, corner of 15th & Spring.
WHEN: Saturday April 23, 10:15am for 10:30am Latihan, then gardening.
WHY: Weeds and general cleanup.
WHO: You, the Subud Faithful.

Creating Our Future

Subud Greater Seattle
Creating Our Future

Step Two: Exploring our options
Sunday April 17th after latihan.

Please bring something to share for the potluck before the meeting.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On Friday, January 22, at our Eastside Facilities, 13 of us met to discuss the Future of Subud Greater Seattle.

At our last session we explored:
– I want our Subud House to be around for the next (choose one)
– For a moment think of your local Subud Community
– What is your hope for your community?
– What support and tools are needed to realize these hopes?

It was a great event that got everyone thinking about our future as a Subud Community.

This meeting is about exploring our options.  Please join us!  Bring your excitement and thoughts about the future we can create together.

Love, Oswald Norton, Event Facilitator

Leandra's notes

Leandra’s notes

Save The Dates

Dewan Meeting MSubud Greater Seattle Logoinutes from April 3, 2016 are HERE. Excerpt:

Spring Street Center:

Bathroom window upstairs is in and the bathroom should be finished next week. The little closet should be removed as to create wider access to the bathroom. Marston is to get an estimate for the job and suggests we do that project as we repair the floor. Marston got two estimates for that, approximately $500 and $700.

Marston also got a bid for doing the insulation, $5,000, which should lower heating and cooling costs 30 to 40%. We appear to be eligible to get an MSF grant for this work.

He also reported that we should have the chapel door project (the crash bar) replaced in the next few weeks. $1,500 is the expected expense.

Garden work day planned for April 23rd after Latihan with a potluck, 10:15am quiet time, 11:30 landscaping… READ MORE.


Saturday April 8, 2016, helper training featuring Regional and National Subud Helpers. All past and active helpers welcome. 10:15 quiet time for 10:30am Latihan.

Earth Day Landscaping party, Saturday, April 23, 2016, the day AFTER Earth Day. 10:15am quiet time for 10:30am Latihan. Potluck.

May Dewan Meeting Sunday, the 15th, 2016, 9:30am!