Category Archives: General Announcements

Report on Bellows/Nelson Book Party

Champion Your Career CoverSunday, April 3, Subud members and guests from the general public were treated in the Subud House chapel to a Book Release party with Subud members Halimah Bellows and Paul Nelson. Halimah read from her new book: Champion Your Career – Winning in the World of Work, which she describes as “a blueprint for those seeking career guidance at any age.” Nelson read short poems from the book American Sentences which were “translated into the universal language of music” by Subud Greater Seattle Local Helper Jim O’Halloran on flute.

After enjoying snacks with the gathered, Nelson and O’Halloran performed poems written in April from Nelson’s daily practice between 2001 and 2014. O’Halloran deftly displayed wit in translating the sentences into music. Some sentence examples:

DraftCoverAmericanSentences14.05.07 – They want a stool sample, what a load of crap! No Pop, it’s just a smidge.

4.18.07 – Each from our respective cars watching her tennis game, the ex- & I.

4.1.08 – Do my new sunglasses make me look like a fly? she says: Superfly!

And Halimah Bellows talked about aligning your career search with your values and your knowledge of your self. She said if you were a pacifist, you’d not be happy at a job where drones were being manufactured. She answered questions from the audience and both authors signed books for those interested in purchasing them. If you have not purchased these books and want to support your Subud authors, click on the graphics above.


Career Champion Halimah Bellows

The Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo

New Regional Dewan

The Subud Pacific Northwest Regional Congress was held Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the Subud House in Seattle and the gathering resulted in a new Dewan being tested and elected:

Chair: Aaron Mann, Spokane
Vice-Chair: Paul Nelson, Seattle
Treasurer: Sherwin O’Bar, Seattle
Secretary; TBD

In addition to being the new Chair, Aaron Mann is an accomplished photographer and took many shots of the event (the good ones below which end at Halimah Bellows) and the wonderful potluck that was, no doubt, inspired by a blog post as to how to best create such a meal.

Danella Mauguin was honored as an Honorary Retired Helper and spoke very eloquently about how the Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud is a great gift to humankind and we are blessed to be able to practice it in the Pacific Northwest.

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Danella Mauguín Certificate of Recognition

Danella Mauguín Certificate of Recognition

IMG_2614 peN 3.19.16 Subud PNW Vice Chair

Paul & Nadia Woodcock Recovering from Fire

Paul and Nadia Woodcock, members of the Skagit Valley/Bellingham Group, suffered a house fire in the early morning of February 22nd. The house is not livable and they had to walk away – Nadia with only her jammies and socks that night. They are sorting belongings with insurance representatives to identify what is salvageable and the house may take six months to re-construct. Meantime they are living in temporary housing. Paul is well known as a professional birder and for the popular bird tours he leads for the Skagit group for their annual fundraiser. As it happens, they were awake when the fire started at 1 am, which is why it burned only 30% – but with water and smoke damage throughout and now asbestos abatement, the house is a loss. Nadia wrote: “To me the very worst part is that most likely it was our beloved oldest son who started the fire. Off his meds, paranoid and now in the county jail.” Their son was diagnosed with schizophrenia 20 years ago.

Prayers, well wishes and healing thoughts for Paul and Nadia – and their son – are very welcome during this difficult time.

House_Back1 NadiaPaul

Bellows/Nelson Book Launch

Come stay after Latihan THIS SUNDAY (1-3pm) and check out Career Coach & Counselor Halimah Bellows Book Launch, with Paul Nelson and Jim O’Halloran collaborating on American Sentences.

Halimah Bellows

Halimah Bellows

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, March 14, 2016 – College Instructor, Counselor, Career Coach and author Halimah Bellows will hold a book launch, signing and discussion of her new book Champion Your Career-Winning in the World of Work on Sunday April 3 from 1:00 to 3:00 at Spring Street Center, 1101 15th Ave in Seattle. Joining her will be author Paul Nelson, who will read from his new book American Sentences and will be accompanied by Jim O’Halloran on flute. Snacks will be provided.

Champion Your Career – Winning in the World of Work is a blueprint for those seeking career guidance at any age. The author gives the reader permission to dream and play and envision a passionate career path, while offering industry standard exercises for self-assessments. With college costs at an all- time high, this book takes the guess work out of “what’s next” for college bound students, returning students and those making mid-life career changes or seeking a new career in retirement.

“I felt that a comprehensive career development book for the 21st century was needed to address the critical concerns of our time—the workers who are victims of downsizing and outsourcing, the boomers who are at retirement age but cannot afford to retire and the recent college graduates who are faced with an avalanche of confusing information and are clueless about how to pursue an appropriate career path,” says Halimah Bellows. Print copies of Champion Your Career – Winning in the World of Work are now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites for pre-order. The ebook is also available through Amazon and Bookbaby.

The author has also developed “Career Quest Cards, Career Coaching in a Box.” The boxed set is a perfect gift for young and old and can be ordered at Amazon. These cards are portable, practical, thought provoking and combine the best of current career search information. The boxed set contains 24 colorful cards with over 30 exercises and is chock full of ways to open creativity, think outside the box, and make best possible career choices.

A Career Quest App is available now at Amazon and from google and ibooks book stores.  More information is available and print copies can also be pre-ordered at the author’s website: . For media inquiries contact Diane at

peN & Jim O'Halloran 12.5.15 (Photo by Faiza Sultan)

peN & Jim O’Halloran 12.5.15 (Photo by Faiza Sultan)

What Makes a Killer Potluck?

Fruit LoopsAs a way to prepare for the REGIONAL CONGRESS THIS SATURDAY (3.19.16) AT 10:15AM, we did an unscientific survey of Subud Greater Seattle members about the dishes and qualities that make up the best potlucks. Some of the more telling answers:

  1. Catering.
  2. Inviting Bahá’ís.
  3. Gluten Free Options.
  4. Vegan Options.
  5. Let Alexa cook.
  6. Dessert, Dessert and more Dessert.
  7. Chicken.
  8. Corndogs or anything on a stick.
  9. Fish.
  10. Beef.
  11. Chips and Salsa (but REAL GOOD CHIPS).
  12. Pork, Pork and more Pork.
  13. Rainier Ale.
  14. Fried Tofu.
  15. Fruit Loops.
  16. Kale, Kale and more Kale.
  17. Let Subud Skagit Valley/Bellingham do all the cooking.
  18. Fizzy water.
  19. Anything but corn.

Corn DogsAnything missing? Bring it! Latihan might provide SPIRITUAL sustenance and your regional Brothers and Sisters can elect WONDERFUL CANDIDATES for the Regional Dewan (as they did last time) but only YOU can make the potluck great. Say no to Costco lasagne. Bring out your best.


Testing 1,2, Testing

Dear Subud Greater Seattle Community – please read this update!

In the next few weeks we will have two opportunities for kejiwaan and fellowship with National and Regional Helpers, as well as a Regional Congress, Saturday, March 19th. Here is a handy schedule for you to clip and save and make plans to attend, test on your life’s pressing issues and even have the opportunity to support a creative Subud Brother or Sister by attending a reading and buying a book!

Sofia Nicoletti

Sofia Nicoletti

Saturday, March 19, 10:15am to ??? REGIONAL CONGRESS. Subud PNW people gather to elect new officers and set a course for the region and give thanks to outgoing dewan members for the next two years. Bring food! National Helpers Benedict Herrman and Sofia Nicoletti will be attending. Regional Helpers will also be attending Latihan Sunday, March 20 to work with and support the new committee. The house will be rockin’ both days so come early to get a good seat for quiet time.

Sunday, April 3, after latihan in the Chapel, longtime members and recent authors Halimah Bellows and Paul Nelson read from their new books. Halimah will read and lead a discussion of  Champion Your Career – Winning in the World of Work. Paul will read from American Sentences and be accompanied by Jim O’Halloran on flute. After Latihan, 1-3pm.  Some snacks will be provided.

Saturday, April 9, 10:15am for quiet time and latihan at 10:30, then a Helper Development Day open to all current and former helpers and featuring Regional Helpers.

Sunday, April 10, we’ll have a Kejiwaan Day with Local Helpers, including a potluck after Latihan. Come with your testing questions and your organic, Fluton Gris and dairy-free, vegan food item, or just something good. Chicken? Potatoes? Veggie Stir-Fry? Lasagne? I mean, it’s up to YOU to make this meal good, so don’t “chips and salsa” your beloved Subud Brothers and Sisters. Showtime, after lunch. Who says we’re no fun?

Cali Convocatoria Augusto 2016


The organizing committee of the Congress of the Americas 2016 calls those Subud members with skills in design, Communication or Visual Arts to participate in the competition to choose the Logo of the Congress that will be held between the 10th and 27th of August 2016 in Cali, Colombia.

These are the competition rules:
First- All the Subud members with skills in the design field will be able to participate, as well as probationers and young people that haven´t being opened but who have knowledge in Image development. Click HERE for more information.

Subud California Helper’s Garthering

Subud California Logo

This year’s Helpers’ Gathering is a special event for all helpers and candidate helpers. It will take place at the Subud Los Angeles Center on Wilshire Blvd, April 15 – 17.  The event will run from Friday early evening through Sunday lunchtime.

For full details on meals, accommodation, registration and local contacts, see:

We are so looking forward to this next opportunity to be all together, delving deeper still into our latihan, our helper role, our Subud experience.

— from your regional helpers  

REMEMBER: Subud California events are posted on our CALENDAR at