Category Archives: General Announcements

Pilar WalshLongtime Subud member and helper Pilar Walsh has applied for Senior housing in Seattle since her age qualifies her but she is very active in many areas of the arts. She is on a couple of waiting lists.  While she waits for something to open up, she is looking for temporary housing, preferably a bedroom/private bath rental in someone’s home and is able to afford $600 a month.  Great references, very clean, quiet and considerate.

Contact her at  Thank you!!

Halimah Bellows to speak at University Book Store in Bellevue, WA

Published February 4, 2016 | By Bellows UBOOK STORE: 990 102nd Ave NE. Bellevue

Halimah Bellows MA, MS, CCC, CPC, author of Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work and creator of Career Quest Cards, will be at the University Book Store, 990 302nd Ave. NE in Bellevue, Washington at 6 PM on Wednesday, February 17.

Join us to pick up your signed copy of Champion Your Career and get expert guidance for finding a fulfilling new career.

Bellingham Skagit Valley Events

From Serena DuBois:

[Below] please find the minutes of our January Meeting. I would appreciate any corrections that anyone can send me. [Or click here for pdf.]

Calendar of Upcoming Events

Subud B-SV Kedjiwaan Day Feb. 7, 2016
Moved to Mt. Vernon Subud House from Marius Hibbard’s home at his request.

2016 Birdwalk, Dinner and Latihan Feb. 20, 2016
The last I heard: Birdwalk reservations are filled; all group members are welcome to potluck dinner and latihan. Any questions contact Roosmiwati Reynolds at 360 734-8517 or

Subud B-SV General Meeting, Sunday March 6, 2016
Potluck and meeting to start after 11 AM latihan
New business: March 2016 congress

Subud Regional Congress, March 19-20, 2016
At the Seattle Subud House.

Regional Helper Visit, Sunday, April 10, 2016
Latihan and Potluck at B-SV Subud House

* * *

Minutes of Subud PNW at B-SV Meeting January 10, 2016

Present: Paul and Nadia Woodcock, Rosalyn Neel, Roosmiwati Reynolds, Helaine and Rainer Burrows, Robina Page, Serena and Michael DuBois, and Aliza Albornoz

Meeting called to order by chair Michael DuBois with a few minutes of quiet.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved by the members with correction of Aliza’s last


Treasurer’s Report: Paul. Ending year balance $7401.18, but good news is $6109.34 was 2015 opening balance so we are up about $1200. More detailed report later when bank info comes in.

Michael’s Report: Phone meeting not happening till 1/20. Regional helpers coming up some time. Regional

helpers are having a meeting the same weekend as the Birdwalk.

Helpers Report: When Luther is back the men will come up with a time to do latihan with Icsan. Rasjad Lints blog: he can’t move and is close to death but had a latihan experience which took away his fear of death.

Old Business: House maintenance: Rosalyn contacted Marius Harold; doesn’t look like he can come up in January. Michael looked at house: two ways to do it, one would be quick, take off few tiles and other would be more complete. We can get a grant through the Mohammed Subuh foundation [their website] and need to find out what their requirements are and then get contractors for estimates.

New Business:

Birdwalk Info: Reservations: Roosmiwati has a list of those who have signed up. Over a month away and we are over half full. Michael will call Julia when she gets back and ask if she can send a letter to people who came last year. Also we still need someone who has a van. Michael will do a fowl; Marius lamb. There will be a meeting toward the end of January for those involved with the Birdwalk.

Testing for Chair: Michael tested with Paul. “Please show in your latihan if you can do the duties as chair for Subud B-SV for the coming term. ” Michael got that he could do it but needed to do more. Serena moved that Michael DuBois be voted in as chair for the coming two year term, Nadia seconded it and it was approved unanimously by the group. Robina voluteered to test in as vice-chair. Rosalyn asked “Plese show through your latihan if you can do the duties as vice chair for Subud B-SV for the coming term.” Robina felt like it was a lesson in surrender, learning to protect herself. Serena moved that Robina Page be voted in as vice-chair for the coming two year term, Nadia seconded it and it was approved unanimously by the group.

New meetings: Kedjiwaan first Sunday in February and a pre-congress meeting first Sunday in March. Nadia moved that the meeting be adjourned. We closed with wishing Rainer happy birthday.

Rasjad Lints Celebration of Life

Time: Saturday February 6, 2016

Rasjad Lints

Rasjad Lints

3:30 – 5:00 PM

Location: Luepke Senior Center
community room at Marshall Center
1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98663
Phone: (360) 487-7050

Donations in Memory of Rasjad Lints can be made to the Oregon chapter of the ALS society;
they helped us in countless ways.

The room holds 300.  All are welcome.
Light refreshments afterward.

What type of future do we want for Subud Greater Seattle?

Ramon asked me to lead a 20-30 minutes session after latihan on Friday to gather your thoughts on the future of Subud Greater Seattle.

What types of activities are you longing for?

What’s been missing that you’d like to see get started?

Please come and give us your thoughts about the future of Subud Greater Seattle in the next 1-3-5 years.

Friday’s latihan schedule is as follows:
7:45 quiet. 8 pm start.
752 108th Avenue NE
Bellevue, Washington

Refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you. Oswald Norton

R.I.P Rasjad Lints

Rashad Lints

Rashad Lints

From: Rasjad Lints <>
Date: January 10, 2016 at 6:49:38 PM PST
Subject: [Lotsa] Rasjad Lints Passing
Reply-To: Rasjad Lints <>

Hi everyone,
It is with sadness I am telling you that Rasjad passed away on Saturday January 9 around noon. Susannah and Lionel and close friends were at his side. It was extremely peaceful. The last couple of weeks, his breathing was getting much weaker. Rasjad managed to write a couple of blog posts though about his departure.
A memorial service is planned for February 6 and w’ell let you know time and location as soon as we get it arranged. . Donations in his memory can be made to ALS society, love Susannah and Lionel Lints

Rasjad’s Last Post

Do not think that it is a tragedy that I died or that there is something terribly wrong about my situation. I don’t. There is a time and place for each of us and this was mine. I lived my life well and have no regrets. I made a difference in the world – isn’t that what most of us want?

I was extremely fortunate to have met my life partner in high school and enjoy 40 years marriage to my best friend. We were blessed with our extraordinary son. What more could I want?

I believe strongly in Almighty God and am now in a wonderful place that I’m sure defies description. Don’t worry about me, I’m just fine.

Skagit Birdwatch Feb 20

Visit The Maginc SkagitWHEN & WHERE:  Meet at the Bellingham/Skagit Hall at 10:00 am. 1521 North La Venture in Mount Vernon, I-5 College Way exit #227. We will carpool to several locations across the valley.
DETAILS:  Tour led by our “super birder” Paul Woodcock. Everyone’s invited! The tour lasts approximately 5 hours and covers 30 miles (we will need volunteers to drive) with stops for birding and refreshments, minimal walking. Snacks and dinner will be provided.
COST:  We are limited to 15 participants; $45 each including a $20 non-refundable deposit to reserve a space.
DRESS: Dress for the weather! We suggest layers of warm clothing and appropriate footwear. Rain and muddy conditions are possible, but it’s worth the effort. You will not be disappointed!
CONTACTS:  Register with Roosmiwati Reynolds at 360 734-8517 or Let her know if you need a place to stay.

The Skagit River Delta is a winter birding paradise with an international reputation. We will see thousands of Snow Geese, hundreds of Trumpeter Swans, waterfowl and shorebirds. Raptors winter in large numbers, particularly Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and a few Merlin and Peregrine Falcons. Ravens and herons are numerous, plus other songbirds with possibly a surprise or two.

Paul Woodcock (Birdman)

Paul Woodcock (Birdman)

Paul Woodcock has over 50 years birding experience and has led trips for the North Cascades Audubon Society for many years.

This event is Subud Bellingham/Skagit’s annual house-maintenance fundraiser.

[Editor’s note: Remember, Birders are patriotic bad-asses who provide their own snacks.]

(Download flyer.)

Reaching for Our Higher Selves

Forwarded by Halimah Bellows:

Kol HaNeshamahMessage from Rabbi Zari about anti-Moslem and anti-Immigrant rhetoric

December 13, 2015

Dear Friends,
This past Friday, I joined a group of interfaith clergy and other members of our various faith communities at a rally at the Idris Mosque in Northgate, to stand in solidarity with our Moslem brothers and sisters in light of the hateful and xenophobic rhetoric that we have been hearing from some who have the national spotlight. We also stood with them as some Moslems here and around the country have been targets of hate crimes.

Five clergy spoke, and I was honored to be one of them. My remarks follow. You can find the statement that we read, as well as the other statements at the following site:
There are also photos on Facebook:

In the meantime, please know that I am working with Moslem and other faith and civic leaders to see how we can continue to be of support as we face these difficult times. I will be sharing more information about things that we can do in the coming days and weeks.

Tonight, as we light our last candle, I hope and pray that we will all remember the true meaning of Chanukah: The right for all people to live and celebrate their religious practices in freedom and respect.

L’zedek V’shalom (toward justice and peace),
Rabbi Zari
Reaching for our Higher Selves
Rabbi Zari M. Weiss
Kol HaNeshamah
December 11, 2015

Today, as many of you know, is the fifth day of Hanukkah, a holiday which-more than any other on the Jewish calendar-celebrates religious freedom. Just over two thousand years ago, a man named Antiochus Epiphanes decreed that Jews were prohibited from celebrating and observing their sacred practices. He was not the first tyrant nor the last to argue that religious difference could not be tolerated. We see examples of this kind of tyranny today-not only in countries with repressive regimes elsewhere in the world, but to our shock and dismay, here in this country as well.

We are living through a critical time in history. In many ways, it seems that the world has been knocked off of its axis; every day, we find ourselves reeling from the violence and extremism that is spreading everywhere. At a time such as this, we need good and wise leaders who can guide us as we navigate our way forward.

This week, a verse from a well-known collection of ethical teachings from Jewish Tradition kept going through my mind. In Pirke Avot, Ethics of our Ancestors, it says, “U’vamakom she’ein anashim, hishtadel l’hiot ish.” “In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man.” In the male-dominated world in which Rabbi Hillel lived, he spoke of men, but he wasn’t speaking about gender. He was talking about the importance of being a mensch, an honorable human being. Especially when living in a time or place where people forget or lose their humanity, Hillel seemed to be saying, it is important to remember the values that are most important.

We need leaders who will call us to our higher selves as human beings, not drag us down to the lowest common denominator among us. We need leaders who will stand for the importance of respecting the human dignity of every person – no matter their religious or cultural background. We need leaders who will not sow suspicion or mistrust of those who are fleeing their own homelands in search of greater safety and security for themselves and their families, just like many of our own ancestors did, enabling us to live in freedom in this country.

But we don’t need these things just from our leaders; we need them from ourselves, as well. It is also our responsibility to strive to be honorable human beings-in our treatment of others, particularly the most vulnerable in this world. It is our responsibility to respect the dignity of every person, and here, in our own country, to celebrate, not denigrate the diversity of religious and cultural backgrounds of all who make up the multi-ethnic fabric of the United States. It is our responsibility to act not out of fear and suspicion, but rather, compassion and good-will toward those who, through no doing of their own, were born in places where they had little chance to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “Al Tadin et chavercha ad sheh’ta’gia l’mokomo,” said Rabbi Hillel: “Judge not another person until you have come into his place.” Indeed, having compassion for others rather than hard-heartedness is a manifestation of our higher selves.

Rabbi Hillel offered many wise teachings that still provide guidance for us today, thousands of years after he lived. “Im ein ani li. U’chshani la’atzmi, mah ani. V’im lo achshav, Eymatai.” “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, then when?” Yes, the times that we live in necessitate that we care for our own safety and security. But living with that kind of self-centered focus is not enough; we are responsible to and for the well-being of others, as well. And at this historic moment, when we are witnessing a modern Exodus toward greater freedom of millions of people throughout the world, the time to act with compassion and good-will is now. In a world in which some have forgotten what it means to be human, let us remember our humanity.

Kol HaNeshamah

Interview with Salamah Lorraine Arden

Salamah Lorraine Arden on Sept 6, 2015 at the Subud National Gathering in Redwood City, CA

Salamah Lorraine Arden on Sept 6, 2015 at the Subud National Gathering in Redwood City, CA

On September 6, 2015, at the National Gathering in Redwood City, California, your humble narrator caught up with longtime Subud member Salamah Lorraine Arden to discuss her incredible life, her art and her life in Subud.

Field And Stream Cover 1929The first segment started with Salamah discussing an experience from 4th grade, in Fort Dodge, Iowa, that helped instill in her the notion that she had “unusual artistic talent.” The project was a recreation of a magazine cover, Field and Stream, of a hunting dog moving through tall grass. She also discussed other early art education experiences in Whitefish Bay and Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Iowa after moving back there.

Part 1: 5:31

In part two she discussed her first sculpture class in which the instructor said: “You have the most three-dimensional mind of anyone who has been a student of mine.” She talked about hanging out with Black people in college and being asked what Black sorority to which she belonged and how she would do modern dance to poetry. She also discussed the negative review she got in the New York Times where her work was described as “too emotional” but the reviewer also assumed she was a man.

Part Two – 5:28

In the third segment she discussed meeting her long-time husband, Harvey, the instant recognition of him AS her future husband, moving from Chicago to New York, so Harvey could become a “famous writer.” She talked about being mentored by William and Marguerite Zorach and being nominated for the Rosenthal Award.

Part Three – 5:40

In the fourth segment, she discussed finding out about Subud and being opened in New York. She had heard about Subud through Bob (Hamilton) Camp and through their connections with the NYC Gurdjieff and Ouspensky group. She talked about the application process and how she and Harvey were opened at the Briarcliff event which Bapak attended. (The 4th North American Congress, July 9-25, 1963.) She talked about her receivings after being opened, that she needed to give up drugs, that she had to quit painting for a period of time to focus on “becoming a human being” and after ten years receiving that she could “go back to being an artist again.” The caveat was that she should stop painting and become a sculptor. She talked about how she was looking for something like Subud before she knew it existed and that her Grandfather and three of her uncles were Methodist ministers, so she was looking for a “direct relationship with God.”

Part Four – 8:18

In the fifth segment she discussed her painting hiatus and her receiving that she needed to have two more children. She received she needed to take lessons for bronze casting and stone carving, among other things. One receiving was, in her words, a “fast-forward movie how the rest of my life should ideally be.” She experienced it with long-time friend Lusana Blond. She discussed Julia Schusterman’s “sewing circle” and called it “the greatest thing to have for new members.” Part Five – 7:20

In the sixth part she continued the discussion of her receiving (the fast-forward movie), including parts that did not manifest, like teaching at a Subud school in Tucson and some that did, including a series of sculptures of holy women and men. Women like Fatima and Mother Mary, Ibu Samari and Ibu Rahayu among others.   Part Six – 7:50

In Part Seven she discussed recent exhibitions of her work as well as prophecies she received about upcoming periods in the world, including a Rainfall period, in which there would be purification of the world, a Fire period (in which we are, currently), Hands and Roses falling from heaven and a Golden Dust period.         Part Seven – 6:27

In the eighth segment she talked about the series of sculptures of Holy Men, of which she has done one, Bapak. She discussed a Bapak talk on Holy Men in which his appearance changed each time he spoke of a different holy man. She responded to a question about the impeccable nature of her receiving ability, even before Subud, by suggesting Subud Sisters like Lusijah Marx have a similar receiving capability. She then talked about her Latihan in South Carolina, in which she crawled on the floor and received the percentage of surrender by each participant and about books different people should write. She also discussed a Bapak talk in which he discussed how certain Subud members who have ancestors who “earned their descendants a place in Subud.” She discussed a collection of letters from her Swedish ancestors. Part Eight – 12:44