Category Archives: General Announcements
New Subud USA Newsletter
As Communications Coordinator of Subud USA, your humble narrator had a modest role in gathering information for Subud members in the U.S. Most of that information ended up in the current Subud USA Newsletter. (See below). The most exciting part for me was the publication of the first half of an interview with long-time Subud members Frederick and Melanie Branchflower of the Olympic Neighborhood group. I will post the text and audio on this blog in the coming weeks. My gratitude to the Branchflowers for their hospitality, to Elisha Gullixson, Hadiyah Carlyle and Bhakti Watts for their contributions to the transcription effort and to Mary Wold, who did a remarkable job in putting the newsletter together. Thanks all! Paul Nelson
Welcome to the new Subud USA newsletter. First off, thanks to everyone who contributed to its content, your patience in its birthing process and our regrets for any unintended exclusions of material we have received in these past months since Julia Hurd stepped aside as Editor.
Share the Wealth!
Please consider sharing a printed copy of Subud USA News with your members.
More Ramadan Info
For those observing the fast of Ramadan
Explanations of the Ramadan Calendar
Compiled from explanations given by Bapak, by Mas Sudarto and by Mas Prio
Eve of Ramadan: The way to observe Ramadan is to take a full bath, including hair washing, and also cutting the hair and the nails, the evening before the fast. Then, after you are clean, to state your wish to observe Ramadan as a sincere expression of your worship of Almighty God. Then stay up at night, preferably spending the night together with other Subud brothers and sisters, in the home of a member who is also observing Ramadan.
Around three o’clock in the morning, you should take breakfast and you should brush your teeth no later than 4:30 in the morning, and after this, no more smoking, not even gargling till 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM – along about sunset. (The local mosque can clarify as to the hour for breaking the fast.)
To break the fast, start slowly by drinking warm tea and a light snack; you can eat your dinner about half an hour or an hour later. Bapak also recommends no sexual union during the whole month of Ramadan. It is also beneficial to sleep as little as possible during Ramadan, not only on Nights of Power.
During the month of Ramadan: it is not permitted to have sexual intercourse, and our fasting must also include abstention from the following:
a) We must not use our ears to listen to gossip, quarrels or bad words.
b) We must not use our mouth to say anything wrong or unkind.
c) We must not use the emotions to reach the emotions or passions of others.
d) We must not use our eyes in a way that is not good or nice.
e) We must not use the heart and mind to imagine or think about unhappy things, fantasies or unrealities.
f) We must not eat or drink or smoke anything between dawn and sunset each day.
During the month of Ramadan, we have to fast thirty days, and during the thirty days of fasting we go through three important periods:
The first ten days (ending evening of 9th day Ramadan):
This is a period of putting the passion in an inactive state. During this period we are made aware that our passions become weaker and weaker day by day, and on the 9th day of fasting, it is felt that our passion is completely inactive.
The second ten days (ending evening of 19th day Ramadan):
This is a period of becoming aware that in general our attitude and actions are guided by our inner-self and the guidance day by day becomes stronger and stronger and on the 19th day of fasting our actions are as if in a complete latihan state, but in harmony with our daily activities.
The last ten days (ending evening of 30th day of Ramadan):
This is a period of receiving the lailatu ‘lkadar (the Nights of Power), and this is sent by God on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th days of fasting. This lailatu ‘lkadar is not something that falls from above, but it forms a certain power which can change our state.
Most of the Subud members who fasted felt, after completing the fasting, that there were changes to their inner. Mostly, their spirit to worship became stronger and stronger and also the intention of doing ‘prihatin’ became stronger and stronger.
LAILATUL-QADR (The evening preceding 27th day Ramadan): Although it is generally accepted in the Moslem community that the last ten days of Ramadan are days of receiving, this particular evening is celebrated with special prayer, in the Moslem community, because it is thought that this is the day upon which the Messenger Muhammad received the verses of the Qu’ran.
TAK-BARAN: (30th day Ramadan): The last day of fasting. Sundown marks the end of the month.
The Night of Forgiveness. At the end of Ramadan, we again take a full bath and put on new clothes, and then we should go to our family and our friends and ask forgiveness for whatever sin we have done. This is a time of special celebration and thanks to Almighty God.
Posted by: “Mhd. Isman Kanafsky”
Ramadan 2015 by Isman
From Muhammad Isman Kanafsky, originally posted on Facebook:
We are now in the month of the ancestors. Bapak said that in this month God allows those of our ancestors, who are spiritually developed, to visit us in this world,
I will start my Ramadan fast on the evening of Wednesday June 17th and fast for 30 days through July 17th. Idul Fitr begins on July 18th. That is the time that I ask forgiveness to all those that I have offended during the past year. That is also the time that I give help to the poor and needy.
The way I do the fast is to wake up at 3:00 a.m. and prepare a meal similar to breakfast. After that I make my intention to start my fast which usually begins at dawn or 4:30 a.m.. Then I make my intention to recite the dawn prayer and then recite it. At that time I do not eat or drink anything until sundown that day, or approximately 6:30 p.m. that evening, when I break my fast. I do that for 30 days.
In my understanding, the purpose of the fast is to be close to God. To experience living in a state that is close to the power of God and free from self interest. Of course I can only do this as far as I am capable. But each year I do the fast, I notice that my capacity to experience that becomes greater. After fasting for 20 days, the Nights of Power begin. On the 21st night through the 30th night. That is the time when, if I have fasted correctly, I can receive a gift or blessing from Almighty God. Of course, there is no guarantee that I will receive anything, but according to the Koran, that is the time to receive a gift from God.
May the One Almighty God bless all those who do the fast this year, in this life and in the life in the hereafter. Amin!
Puebla Memories
Some of the video from the World Congress in Puebla, Mexico (Aug 2014) continues to be processed and posted online. Dig this cultural event hosted by your humble narrator!
Halimah Bellows Book
Subud Sister Halimah Bellows has a new book!
For more than 20 years, Halimah has been helping her clients champion their careers and find their ideal jobs. She has a special gift for gently but relentlessly sifting through the mist and fog of clients’ experiences and impressions and bringing the clarity in their insights to light. She is a seasoned workshop presenter and group facilitator and has led many seminars and retreats for a variety of educational institutions, religious groups, non-profit organizations and corporations.
E book available for Kindle, I books, Barnes & Noble & Kobe.
Champion your Career – Winning in the World of Work – a self coaching guide of self assessment tools and career advice to guide you on the path to finding fulfilling work.With empathy & enthusiasm the book encourages readers to delve deeply and honestly into their experiences to determine an appropriate career path. The wide range of self assessment tools enable individuals to explore their personal passions and values and recognize the strengths and skills they can bring to the work place.The book also offers sound strategies for decision making, goal setting and networking in order to move forward on their chosen career. Special advice is provided for college students, retirees and those changing careers in mid life. The book also offers time tested and up to ten minute suggestions for identifying and researching potential employers and job seeking skills advice including internet based tools.
WSA News April 2015
The new WSA Newsletter is out and you can see it by clicking here.
National Congress Info
Lionel Maithri Perera (1928-2015)
From Anjali, Harindra and Senal Perera:
Dear friends and family,
Our beloved Thathi (Father) decided to leave this earthly life last Saturday April 24th at 4.30 AM.
Having battled pneumonia, two strokes, quadrupled bypass surgery and diabetes, he slept peacefully and crossed over to the other side.
We are celebrating his accomplished life this coming Saturday and invite you to join us:
When: Saturday, May 2, 2015
Where: Crawford Mortuary 8717 Tampa Ave Northridge CA 91324 Tel:818-349-9701
Time: 11am
Details: Burial to follow at: Oakwood 22601 Lassen St Chatsworth CA 91311 Tel: 818-341-1198
Lunch: Sri Lankan Buffet. At the Northridge Care Center 7836 Reseda Blvd Reseda CA 91335
If you would like a copy of his book, it is available at Amazon or or Barnes and Noble. Cut and paste the below line to find it.
Why I Live: –Personal Testimonies of a Doctor of Metaphysical Sciences – By Lionel Maithri
If you would like to donate to any of the following in honor of Lionel instead of sending flowers etc, please feel free to do so:
Subud USA- A Spiritual organization that my parents were highly involved with
Shepherd of the Hills- the Church he attended regularly –
Thank you for being a part of our lives and the lives of our ever loving Thathi(Father)
Anjali, Harindra and Senal Perera
Dewan Meeting Highlights
On April 19th, a Dewan Meeting was held. The minutes are linked from HERE and from the image of our Subud House to the left, but here are a couple of highlights:
Donations are down for the year, significantly.
Ramon would prefer Spring Street Center & Subud Facilities reports be quarterly rather than monthly, as they eat up a lot of time; Ramon revised to alternate months. Hadijah Gregory moved to shift Spring Street Center and Housing reports to alternate months. Seconded by Abideen, passed unanimously.
Hats off to the Dewan for their commitment to our Subud Community.