Category Archives: General Announcements

Road Trip to California Congress?

Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 8.11.14 PMFrom Hariana:

Hi Paul,

Request for travel information. Is anyone is going to either the California regional in May or the National in September? If so, and you are driving, would you consider another passenger? If flying, can you share your travel details?

Thank you,

Hariana Chilstrom



Tuesday Morning Latihan

From Evan Padilla:

Dear brothers,

I would like to propose that we schedule an additional men’s latihan on Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM, quiet time 10:45.  With the loss of the Wednesday night latihan on the eastside and the Monday evening latihan, our men’s group is in need of a latihan in the beginning part of the week.

I realize that not everyone will be able to come at this time, but I believe that there are enough men who are free to attend.

I suggest that we have our first latihan on Tuesday, April 21st.  Please let me know what you think and if you are able to attend.



Last Chance for Canada Subud Retreat

To: Western Canada Group Chairs – please forward this note to your members

Western Regional Members
PNW Members
Hi Brothers and Sisters.
The 3-day family gathering from May 22 to 25 in the beautiful Crescent Beach area of British Columbia is coming up just “around the corner” later next month.
We wanted to let those who haven’t yet registered know that the Organizing Team has decided to an extension of the reduced “Early Bird” registration deadline to Sunday April 19.
Thank you to those who have already registered for this gathering. The response so far has been good (41 and growing by the day!) but it will really help the Organizing Team for those who are still planning on attending to please send in your registration as soon as possible. A registration form is attached. Please fill it in and email or snail mail it to me.
For your interest, the following members are already registered:
Joan Fromme
Helena Hitchcock
Dave Hitchcock
Rosanna Hille
Lucas Hille
Mike Pichichero
Nelda Adamus
Howard Pattinson
Latif Crowder
Miranda Ranger
Pauline Sutherland
Roosmiwati Reynolds
Kumari Beck
Simon Beck
Erv Atchison
Camille Roberts
George Demers
Michael Irwin
Renata Dunn
Honora Cooper
Rashi Oren
Heidi Butterfield
Reuben Butterfield
Olivia Butterfield (5)
Noah Butterfield (2)
Ludmilla Lyle &
Malika Lyle (3)
Elfrida Schragen
Hamilton Schragen
Michelle Butterfield
Brian Butterfield
Aisjah Cassidy
Deanna Bird
Paul Edwards
Deanna Kasta
Medwin Lehman
Shannon Mullen
Petrice Brett &
Sophia-Ray Brett (9)
Rasjad Coleman
Maemunah Coleman
And we know that more are on their way!
Also attached is a draft/proposed schedule for the gathering. This is still being “fine-tuned” by the Organizing Team, so there will be further changes before the gathering.
This is going to be a fun one guys, with Socializing, Latihan, Testing, Workshops and more! Not to mention good food, warm weather and did I mention beautiful Crescent Beach?
So Subud members, start your engines!
Dave Hitchcock
Regional Chair
on behalf of the Organizing Team

BC Subud Gatherings

From Dave Hitchcock:

Hi Everyone.

The Western Regional Council of Subud Canada has recently been discussing the proposed weekend gathering on Vancouver Island this fall.

As you may know, earlier this year we booked Bethlehem Retreat Centre in Nanaimo for the weekend of October 16 to 18, 2015. A few weeks ago we learned that Bethlehem was for sale and it is uncertain whether a new owner would continue to operate the facility for gatherings such as ours. We understand that there may be more information about a possible sale at the end of May. In the meantime our (tentative) booking still stands, although we have not been asked for a deposit.

As a result we have been looking around for a possible alternative venue.

Some years ago Michaela Davidson suggested Honeymoon Bay Lodge and Retreat (just west of Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island). Never having been there, in mid-March Aisjah, Helena and I went on a “recce” (reconnoiter!) to see if it might be suitable. We were all very impressed!

Here is some information:

  • The Lodge is operated by a not-for-profit foundation. Two of its goals are “to provide a space for personal retreat, where people can step away and seek space for perspective, awareness and renewal, and to provide a place where corporate, community and church groups may have seminars, workshops and meetings to promote wellness in the workplace and life space”. 
  • Travel time to Honeymoon Bay Lodge from both Victoria and Nanaimo is about 90 minutes.
  • The Lodge has 17 suites, with various combinations of beds, and can sleep up to 37 people.
  • There are a variety of meeting (latihan) spaces, including Eagle’s Nest (19’ x 23’) and Heron’s Roost (24’ x 40’)
  • The Lodge is 6 years old, bright, cheerful and very well looked after.
  • It is situated in a quiet, rural setting, with many trails from the property, and is a short walk to the beach at Cowichan Lake.
  • There is a group rate (for booking of 10 people or 6 guest rooms) of approximately $130 per person/per night (regardless of whether there is one person or more in a room). This includes use of one meeting room and all meals, with a continental breakfast.
  • We could order a hot breakfast at an additional cost of $5 per person/breakfast.
  • They can cater to special diets.
  • If we booked more than 10 guest rooms, we would have exclusive use of the whole facility. This includes use of a salt-water hot tub, sauna and exercise room. Massages are available, but have to be ordered and paid for separately.
  • This means that, if we booked more than 10 guest rooms, the total cost per person for the full weekend, with full use of the whole facility, would be around $270 per person. This compares to an equivalent cost of about $260 at Bethlehem Retreat Centre.
  • A deposit of 10% is required at the time of the initial booking, and 50% of the full cost 60 days prior to the event.
  • At the moment, all weekends in October 2015 are available, except October 16 – 18. The Assistant Manager, who showed us around, expected these weekends to become booked up fairly soon.
  • They have a website at with additional information, photos etc.

With their deposit requirements, it is important that we are confident that there is sufficient interest in a weekend gathering at Honeymoon Bay Retreat in October before we make a booking and commit ourselves to the required 10% deposit now and 50% in mid August.

The Regional Council has agreed to my suggestion that we canvas our members to determine this. We are also inviting our brothers and sisters in the Pacific Northwest, south of the border, to join us.

Therefore, I am seeking a firm commitment from at least 14 people that, if booked, they will register for an October weekend gathering at Honeymoon Bay Retreat.

If you can be one of these people, please contact me before April 15. I am not requiring any money at this time, simply a firm, reliable and guaranteed commitment from folks!

Please let me know which of the following weekends you would be able to commit to:

October 2 – 4
October 9 – 11 (Thanksgiving)
October 23 – 25

Once I have firm commitments from a minimum of 14 people, I will approach Honeymoon Bay Retreat again to determine which October weekends are still available and make our reservation.

We can then promote the weekend further to see if there are others who want to join the core of members who have committed themselves, so that we were able to secure the facility.

I hope this is understandable, but if you require any clarification, please contact me (Email: hitch or Tel:250 370 1291.

All the best,

Dave Hitchcock
Western Regional Chair
Subud Canada


* * *

Could you please forward this notice to your members. Thank you!

Hi there Subud brothers and sisters in the Pacific Northwest.

This is to remind you that the Early Bird deadline to register for the Western Region Family Gathering at Crescent Beach, Surrey, BC, Canada from May 22 to 25 is this Sunday, April 12. 

All details and registration form are included in the attached registration package. We hope that you will be able to take advantage of the lower rates by registering early – to ensure your accommodation (first-come, first-served), help us with the planning and allow us to provide Alexandra Retreat Centre with the information they require in a timely fashion. In any event, the final deadline for registering is May 9.

The organizing team is working very hard to ensure that we have a fabulous, fun-filled, family-oriented, Subud gathering, but this cannot happen without your participation, so please register as soon as possible.

Rashi Oren is coordinating a number of offered workshops that will take place during the 3-day gathering. Brief descriptions of some of these, that are already confirmed, follow this note.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 250 370 1291 or “”.

Looking forward to receiving your registration and seeing you at Crescent Beach!

Dave Hitchcock
Western Regional Chair

Scheduled Workshops for the Western Regional Gathering May 22-25

We have three scheduled workshops for the weekend and a couple of unconfirmed ones. The following is the schedule for the confirmed workshop along with a short description.


Integrating the inner and outer in our work and relationships

This is a workshop meant to explore the journey of living our outer lives in harmony with our inner nature and aspirations. We  would like to draw from the stories of successes, challenges and failures in both members work lives and relationships.I know that it will take courage to talk of challenges and failures, but it is precisely at this place where there is the most to learn.

The second part of this workshop will be to share strategies on how to prepare for the journey if we are just beginning and to overcome challenges and learn from failures if we already are on this path. If there are members who feel they have insights and experience they would be willing to share on this subject, we would like to hear from you by April 22 so that we can bring it all together before the workshop date of May 23.

The workshop will take place on Saturday, May 22 , 2-5 pm

Please contact Rashi Oren ( 604-755-4664 (

or Machmud Nestman  (604-533-2629 ) (

Bird Watching made Easy

People who are interested can download the Cornell Labs app Merlin Bird ID (free) onto their smart phone when close to wifi (big program).  For very interested people they can download iBird Pro ($10) or Sibley Birds ($20), both which give the calls and songs of all North American birds. Please contact Howard Pattinson for more information on the workshop by email at or by phone at 250-897-6094

This workshop will take place on Sunday morning, May 24 between 10:45 and 12pm

Who Cares?

We do! Let’s talk about why Susila Dharma exists as part of Subud, for us as individuals and working together to represent Subud around the world. We can also develop some questions to test about the inner aspects of this quality of outreach using the latihan …. building with humanity at home, in your community or abroad.

Come and find out what your Susila Dharma Canada has been doing to support Subud members in DR Congo, Indonesia, Cuba and Colombia to…. keep more children and youth in school, provide safe health care and maternity centres,  protect the environment, take care of the elderly, train young people and women to become economically self-sufficient. And why is Susila Dharma Canada, working in partnership with others like Susila Dharma International,  applying for ‘big money’ to the Federal government?  What for? We welcome you to come and explore this subject with us.

Rosanna (Vancouver) (
Kumari (Fraser Valley) ((

This workshop will take place on Sunday afternoon between 2-5pm

We will let you know of any other workshops that come up as soon as they are confirmed.

AmazonSmile Purchases Helping SPNW

AmazonSmile LogoDid you know you can benefit Subud Pacific Northwest when you shop online at Hariana Chilstrom says it is true and sent this note:

“What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support.”
My experience: it was very easy to set up. I was pleasantly surprised to see Subud Pacific Northwest on the list of eligible charities. Anyone who uses Amazon just has to go to the website above and they will be asked to pick a charity. So far, everything I have purchased (books, supplements, etc.) is eligible and Amazon just takes the .5% out of the normal price I pay for the item. This costs me, the consumer, nothing but a bit of time for the extra step to go directly to AmazonSmile instead of the general Amazon site. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between the stock available on both sites.

Ten Aims of Subud

Subud Portland

Subud Portland

I attended the Subud Pacific Northwest Regional Dewan meeting March 28 at the Portland Subud House. The day was full of visioning, reports and a strong sense of community. I took extensive notes and can post a link on this site when they pass muster with Subud PNW Chair Alexadra Terhorst and other officers.

There was talk that the region has no mission and some suggested that we should be operating under the mission of one of our other organizational structures. Subud USA Chair Daniel Stralberg read the Ten Aims of Subud, taken from the World Subud Association Constitution, and it seemed to fit quite well:


1. To facilitate the worship of Almighty God through the Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud and to provide for the other needs of the Subud membership.

2. To preserve the practice of the Latihan Kejiwaan so that it will remain available to people everywhere in the form in which it was originally practiced under the guidance of Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo.

3. To protect the good reputation of Subud.

4. To encourage peace, harmony and understanding between peoples regardless of their ethnic origin or religion.

5. To provide educational and other facilities for the development of the full potential of human beings.

6. To relieve poverty and deprivation.

7. To encourage the development of a healthy and harmonious inner and outer environment for the well-being of mankind.

8. To encourage cultural activities and the values which enliven and enrich the human spirit.

9. To encourage the entrepreneurial spirit which enables people to express their true talents and develop the capacity to improve the quality of their lives.

10. To make available information concerning the Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud.

Here are a couple of Wordclouds I made taken from language in one of the breakout groups in which I was a part:

Subud PNW Group 4 wordle 3.28.15 Subud PNW wordcloud 2

One last thing. After the Sunday latihan and potluck, I spotted blooming lilacs! Sure, I love the smell too and wish I had an ap to capture it, but was a little unnerved by such early blooming.

3.29.15 Blooming PDX Lilacs
Your Humble Narrator,

Paul Nelson
Subud Greater Seattle

Save The Dates

Subud Greater Seattle logo
Next Dewan Meeting, April 12, 9AM.

Minutes from March 15, 2015 Dewan Meeting are here.

Western Region Family Gathering. (Surrey, BC, Canada) May 22-25, 2015.

Subud USA National Gathering, September 3-7, 2015, Redwood City, CA, Sofitel Hotel.

Menucha (Regional Kejiwaan Gathering) November 12-15, 2015, Corbett, Oregon.

The new Dewan’s First Meeting Minutes.

Subud Members at Camp Alexander, Crescent Beach, B.C. 2014

Subud Members at Camp Alexander, Crescent Beach, B.C. 2014

R.I.P. Subud Sister Rochana Koach

From Maria Baker in Portland,

Dear Subud Portland, Our dear sister, Rochana Koach, passed away on Monday after a long and valiant struggle with Alzheimer’s. Her family will honor her on Friday at 7 p.m. with latihan, followed by a selamatan and a light supper, and with a memorial service on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Please see the attached invitation for the details. You can also see an obituary on the Subud USA Facebook page.

Love, Maria

Rochana Koach passed away March 2nd at the age of 83. Rochana was devoted to Subud all of her life. She was opened on September 16, 1966 in Chicago, Illinois. She became a helper in 1972 and throughout her lifetime actively served as helper in the east, midwest and pacific northwest regions. A special latihan will be held for her at 7 pm Pacific West Coast time on Friday March 6th at 7 pm at the Subud House in Portland, Oregon. A memorial service will be held to celebrate Rochana’s life on Saturday March 7th in Portland, Oregon. Time and venue to be announced!

Rochana lived for the past few years at Pacific Gardens, an Alzheimer’s special care center in Portland, Oregon. Rochana is survived by her brother Roy Miller; six children, Tony Koach, Damon Koach, Muftiah McCartin, Margaret Kirk, Wesley Koach and Lucas Koach; 12 grandchildren, Nate Koach, Marissa Mason, Isaac Koach, Elaine McCartin, Sandy McCartin, Luke McCartin, Laura Kirk, Alton Kirk, Michael Koach, Desiree Koach, Charles Koach and Elizabeth Koach; three great-grandchildren, Thaddius and Shaylin Mason and 30 Days shy of meeting Baby Nathan & Rachel Jackson Koach. She had many nieces and nephews, all of whom she adored.

Contributions in honor of Rochana can be made to Inner City Schools, a small Susila Budhi Dharma project in Los Angeles, California, that provides art supplies and books to children in low-income schools. You can donate on line (direct donation to Inner City Schools) or make out a check to Susila Dharma USA (earmark to Inner City Schools) and mail to Rifka Several, SDUSA Administrative Assistant, 50616 Hwy 245, Badger, CA 93603.

New Ramp, New Subud USA Communications Coordinator

Subud Greater Seattle has received the check for $10,000 from the Muhammad Subuh Foundation, to make the Seattle Subud House handicapped accessible. A hearty congrats to Marston Gregory and all the people who had a hand in making this happen!

Contractor and loyal Subud member David Lynch will visit the City planning and permit center this week to establish all the permit requirements and pricing. He says he should be able to start work soon.

And as reported in the recent Subud USA E-Blast, your humble narrator is now the Communications Coordinator for Subud USA:

Paul Nelson Subud USA Communications Coordinator

Paul Nelson Subud USA Communications Coordinator