Category Archives: General Announcements

Subud Lewes Wins!

St. Anne's School (Lewes)

St. Anne’s School (Lewes)

Subud Lewes came out as the top bidder of the former St. Anne’s School site in Lewes (UK, East Sussex County)  to repurpose the former school for community needs. A vigorous debate that attempted to portray the Subud organization in Britain and worldwide as a homophobic institution ended up with a decision by the County Council that there had been in fact a “robust bidding process which included consultation with the local community.”

Read the BBC article here:

And for a little bit on the row over Subud’s stance toward the LGBTQ community, see:

Holiday Spirit @ Subud House

As part of the outreach of Spring Street Center, Elaine Simons rented the Reception Hall for her Holiday Cheer and Winter Response, Wednesday, December 24 and reported this on her Facebook page:

Elaine Simons (2nd from left) and volunteers

Elaine Simons (2nd from left) and volunteers

Thanks to all of the Secret Santas and Donors for the Holiday Cheer and Winter Response Celebration. It is because of you that a community group of my friends were able to help bring good cheers and gifts to low income / homeless children and their families, homeless young adults and their pet companions. We were able to provide wishes and needs to 42 children under the age of 14 and over 30 homeless individuals with sleeping bags, carhartts, hoodies/ coats, socks, p 38’s, journals, and other basic needs. The knitted hats are keeping many people heads warm today, their tummies are full from the amazing food that MRCR provided, the hot chocolate from Christian a 7 year old boy who gave up his allowance to buy the fixin’s and the baked cookies from a few of my friends. A special shout out to the person who provided the venue for this festive gathering I hope you are enjoying your holiday and know that you contributed to ensure others are as well! There are so many of you to tag but you know who you are! 3 Thanks!!!!

You can get a sense of the scene here:

I am grateful to the Subud community for allowing me to help the community using our house in this way. We were part of a wonderful event that made a lot of less fortunate folks very happy. Felíz Navidad.

National Dewan Meeting in Seattle

(L-R) First Row: Sonya Shooshan, Sebastian Tedrow, Muftiah McCartin, Marius Harold, Kenneth Clark, Halimah Polk; Second Row: Shoshanah Margolin, Mary Wold, Lianne Card, Sofia Nicoletti, Alexandra Boyer; Third Row: Michael Barber, Daniel Stralberg, Benedict Herrman, Laksar Reese.

(L-R ) First Row: Sonya Shooshan, Sebastian Tedrow, Muftiah McCartin, Marius Harold, Kenneth Clark, Halimah Polk; Second Row: Shoshanah Margolin, Mary Wold, Lianne Card, Sofia Nicoletti, Alexandra Boyer; Third Row: Michael Barber, Daniel Stralberg, Benedict Herrman, Laksar Reese.

The U.S. National Dewan met in November at the Subud House in Seattle and there is a report in the latest Subud USA E-Blast:

The Subud USA national committee and helpers met together in Seattle at the Spring Street Center over the weekend of November 21-23. One purpose of the meeting was to strengthen working relationships which all felt were good to begin with. Testing and sharing, having meals together, all helped to strengthen the bond. Another purpose was to ensure that the efforts of each side of the dewan were aligned and integrated. Several issues and topics require both helper and committee input. One surprising outcome of the testing on priorities was that, while it is very important for the national helpers to travel, this was also important for the national committee in order to stay close to the membership and provide support to both kejiwaan and organizational sides of the organization.

Halimah Bellows Career Quest App

Career Quest CardsHalimah Bellows Career Quest App is now available for FREE this week only on ITunes.  Like the set of cards, it’s a unique strategy to refine your next career search.  Easy and fun to use the app reflects the best of career development exercises.  It’s like having your own portable Career Coach.  Free Itunes download this week only.  And if you do download it, a review (good of course) would be most appreciated.  Please like my facebook business page – Clarityandaction.  Am trying to get 100 likes so I can have my own url.  thanks everyone and happy holidays.

Birdwatch, Feb 14, 2015

The Birds!

The Birds!

Announcing the Seventh-Annual Subud Bellingham/Skagit Bird Tour
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Bring your honey or treat yourself!
Gift Certificates Available
Cost: $45 per person
(accommodations available for out of towners)

Join us as we witness the magic of the Skagit River Delta, a winter birding paradise with an international reputation. You’ll see thousands of snow geese, hundreds of trumpeter swans, waterfowl and shorebirds. Raptors winter here in large numbers, particularly bald eagles, red-tailed hawks and a few merlin and peregrine falcons. Ravens and herons are numerous, plus other songbirds and maybe a surprise or two.

Along the way we will sample some delicious eats from artisan bakeries. At the end of the 5-hour tour, we’ll arrive back at the Subud house for a hearty and delicious home-cooked Valentine’s Day dinner fit for kings and queens (and yes, there will be chocolate!)

To register contact
Robina Page at 360 384-3222
or Roomswati Reynolds  at 360 734-8517

Trip guide Paul Woodcock brings 50 years of birding to your experience and has led trips for the North Cascades Audubon Society for over ten years.
This event is Subud Bellingham/Skagit’s annual house-maintenance fundraiser.

Susila Dharma Appeal

Susila Dharma AppealDear Subud Members,

While sitting at an abundant table during Thanksgiving, I thought about those around the world that had no such full plate…only the grim despair of hunger and poverty.

With a year-end gift to Susila Dharma USA, you can help bring hope to the hundreds of people around the world who benefit from SDUSA’s charitable projects, including:

The Q Fund, which educates children in Africa, many of them orphans of the AIDS epidemic;

PUEBLO,  which employs at-risk youth in Oakland, California in urban community agriculture;

YUM,  which created an organic strawberry farm to support community projects in Indonesia.

Won’t you help us continue this important work by making a special year-end donation of $50, $100 — or whatever you can afford — to help us continue to our work?  We simply can’t do it without you.  Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of those who are still in need.

To make your donation now, go to

Or mail your check to: SDUSA,50616 Hwy 245, Badger, CA 93603

 The lives of hundreds of needy people are at stake.

Thank you in advance for your generous year-end gift to Susila Dharma USA.

With gratitude, Evan Padilla
Chair, Susila Dharma USA

Calling all members to test for The New Subud Greater Seattle Committee

I am excited to see who will be on this new committee in January, after the testing is complete. I’m asking each member to be willing to test whether it’s correct to for them to serve.

We’ve done much to create the stable organization that’s served you the last 2 years. The Region is willing to offer training to the new team.

For more details click here.

Help Represent Subud Greater Seattle’s Housing Needs

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Subud PNW wants to ensure that our Subud PNW Houses remain on solid footing from a maintenance, enterprise and cultural perspective. Won’t you bring your skills and expertise to this effort?

In order to plan for our future, so that our maintenance and outreach needs can be met, we’re reforming this committee with representatives from the 3 centers that have houses.  We need and want a representative from Subud Greater Seattle.  Will you be that representative?

For more information, please contact Oswald Norton, chair of the Subud PNW Housing Committee.