Category Archives: General Announcements

MID–VANCOUVER ISLAND SUBUD Sunday, October 19, 2014

From Dave Hitchcock
(Western Canada Regional Chair)

Errington HallHi there.

[This] is an invitation to a Subud gathering at Errington on Vancouver Island, on the afternoon of Sunday October 19.

Thank you to Jane Murray-Smith for making the arrangements to rent the community hall.

I am sending this note to all members in the Western Region, as well as the Group Chairs for Subud Fraser Valley, Subud Vancouver & Subud Victoria, and the Chair of the Pacific Northwest, south of the border.

Please forward this invitation to your members and let them know that a warm welcome awaits them in Errington!

Although the location of the gathering makes it mainly accessible to those living on Vancouver Island, I know that previous events have attracted people from the smaller islands, Lower Mainland and other parts of the region.

So, just in case the date and place work for you, please join us.

If you can let me know that you plan to come, this will help to give us some idea of expected numbers.

I am also taking this opportunity to pass on to our Canadian Western Regional members an opportunity to learn more about what is happening with Subud in Cuba. Alejandra Martinez (Committee Councillor for Subud Canada) has been working hard as a member of the Zone 7 Council to improve our communications with Subud Cuba and has recently started translating the Cuban national magazine “Alborada”, from Spanish into English. If you are interested in reading this, please let me know and I will forward a copy to you.

That’s all for now.

All the best,

Dave Hitchcock
(Western Canada Regional Chair)

On Sunday, October 19, 2014

You are invited to an afternoon of latihan, testing, potluck and socializing.

Where: Errington Community Hall, near Parksville on Vancouver Island


· From the main Island Highway take Highway 4A from Parksville (the old Alberni Highway) and turn left at Errington Road, which is also signposted as the road to Englishman River Falls Provincial Park.

· Stay on Errington Road until you reach the 4 – way stop in “downtown Errington” (where there is the Errington Store and a gas station, but not much else!)

· Just past the 4 – way stop, on your left is the Errington Community Hall.

When: Sunday, October 19, 2014

Time: 1:00 til 7.00 pm

Cost: The total rental cost for the two halls is $175. Estimated $15.00 per person to cover this cost. This amount is flexible depending upon how many attend. Hopefully there will be more than 12 of us, so the cost per person will be less!

Rough Schedule:

1:00 to 1:30 pm: Meet at Errington Community Hall

1:45 pm: Quiet Time

2:00 pm: Simultaneous latihans, followed by testing, or whatever.

5:00 pm: Potluck supper and socializing. Please bring food and drink
to share. There is a fully equipped kitchen.

7.00 pm: Complete clean up and leave for home

If you have any questions, please contact Dave Hitchcock at 250 370 1291 or “”

An Invitation to our Subud PNW Regional Congress

Subud Portland invites us to join them at our Regional Congress one week from this Saturday and Sunday: 9/27 & 28

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Bhakti and I are asking for your presence to support and join with others from the PNW Region on September 27 & 28th to celebrate our region and to elect new leadership.

Please add your love and energy to this Congress.

11:00 a.m. Latihan
Lunch (donation requested)
Meeting and testing

10:00 a.m. Latihan

Blessings and love,
Bhakti and Gabriella

New Mid-Day Ladies Latihan

From Local Helper Lorraine Tedrow:

Women's Latihan Hall

Women’s Latihan Hall

Hi Ladies,

I’m following up on discussions about a daytime women’s latihan. After a number of delays, I am ready to start next week, Thursday, Sept. 18, to have mid-day women’s latihan, quiet at 12:30pm, latihan at 12:45.


Alexa Reads Wallace Stevens

Join Subud sister Alexa (Phyllis) Rosen on Sept 18 as she reads as part of this event:

Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101:

Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101:

Celebrate beloved poems with other local poetry-lovers in this special event, which is free and open to the public. Initiated in 1999, Seattle’s Favorite Poems brings together local luminaries, poets, and community members for an evening of — you guessed it — everyone’s favorite poems. Featured readers include Robert Pinsky, former U.S. Poet Laureate; poet Heather McHugh; filmmaker Lynn Shelton; and Aidan Lang, Seattle Opera’s General Director. Hosted by KUOW’s Marcie Sillman, the night will also feature community members reading their chosen poems.

Presented by: Town Hall, Seattle Public Library, Poetry Northwest, Seattle Arts & Lectures, and Hugo House. Elliott Bay Book Company is the partner bookseller for this event.
Tickets: This event is free and open to the public; no registration required.
Doors open: 6:30 p.m.

CA Getaway Plus Mo Mack fo Less Dough

From Robina Page, Subud PNW Regional Chair:

This is the info from Zoe Landale in BC, who would like Subud members to know about her cottage rental for writers.

Hi Robina. I’m emailing at Dave Hitchcock’s suggestion. My husband and I have just started a new business, a cottage on our property on Pender Island (Canadian Gulf Is) that we’ve turned into a writer’s retreat. At a ladies’ latihan in Victoria recently, people were expressing interest, so I said sure, we’d be happy to rent to Subud folks as well, with an extra price break. Dave says you would be good to talk with, as Chair of the Pacific Northwest Subud region. He mentioned “periodic eblasts.”

Here’s the info.

Foxglove Cottage Writer’s Retreat on scenic Pender Island, BC, is now taking bookings. Reasonable rates with 20% off for Subud members. Charming cottage on a driveway shared with main house, in a sunny clearing surrounded by woods. New. Private. Luxury linens, queen bed, desk, internet, stereo, kitchen, shower, wood floors, Persian rug, porch with loveseat. Gardens. Property backs onto park; dozens of local walks. Easy access from Vancouver and Victoria.

This one room cottage is great for a single person and works comfortably for a couple.
Email:, phone 250-629-0026.

Thanks for your assistance with this!


Zoe Landale

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway

Pender Island Getaway


















* * *

I thought the members of your groups might be interested, and also your writer’s network, Paul.

Mo Mack

Mo Mack

And here is the link to Morris’s Indigogo site that I left out of the earlier email:

I am seeking to raise $3500 and beyond to help me manufacture my new album New & Used Tunes, Vol 2, Dancing in the Light. With your help, I’ll be able to bring this project (8 years in the making) to the conclusion it deserves. It would be great to be able to upgrade some of my equipment, as well.

Mo’s music is great, and he is in an all or nothing fund raiser here.


Revitalizing Centers/Regions

Renata Reid

Renata Reid

From Renata Reid, Chair Subud California, to Haris Wolfgang and Liza Ramey of Subud Portland:

Hello Haris and Liza,
I’m happy to report that our recent Revitalizing our Centers/Region Workshops were a great success.

We did two separate sessions over our Labor Day weekend congress. The first session was with the council and dewan. The second session was with the membership as a workshop.

Both groups had lively conversations- especially the break out and re-grouping done with the membership.

Both groups did two separate sessions; GOALS or a vision that they have for the region or center and an ACTION PLAN to realize their goals.

What we did not get to was coming to the final single purpose or “mission statement” that distilled this new direction. I’m hoping that this can still be done with member participation via email, newsletter or even Facebook.

I encouraged the members to consider inviting you to come to do deeper work and to continue the process. The response was overwhelmingly favorable. I think most people were grateful for the opportunity to be heard and to be a part of a process of discovery and focus.
Our national chair, Daniel Stralburg also participated and said he’d like to share this with the other regions.

You guys are really on to something. Thank you for sharing your vision with all of us and for supporting me in taking it out to the California members.

There are many things that can be followed up on but one thing that is of particular interest to me is something that continues to come up. When there are centers that are struggling for whatever reason, we agreed that it would be great to have support and encouragement from another center that is flourishing. We discussed the idea of creating a National or even International Sister Center Initiative. Similar to what Liza had mentioned about Sonoma connecting with Portland to gain support, we could help connect centers to each other for mutual benefit and support.

This also dovetails into another idea, that of utilizing our material and human resources better. We have resources to share with each other. I primarily mean reaching out to our members who are experts at various things, sharing our expertise and talents, mentoring younger, newer members and groups etc…

I could go on and on but I’ll stop now. You have really started something! Bravo!!

Daniel asked me to share the results of our two sessions. I will compile them in the next couple days and send you a copy if you’d like.

With much appreciation,


NW Regional Congress Sept 27, Portland

From outgoing Chair Robina Page:

Subud Portland

Subud Portland

The Regional Congress is Sept 27, at the Portland Subud house.

Regional latihan Saturday at 11, followed by lunch and meeting.

We will be testing for chair and vice chair.

Sunday those of us staying will join the Portland group in their morning latihan, followed by testing with the regional helpers.

Subud Portland

Subud Portland

Saturday, Sept 6 Latihan, Enter Directly into Halls

Dear Subud Community,

Seattle Subud House

Seattle Subud House

A renter for a workshop on September 6 has requested that Subud Members enter the respective latihan halls for the 10:15 quiet time directly through the doors that go into the halls. For men, the basement. For women, the front chapel doors. Attendance for Saturday latihan is almost non-existent, but if you plan on going, please be aware so that the workshop is not disturbed. This is a one-time occasion, so I apologize for any inconvenience.


Paul Nelson
Rental Agent

News from Vancouver, BC

(Paul Edwards is chair of Vancouver)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Capri Hall Vancouver

Capri Hall Vancouver

It is my happy assignment to give you some very big news. Thanks to all your hard work and commitment for the last long 34 years, our last Mortgage payment on our Fraser Hall was made on August 15th. Of course we still have all of our other commitments that need our support, but this is wonderful news indeed!!!  The current Board of Directors have decided to host a celebration party for this very important event. I will update you on the details as they develop, but we wanted to let you know!

On other happy news, five (yes, I said 5) new members have all been opened recently.  They are:

Blair Goodwill, Mustafa Subroto, Adena Von Hahn, Casey Von Hahn, Davida Paul. All of these new members are under 40! We welcome you all with open arms!

And one more tid bit….  we will have a second World Congress sharing at the Sunday Social on September 14th…. please mark your calendars! Anyone from Bellingham or further south is welcome to join us. Latihan quiet time starts at 10:00 am; the social part usually gets going after 11:00 am.



Poems for Peace Sept 20 7PM

Poems For Peace 2014

Poems For Peace 2014

The third annual celebration of poetry and peace, Poems for Peace, sponsored by the Subud International Cultural Association, is set for Saturday, September 20, 2014, at 7PM at the Spring Street Center/Seattle Subud House, 1101 15th Av, Seattle, on the corner of 15th & Spring.

Anne Padilla and Paul Nelson are your hosts and the evening will feature food, drinks, fellowship and poetry related to the theme of peace in honor of the U.N. International Day of Peace. Invited to read are those poets who participated in the 8th August Poetry Postcard Fest reading a poem or two they wrote during the month and one or two they received. Confirmed performers include:

Samar Albuhassan
Dan Blunck
Jim O’Halloran
Faiza Sultan
Thomas Walton
Bhakti Watts

THE SUBUD INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (SICA) is a nonprofit organization providing programs and services to individuals and organizations working to nurture human values through art, culture, and creativity. SICA provides information, training, networking and support services as well as opportunities to engage and collaborate with cultural initiatives and events around the world. SICA, which has a constituency in almost 90 countries, is an active member of the International Coalition of NGOs for Peace jointly led by Peace One Day and Interpeace as well as Americans for the Arts. SICA was begun by members of the World Subud Association in the UK in 1983 and is currently based in Austin, Texas, USA.