Category Archives: General Announcements

Celebration of World Congress

Rachman Cantrell at it again

Rachman Cantrell at it again

On August 24 after latihan, those who have recently returned from Puebla, Mexico will share their World Congress experiences and we will honor the new Subud USA Chair, local member Daniel Stralberg.

The Congress ended Saturday night and Subud Greater Seattle had a large presence at the Congress. Hopefully Rachman Cantrell can show some of his photos, new foundation Chair Marston Gregory will discuss his plans for the Muhammed Subuh Foundation and Oswald Norton will discuss potential SUSA collaborations.


My Community Day at the 2013 World Subud Congress

Oswald, Liza & Haris in Puebla

Oswald, Liza & Haris in Puebla

Haris Wolfgang, Liza Ramey and I were invited into the delegate session during the My Community Day to work with the delegates on the concept of helping their own local communities flourish. Here is a summary of what happened in the first session: “Subud is a like a tree.  Its roots are our local Subud communities.  Its roots need to be nurtured for the tree to be truly healthy.” ~ from our new WSA Chair Elias Dumit We went through a process of identifying and sharing our needs and hopes for our communities in a safe and inclusive space is a starting point for learning conflict resolution, creating consensus and intention  toward building healthy, vibrant  communities. What we learned from Friday’s experience: We shared a small piece of the beginning of the community building process. Even though very abbreviated, each sister and brother were able to share, listen and acknowledge their hopes for their community.  We also learned that we share many of the same hopes. (see attached PowerPoint for a summary of themes)  How can we see these hopes realized? Next steps:

  • Using the common themes identified, we will go through a process of choosing one theme that resonates with the group through consensus building
  • Groups will  create a strategy to carry out that theme through activities and projects.

What we have witnessed with groups going through this process is that members become engaged working toward a shared vision they have had a part in creating. When we nourish the roots of the tree, we invite members that are empowered to  create thriving communities making the tree grow and flourish.

Elisha Swings in Puebla

Our own Elisha Gullixson was featured at a concert last night at Teatro Principal, a beautiful, 600 seat auditorium in Puebla, Mexico, last night. It was one of the many arts events at this 14th Subud World Congress. He played piano in a quintet led by NYC Subud alto saxophonist Benjamin Drazen and thrilled the packed house. Some Mexicanas backstage wanted to know when they were playing again. Elisha’s solo on St. Thomas was particularly inspired and their appearance was one of the evening’s highlights.

Benjamin Drazen and Elisha Gullixson in concert, Puebla, Mexico, Subud World Congress, August 7, 2014

Benjamin Drazen and Elisha Gullixson in concert, Puebla, Mexico, Subud World Congress, August 7, 2014

Elisha prepares to plow into his first bit of Chiles en Nogada

Elisha prepares to plow into his first bit of Chiles en Nogada

Applying the Downbeat (jazz) Magazine’s blindfold test to the meal afterwards, Elisha pronounced it “Cinco Estrellas.”

Puebla Congress News

Marston Gregory

Marston Gregory

Some brief news bits from Puebla. Our own Marston Gregory tested before delegates, International Helpers and others gathered in the Constantia of the Centro de Convenciones in Puebla, Mexico, at the 2014 World Congress, for the position of Chair of the Muhammed Subud Foundation. In his own testing he reported that he felt he had the qualifications but that the test was not powerful. The International Helpers disagreed and recommended him for Chair. In an additional test, Marston’s receiving was powerful and the delegates ratified the Helper’s decision. Marston is the new Chair of the Muhammed Subuh Foundation! Congrats Marston!

Evan Padilla came in a close second for the position of Chair of the Susila Dharma International Association.

At this writing, your humble correspondent, Paul Nelson, is set to perform poems at the Poemas de la Paz event tonight (Wednesday, August 6) and another poetry event Thursday night, as well as host a Conversation Cafe panel on the Future of Storytelling next Wednesday, August 13th.

100 Day Selametan for Paul E Nelson Sr.

100 Day Selametan for Paul E. Nelson Sr. Tuesday, August 19th

Starting at 7PM, Tuesday, August 19th, at the Seattle Subud House, Paul Nelson will be hosting remembrance of his Father Paul E Nelson Senior marking the 100th Day since his passing. He died May 11, 2014, at his home in Chicago, Illinois, in his bed. Paul Jr. will be reading poems written for his Father and telling stories about growing up as his son. Some food and light beverages will be provided.

Paul E Nelson Sr. in 1984 (photo by Barb Nelson) December 27, 1928 - May 11, 2014

Paul E Nelson Sr. in 1984 (photo by Barb Nelson)
December 27, 1928 – May 11, 2014

New Beds

As approved by the Dewan at the July 7 meeting (see: the house has 5 new beds to support the visits of visiting Subud members and our growing Airbnb lodgers. Marston helped prepare the four bedrooms in the house for the beds.

The old beds were donated to the family of B and Natasha who live in public housing across the street. They were grateful for the donation and the bed deliverymen brought the largest of the beds to their apartment!

To see our current Airbnb listings click here for Room 1:
Room 2 is here:
Room 3: and
Room 4:

Marston has also helped create some other updates to the house including the repair of the ceiling fans in the Chapel and a repair of the deck outside the 2nd floor. Subud member Paul Truitt completed the work yesterday.

Marston Welcomes Bed Delivery

Marston Welcomes Bed Delivery

Marston guides new bed delivery guys.

Marston guides new bed delivery guys.


Two applicants have withdrawn their request for a grant to attend the Subud World Congress 2014. The Grant Committee has decided to reopen applications to Subud Greater Seattle members only.

The grant is for $1100. It may be used only to defray direct costs of congress.

Email Marston Gregory on or before June 20th. He will forward a Grant Application. Funds will sent by July 1, 2014. Be aware – the price of registration jumps to $650 after June 30, 2014.

Since other Subud Pacific Northwest centers are doing their own fundraising, this one grant is now limited to Subud Greater Seattle members only.

100 Day Selametan for Lionnell Covert Sunday, June 8th

Lionnell Covert

This Sunday, June 8th, at the Seattle Subud House, Oswald and Rayma Norton will be hosting remembrance of Lionnell Covert marking the 100th Day since his passing after the Latihan. He was a long time member of our community and died February 28th in Crestone, Colorado.

We will provide light refreshments.  You are encouraged to bring a dish of your own that Lionnell might have enjoyed.


Subud Canada National Gathering June 20-22

Join our northern neighbors for a Subud gathering Canada-style at Crescent Beach, in Surrey, BC, June 20-22. See:




4 – 6 pm – Registration, relaxing, meeting old friends and new, exploring Crescent Beach and village, ice-creams, coffees ….

6 – 7:30 pm – BBQ Supper from Kumari’s Kitchen – come enjoy!

7:30 pm – Latihan

8:30 pm – Opening Circle – All Welcome   Followed by:

Sunset Beach Walk

Spirit Talk about our Subud-related experiences

Melodious Musicians around the campfire


7 am – Summer Solstice Low-Tide Beach and Barefoot Grass Walk

8 – 9 am – Breakfast
9 – 10 am – Latihan 

10 am – 12 Noon – Subud Canada AGM (Delegates & observers)

10 am – 12 Noon – Kejiwaan Activities (Non-Delegates)

10 am – 12 Noon – Other Activities, Beach, Nature Trails, etc.

12- 1 pm – Lunch

1 – 2 pm – Testing for incoming National and Regional Helpers 

2 – 5 pm – AGM Presentations and Discussions

2 – 5 pm – Workshops and Activities

Creative Writing Workshop

Find Your Inner Rhymer – Rhymes for Fun, Rhymes for Friends, Rhymes as Prayers and for Making Amends

Solstice Explained – What on Earth is Happening?

Other workshops, to be confirmed at Opening Circle

2 – 5 pm – Personal Testing (sign-up sheets available on-site)

5 – 6:30 pm – Supper  – Dress your best to celebrate Bapak’s Birthday (already morning in Indonesia) (22 June 1901–1987) 

7 pm – Bapak’s Birthday Latihan and testing 

8 – 11 pm – Subud Cultural Evening 


8 – 9 am – Breakfast

9  – 10 am – Latihan

10 am – Subud Canada Congress

Nominations, testing and voting for Subud Canada Chair, Western Regional Chair, SICA Canada Rep, and Subud Canada Housing Fund Directors

10 – 11:30 am – Workshops and Activities, to be announced

11:30 – Noon – Room and Camp Clean-Up

12 – 1 pm – Lunch and Room Key Hand-in
1 – 1:45 pm – Closing Circle

1:45 – 2 pm – Farewells, group photos

2:00 pm – Gather outside Camp to enjoy the beach, explore Crescent Beach village together, and hang out for the afternoon (more coffees, teas, ice-cream, sorbets …..)

Daniel Stralberg New Chair of Subud USA

Today at the National Congress outside Pittsburgh, PA, our own Daniel Stralberg was named Chair of Subud USA. It is a two-year term. 

Daniel Stralberg New Subud USA Chair

Daniel Stralberg New Subud USA Chair

From Sebastian Tedrow:


We had a wonderful National Congress in Pittsburgh this past weekend! Please welcome our new Subud USA committee and wing chairs:

Chair: Daniel Stralberg (Seattle)
Vice Chair: Mary Wold (Midwest Regional)
Committee Councilor: Muftiah McCartin (Washington DC)
Treasurer: still open
Secretary: still open
SES (Subud Enterprises Services): still open
SYA (Subud Youth Activities): Mahallia Ward Pollard (Chicago) and Dexter Douglass (New York)
SD (Susila Dharma): Evan Padilla continues for 1 more year
SICA (Subud International Cultural Association USA): Mhd. Isman Kanafsky continues for 1 more year
Please contact Daniel at if you are interested in one of the open positions.

Also a big thanks to our outgoing officers Shoshanah Margolin, Lucian Parshall, Morris McClellan, Hamidatun Karapetian, Hanafi Fraval and Levana Fraval.

More details on the congress will come next week in our e-blast and newsletter!