Ida Stralberg, Evan Padilla and Halstein Stralberg (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)
What a great event Subud Greater Seattle created on Sunday, December 22, 2013, our annual Holiday Party! Hadiyah Carlyle did much of the organizing and made some phone calls to members who live far from Seattle, (such as Frederick and Melanie Branchflower), David Lynch and Jim O’Halloran performed on guitar and flute respectively, Hadijah Obar and Annie Padilla helped provide food (along with many member potluck dishes including authentic Cuban picadillo) and long-time members (& recent transplants to Seattle) Halstein & Ida Stralberg, and Sebastian & Lorraine Tedrow told Subud stories.
Halstein and Ida talked about becoming acquainted with Subud. Halstein said he was a spiritual seeker at age 16, was opened in Subud at 18 and became a helper not much after that. Lorraine talked about the effort to acquire the house now known as the Subud House in Seattle. She said Lawrence and Rosanna Krauss carried the $23K mortgage because traditional financing was not available to the fledgling Subud Seattle community. She mentioned a book by Rosanna Krauss about the early days of Subud in Seattle, which go back to 1961, and said we will celebrate 40 years in the house in February 2014.

Hadidjah Gregory, Rayma Norton and Aida Cantrell (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)
I took extensive notes and hope to make a more detailed post about these talks sometime. Better yet, interviews with all these folks and Chuck and Anne Cary, early Subud Seattle members, would be ideal. Please have any elders interested in doing an interview contact me at pen (at) splab (dot) org or call (206) 422.5002.
Also, for anyone who took photos of this past event, please send a few choice ones to me. Thanks, Paul Nelson.
Subud Greater Seattle Chair:

Chair, Subud Greater Seattle, David Lynch (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)
See all Rachman’s photos here.