Category Archives: General Announcements

New Ibu Rahayu Talk with Subtitles Now Online

Ibu Rahayu gave a talk recently, a Talk to Members on August 2th, a Night of Power.
To view the video of the talk, go to:


Once on the site, go to Ibu Rahayu Talks (video) and scroll down to this video.

This is message from Vernon Contessa, moderator of the site.

Please share this message with others!

Guest Poet from Morocco at the Subud House Sunday

El Habib Louai

El Habib Louai

Please remember this Sunday, August 11, please stay after latihan and hear El Habib Louai speak about the Beats from a Moroccan perspective and read some of his work, including translations of Allen Ginsberg into Arabic. SICA (the Subud International Cultural Association) and The City of Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs are sponsors.

El Habib Louai is a Beat Scholar from Agadir, Morocco, and is working on translating the poems of Allen Ginsberg and other U.S. poets into Arabic.

Saturday, August 10th Habib will perform a poem as part of the annual concert by the (Subud Brother) Jim O’Halloran Quintet at Bradner Gardens at 1730 Bradner Pl S,  Seattle. 6:30PM.

Sunday, August 11th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at Spring Street Center, 1101 15th Avenue, Seattle. 12:30PM.

Monday, August 12th he’ll be the featured

reader at the North End Forum at the Wedgwood Ale House, 8515 35th NE, Seattle. 8:30PM.

Thursday, August 15th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at the North Cascades Institute’s Environmental Learning Center near Sedro Wooley, WA. 7PM.


It seems that the inception of sentimental states is unchangeably similar

Dear clients, I shall seize the opportunity to canalize these feelings!

Especially to those sitting somewhere on bus station benches

Unexpectedly, waiting for trains or buses bound to nowhere

I would love to desperately inform you:

I reckon I have never visited Finland.

Actually, I probably never should visit Finland,

Since it is a place I love so much on paperbacks

I bought from Powell’s Books with my working class dimes

It turned out I am visiting 21st century American dream


Now that I am sitting in this greyhound bus station

Not because I am expecting a girlfriend’s heart to revisit

Not because I am picking up my grandmother’s leather suitcases

Not because I am bound to meet a Rockefeller businessman

Not because I am solitarily taking 8.30 train to Eugene

It is because I whimsically remembered Jack in his French Beret

It is because 50s style Cadillac car smoke gets into my myopic eyes

It is because my ears picked “Born to Be Wild” on the entrance to Portland Central Station

It is because I imagined again Jack’s mother weeping in front of Madonna icons

It is because I ventured into the epiphanies of the varieties of religious experience


It is In Portland where everybody leisurely rode their fanciful organic bikes,

In Portland where the deer leap and traipse through when you plant roses,

In Portland where blond girls walk in their vegan underwear late in the evening,

In Portland where Gays and Lesbians read their battered copies of “Gender Trouble”,

In Portland where Columbia and Willamette rivers erotically confluence,

In Portland where nouveau riche American couples have two types of tap waters,

I walked in distress when I saw old and young homeless pass out on hard floors


What would Kerouac say in this postmodern greyhound bus station?

Shall he say again “the floors of bus stations are the same all over the country, “

Shall he say again “they are always covered with butts and spit”

Shall he say again “they give a feeling of sadness that only bus stations have.”

Shall he say again the trip “was an ordinary bus trip with crying babies and hot sun”


I shall not dwell in memoriam of anything celebrating funhouse mirror reflection of Portlandia

I shall not join Portlandia’s cage-free, organic and fresh satires on Mississippi Avenue

I shall let the Road unfold in a series of joyful epiphanies, in truck stops, Greyhound bus station

I shall stare through the early evening windows of jazz bars

This shall be my love letter to the great American landscapes I left in Iowa, Ohio and Indiana

I shall be too busy for failing love relationship scruples

I shall just allow my muscles a space to twitch, to live the ragged joy and go

I shall just sit in the greyhound bus station and think everything over.


Poems for Peace (From Latifah)

Woo hoo!

According to the US Patent and Trademark Office, Poems for Peace ® is now the registered service mark of the Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) “for arranging, organizing, conducting and hosting social entertainment events.”

Registered July 30, 2013.
We applied for this months ago.  Am thrilled.  Of course, other non-Subud folks can use the name as well — “with the kind permission of the Subud International Cultural Association.”
I feel something like I did when I got the name Latifah.  It came in the mail for me.  And when I read the letter that said my name was Latifah, I pressed to my heart and felt that I now had something of my very own.  My name.
It feels a bit special that now SICA — SICA all over —  has something of its very own.
With love  and wishes for a blessed last days of the fast,

Latifah Taormina

Subud International Cultural Association
9509 Ketona Cove, Austin, TX 78759, USA
skype:  ltaormina
What if an organization is not to be managed but played like a musical instrument? — Andrew Taylor                             
It’s been said that culture is an action of one’s inner nature — one’s soul. Then SICA is for activities that grow out of the development of one’s soul

Family Camp Update

Subud Family Camp

Subud Family Camp

1. Staying an extra day:  Several people have asked if Family Camp could be a day longer.

The camp has given its permission for us to stay a day longer. The cost would be $25 for adults, $12 for teens and $10 for 5 to 12 year olds.
There will be a dining room service only if enough sing up for them. Otherwise it will be possible to cook there.
If you want to stay the extra day, please indicate this on your registration form.
2. Buildings reserved.  Fewer people are registering this year. Accordingly, we will be housed in Chak Chak, and have the use of the dining hall and games rooms below for program.
Please send in your registration asap.
3. Activities. Please let me know what activities you are planning for at the camp and what you are bringing to share with others- if any.
Robina Page

Subud USA News #155

SUBUD USA logoThe August Subud USA News was just sent out. Members may have received it, however, in their promotions box. Please let people know that the August issue of the newsletter (not e-blast) has arrived but may be in Spam or in another folder. It is rich in content, and it would be a shame for those interested to miss this.

A PDF of the newsletter is attached here. Please pass it on to your groups, as many folks miss the e-mails.

155 August13.pdf

From Robina Page (Chair Subud PNW)

Subud PNW

Subud PNW


1.Kedj Day in Southern Oregon with the Regional Helpers.
This is Saturday August 17. You are invited. For info and to confirm attendance, contact Hellene Chapman:
2.Portland has received a $10,000 grant from MSF for needed repairs to its house.
They invite us to:  a Subud Family Picnic with food, games and a playSaturday July 27.  5:00- 8:00 p.m.  It is at the George Rogers Memorial Garden at the Iron Foundry in Lake Oswego (Off State Street (main drag), park at Furnace & Green Sts.)
At 7 o’clock, a presentation of Moliere’s LOVERS” QUARRELS.
It is performed outdoors on the lawn, so bring a blanket, lawn chairs, Frisbee & a picnic. The Willamette River  is nearby for swimming
Dogs on a leash WELCOME!  ADMISSION IS FREE.  (Hat passed at the end of the show).
3.Seattle SICA  presents special poetry events ( also supported by a grant from the city Office of Arts). They invite us meet with poet El Habib Louai –
 El Habib Louai is a Beat Scholar from Agadir, Morocco,. He organized 100 Thousand Poets for Change in Agadir, Morocco in 2011.
     The events:
Saturday, August 10th Habib will perform a poem as part of the annual         concert by the Jim O’Halloran Quintet at Bradner Gardens at 1730         Bradner Pl S, Seattle. 6:30PM.
Sunday, August 11th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at the Seattle Subud House at  12:30PM.
 Monday, August 12th. Habib’s featured reader at the North End Forum at the Wedgwood Ale House, 8515 35th NE, Seattle. 8:30PM.
Thursday, August 16th, he’ll discuss the Beat poets from a Moroccan perspective at the North Cascades Institute’s Environmental Learning Center near Sedro Wolley, WA. 7PM.
4. HELP— There are many wonderful things happening in Subud. Do you have enough computer skills to send out messages like this with piazzz?
I do not- or this would be more fun to read.
Please get in touch if you can do this occasionally.

Donations Not Keeping the Subud House Going

Women's Latihan Hall/Chapel

Women’s Latihan Hall/Chapel

From Sherwin Obar:

People may ask what is the difference between the Seattle Subud House and the Spring Street Center?  They are both the same building and there is nothing in the building distinguishing House from Center. 

But rather than getting into a phantom of the opera back and forth, let me tap out a few thoughts  on the costs of maintaining the building. 
For starters, there are utilities–electricity, gas, water, refuse and recycling aka curbside collection, and sewage.  These average about $1,000 monthly. Then there is house cleaning and various routine supplies and light maintenance–painting, fixing the thermostat–and these are about $400 monthly to $500monthly.  Add on another $100 a month for insurance and we have average  monthly expenses of about $1,500.

A current guess is that 10% to 20% of the $1,500, or up to $300 monthly, is due to rentals and so of course this cost should be and is covered by rental fees.

However, at minimum about $1,200 of these costs will occur whether or not there are Center rentals. So this means Subud member donations need to average $1,200 monthly to cover costs that are House generated.  To date this year thru June member donations are about $2,000 less than needed to cover House expenses thru June.
Thanks to all for your continuing and future monetary contributions to sustain the Seattle Subud House.

We have the following options:

Put cash in the donation box in Seattle or Eastside. If you wish a tax deduction for cash please put in envelop or add a note so we can send you tax receipt at year end.
Write and Check and put in box in Seattle or Eastside.
Setup an autopay with your bank through your bank’s “Bill pay function” and have check send each month (easiest way since we often forget.


Make a donation with a debit or credit card here: 

Remember no amount is too small.

The Soul in Action

The Soul in Action
Sunday, July 28th
an invitation to a kedjiwaan gathering

Subud House

Subud House

“The Soul In Action,” a kedjiwaan afternoon …Kedjiwaan…relating to the jiwa or spiritual side of Subud…an afternoon of expanding/enriching our spiritual selves through worship and testing, and spending an easy afternoon with our brothers and sisters. (Quiet time starts at 11a).

Question: What would it take for you to come, on Sunday…and to come to group latihan, in general? Many are not coming to latihan….why? Life too busy, not getting what you need/want from Subud, the latihan, our community? These are questions your local helpers want to know the anwers to, we want to provide what it is the members want/need and, we need you, the members to let us know what is missing, which maybe is something the helpers cannot do alone…maybe only as a community can we do that, but we need you to tell us that.

On Sunday, we will test a few simple questions immediately after latihan and then will open the floor to what the members present bring to discuss, and we will as a group decide about how we will spend the time we have together…but we need all of you to be present to do that…together let’s create the best possible kedjiwaan day experience that we can have.

We look forward to seeing you there.

– Hadijah Obar



Snack will be provided with a donation bowl to cover costs.

Look forward to seeing you.