Category Archives: General Announcements

Reminder for Sunday



Please mark your calendars for Sunday May 19 for the General Meeting. A lot is happening at the Subud house and we want to tell you about it. (Handicap access proposals, finances, a new committee.) We will also have entertainment to liven up our get together.

Bring something for the potluck, bring (if you want) something to entertain us with (music, poetry etc) and most of all, bring yourself. We look forward to seeing you!

Subud USA Newsletter (May 2013)

The Subud USA Newsletter is now out. I have printed off a copy for the Subud House, but you can download it here:

Subud USA May 2013

Subud USA May 2013

Some highlights:

  • All about the 2013 National Gathering, including information on Subud Albuquerque and the area; “a few ‘old timers have been practicing latihan together here for half a century…”  (photo: University of New Mexico, Gathering site)
  • Dedicating Bapak’s Birthday, June 22, to Fasting and Prayer, from the National Helpers
  • Message from Subud Boston
  • Almut Zieher, Youth and Families Coordinator, reflects on the words ‘young’ and ‘youth’ within Subud USA
  • Visit Atalanta project after Gathering
  • Opportunities: SD USA seeking board members, $10,000 SICA prize, scholarships for Creative Quest, Seven Circles caretaking couple needed
  • Subud Cuba legal after 55 years

General Meeting (Culture Cafe)



COMING UP!  MAY 19.  Sunday, after Latihan we’re having a Subud Greater Seattle General meeting at our new Culture Cafe.  Yup come hear music, bring a dish for lunch, and hear what’s going on with Subud.  We have a great committee so would love to see you.  Bring a dish!  Whatever suits your fancy and if you have a song or poem you would like to share feel free to bring it as well.

Some of the topics for discussion are adding handicap access to the Subud House.  We need your input!


Ginsberg Marathon, June 1, 2013 8P-?

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg

Join us for a celebration of Beat poet (& counter-cultural icon) Allen Ginsberg at the 12th Annual Allen Ginsberg Memorial Open Mic Poetry Marathon on Saturday, June 1, starting at 8PM. The venue for the first year is the Spring Street Center. There will be Beat-centric performances throughout the night. For details, see the poster below. Suggested donation is $5.00 and benefits SPLAB – The SPokenword LAB. 8P Start – Featured Poet Jack Remick. He’s Beat, but not tired & brings Beat fire to kick off AG12. (Download a pdf of the poster here.)

AG Open Mic Marathon

AG Open Mic Marathon, poster by Tessa Hulls

10P – The Four Hoarse Men perform a selection of Michael McClure’s Ghost Tantras.
11P – Band of Poets
12M – The Bempire. Greg Bem hosts Beat movies, readings and your all night contributions.
5A – Sunrise reading of an AG classic. Howl? Kaddish? Wichita Vortex Sutra?
6A – 2nd shift, with breakfast. Are you an early riser?
9A – Lightning Round hosted by Paul Nelson. Bring your VERY SHORT (haiku-length) poems, as we move in a circle to hear everyone’s work. You can even improvise, but keep it 10-20 syllables.
10A – Nadine Maestas hosts a panel on AG’s LGBTQ poetics and activism at a venue TBA.

* * *

Subud members are encouraged to attend, participate and help the proceedings happen in the best way.

National Congress Workshops

Melinda Wallis

Melinda Wallis

Run a workshop at the national gathering! SICA USA is seeking YOU! You have something to share with others in a workshop? Are you good at drawing? Do a workshop teaching some drawing skills. We already have a SINGING workshop happening. Someone else is doing a COOKING/RECIPES workshop. SICA is verrrry broad, and covers a lot of types of activities. Share your talents! reply to melinda.wallis at

World Congress Site Goes Live

Puebla, Mexico

Puebla, Mexico

The website for the next World Congress in August, 2014 is now available for viewing. Go to www.subudworldcongress Local member, Marston Gregory is Treasurer for the event and has been actively working on the team with many trips to Puebla. He reports that the venue should be a wonderful site surrounded by historic buildings some from the 17th Century. The registration online will be available in a few weeks. The reason the site is up so early is to allow members to pay 30% down and then create their own payment plan. The congress registration fees are the lowest in years and discounts can be applied for if you are in any country including the U.S.

This will be the cheapest congress for North American’s since Spokane. Flights also into Mexico City from Seattle are plentiful. Shuttles will pick up members for a small fee and shuttle the hotels. Be aware, Puebla has only a few flight directly into the city and at a higher cost through Dallas or Houston. The trip by bus is the best option and can be booked through your registration online.

Be sure to register early to get the Early Bird rate, before November 30. Due to it location and it’s low cost, it should be an amazing two week congress. To get a hotel close to the site, book early. A list of hotels will be up in May. Many hotels are giving us discounted rates. There are over 1000 hotel rooms within walking distance to the convention center.

Two other team members used to live in the Seattle area, Lucida Garneau (building our online registration program with Cvent; now in Eastern Canada) and Debbie Machado-Santos who was opened in Seattle who is our Customer Service Representative to answer questions and assist with Lodging.

Only 15 months now until the congress unfolds!

New System

The Subud House

The Subud House

Dear Brothers and Sisters, as approved at the March 24 committee meeting, we have a new system of communication. The Subud Greater Seattle website is now linked to a program which will automatically send members of Subud Greater Seattle (and anyone else interested) a weekly digest of posts. This, of course, will require weekly posts and there are seven (count ’em) 7 administrators who can do just that. It is my hope the other six will post occasionally, with news and other information relevant to Subud Greater Seattle. An opt-out link will be in every email that goes out, so look for it at the bottom of those emails should you want to stop being informed about matters pertinent to SGS members. Expect your weekly email at 6AM Wednesday mornings.

If there are corrections that need to be made to the site, please contact me, Paul Nelson, at Splabman (at) gmail (dot) com

May the higher forces be with you. (Or you with them.)


Spring Street Record Month!


This part March we set a new record for rentals at Spring Street Seattle.

Now entering our second year of active facility rental, we’re beginning to see increased interest in the Subud House as an event venue.

We had a memorial, a wedding on St. Patrick’s Day and a wedding on the 24th. We are getting rave reviews from our clients. One person said Spring Street Center is “the best-kept secret in Seattle.” You can help us get the word out to your friends, by spreading the word or by “liking” our Facebook page. Thanks to our Subud members for sacrificing a day of latihan so the Wells couple could have their wedding on Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day.

Wells Wedding (3.17.13)

Wells Wedding (3.17.13)

April 14 Entertainment Potluck

You are invited to a Subud potluck on Sunday, April 14, 2013, for food, music, poetry & conversation. Festivities start after latihan, around 12N.

Members A – F, bring an animal product/or some kind of Main Course dish.
Members G – L, bring a side-dish.
Members M – S, bring dessert/drinks.
Members T – Z, bring gluten-free options.

Please call David Lynch (360) 742.6211 or Hadiyah Carlyle (206) 271.4577, as they are coordinating entertainment. (Can we get Marston to do mime? Will Jim bring his flute?)

Hey, did you see the new handicap-friendly sidewalk ramps the city put in on March 29??

New Sidewalk Ramps!

New Sidewalk Ramps!