Category Archives: General Announcements

Latihan Times, Helpers

Latihan Times effective Monday, September 17, 2012

Men and Women

Monday:     7:45 quiet for 8:00 pm latihan

Thursday:     7:45 quiet for 8:00 pm latihan

Friday:     7:45 quiet for 8:00 pm latihan- East Side (effective October 5, 2012)

Saturday:    10:15 quiet for 10:30 am latihan

Sunday:      11:00 quiet for 11:15 am latihan

Current Active Helpers:                Regional Helpers:
Hadijah O’Bar                                 Halimah Bellows
Lucinda O’Halloran                       Insiah Caspers
Lucy Brown – Candidate Helper

Jim O’Halloran                               David Lynch
Abideen Gunatilaka
Paul Nelson
Ray Brown – Candidate Helper

Subud PNW Regional Congress, Saturday 9.22.12

Here is the schedule
1:00 pm – Latihan
2:00  pm     Business meeting (outgoing committee)
    Tea/coffee break (graciously hosted by Hadijah Gregory)
3:00 pm – testing new committee
The regional helpers are also planning a Kejiwaan day on Sunday, following  the normal group latihan.  Quiet time at 11:00 am.

Family Camp: Friday, August 31st – Sunday, September 2nd

(From Ramon) Hi Everyone,

Family Camp registration is very low this year – Can you please post this notice in your respective houses and encourage people who intend to come to register ASAP – Thanks!

Inline image 1

Subud Pacific Northwest


To come to our 2012 end of Summer “Family Camp”

 Registration Due by August 15th

WHAT: A fun-filled weekend with your Subud Family, all ages, all types of families and individuals welcome! (Please, keep the furry creatures at home J)

WHEN: Friday, August 31st – Sunday, September 2nd

WHERE: Camp Indianola on the Puget Sound in Washington

ACTIVITIES: Arts and Crafts (such as, origami, ceramics, beading & painting); Swinging on the Rope Swing; Beach & Nature Walks; Latihan; Swimming in the Sound; Ping Pong; Fort Building; Foosball; Singing; Basketball; Volleyball; Card & Board Games; Chillin’ with your friends; Capture the Flag; and of course, Campfires & S’mores!

Want more info?

Please Contact, Gloriana Ingram-Bate:

                       360-568-1811 or

DON’T MISS OUT on the end of Summer FUN! Register TODAY!!!

Celebrate Idul Fitri with Subud Greater Seattle

Celebrate Idul Fitri with Subud Greater Seattle

Rejoice, give thanks to Almighty God and share the spirit of love, peace and brotherhood.

Please join us for a Pot Luck Luncheon and a food drive in support of Northwest Harvest and 
Susila Dharma.

Sunday August 19th, 2012, after latihan. Friends and Families Welcome!

A-I   Entree
J-R  Salad / Appetizer
S-Z  Dessert

Please bring a donation for Susila Dharma and / or Northwest Harvest

What types of food does Northwest Harvest need?
Northwest Harvest can use any nonperishable food or monetary donations. If you prefer to donate food, select shelf-stable food with the lowest saturated fats and refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour). We buy white rice and beans in bulk, so we encourage you to donate other items. Here are some suggestions:

General food items:

Whole grain pastas
Brown rice
Tomato products
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit, especially with low sugar (but not artificial sweeteners)
Canned fish or meat
Shelf-stable milk
Beef stew, chili and similar meals with low sugar and saturated fats

Infant and baby foods:

Baby formula
Canned milk
Infant cereal
Jars of baby food
Powdered or canned milk
We also accept baby diapers 
May God Bless,
Lucy Brown

PNW Regional Meeting (Elect a New Chair)

Hello Everybody,

Regional Congress: Sept 22nd – Seattle Subud House
Due to many meetings running over and PNW members being involved in various aspects of the National Congress we decided to postpone the Regional Congress until September 22nd, in Seattle.  I hope this hasn’t caused any inconvenience, if so my sincere apologies. 

This Congress we will be testing in a new chair and vice chair – if you have any interest or questions about these jobs, feel free to email me or give me a call (206.331.5960)

Congratulations to Daniel Stralberg (and SUBUDUSA) as he has been tested in as National Treasurer. He has passed the reins to Sherwin O’Bar –  Thanks Sherwin for joining the regional committee as our new treasurer and providing support for this important job.

Family Camp:
Forms and information can be found on the SUBUDPNW website ( which I have just now updated – If you’d like paper forms or have any trouble downloading the forms, email me and I’ll provide any assistance needed.

Menucha: November 8th – 12th
We are working on working out online registration – I’ll send a notification when this is ready – thanks for your patience.

Much love,

Ramon –


The greenest commercial building on earth rises in Seattle

Our neighbor:

The Bullitt Center not only set its sights very high; it is having a ripple effect on suppliers of building materials.


The super-green Bullitt Center under construction

Bullitt Center


When EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson visited Seattle last month for a talk at UW’s graduation, there was one visit she and her staff weren’t interested in promoting. On Saturday morning, just before the graduation, she and a few of her staffers made an unpublicized stop at 15th and Madison. (The low profile was to avoid distracting attention from her graduation speech.)


More here:

Ramadan Starts Thursday


From the National Helpers and Office

CONSIDERING OBSERVING RAMADAN? Below is a compilation of information about it, “Subud style”, and also there is information at the bottom about where to order tapes of Bapak talks in various formats.

Note to all: we are not sending out this information because we are urging people to do Ramadan, or because Subud espouses one religion over another. Bapak recommended that  fasting has value for us individually, and we know that some members observe Lent or Yom Kippur instead of Ramadan, or do their own private form of fasting.
(See Bapak’s letter to a member on this topic, at the end of this message)


  1. To print out Bapak talks,or listen to or download  talks, go to

You can do a search,using key words, so you can ask for Ramadan Talks.AUDIO TALKS ARE MARKED BY TOPIC,SO ITS EASY TO FIND THE RAMADAN TALKS

2.Subud Books are available from
Or go to –
Click on Subud Books and Media

WHEN DOES Ramadan start this year? says Ramadan  in North America, begins on the evening of  July 19, 2012, so that the first day of fasting would be  July 20, 2012.

For those observing the fast of Ramadan

Explanations of the Ramadan Calendar
Compiled from explanations given by Bapak, by Mas Sudarto and by Mas Prio

Eve of Ramadan:  The way to observe Ramadan is to take a full bath, including hair washing, and also cutting the hair and the nails, the evening before the fast.  Then, after you are clean, to state your wish to observe Ramadan as a sincere expression of your worship of Almighty God.  Then stay up at night, preferably spending the night together with other Subud brothers and sisters, in the home of a member who is also observing Ramadan.

Around three o’clock in the morning, you should take breakfast and you should brush your teeth no later than 4:30 in the morning, and after this, no more smoking, not even gargling till 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM – along about sunset.  (The local mosque can clarify as to the hour for breaking the fast.)

To break the fast, start slowly by drinking warm tea and a light snack; you can eat your dinner about half an hour or an hour later.  Bapak also recommends no sexual union during the whole month of Ramadan.  It is also beneficial to sleep as little as possible during Ramadan, not only on Nights of Power.

During the month of Ramadan: it is not permitted to have sexual intercourse, and our fasting must also include abstention from the following:
a)  We must not use our ears to listen to gossip, quarrels or bad words.
b)  We must not use our mouth to say anything wrong or unkind.
c)  We must not use the emotions to reach the emotions or passions of others.
d)  We must not use our eyes in a way that is not good or nice.
e)  We must not use the heart and mind to imagine or think about unhappy things, fantasies or unrealities.
f)  We must not eat or drink or smoke anything between dawn and sunset each day.

During the month of Ramadan, we have to fast thirty days, and during the thirty days of fasting we go through three important periods:

The first ten days (ending evening of 9th day  Ramadan):
This is a period of putting the passion in an inactive state.  During this period we are made aware that our passions become weaker and weaker day by day, and on the 9th day of fasting, it is felt that our passion is completely inactive.

The second ten days (ending evening of 19th day Ramadan):
This is a period of becoming aware that in general our attitude and actions are guided by our inner-self and the guidance day by day becomes stronger and stronger and on the 19th day of fasting our actions are as if in a complete latihan state, but in harmony with our daily activities.

The last ten days (ending evening of 30th  day of  Ramadan):
This is a period of receiving the lailatu ‘lkadar (the Nights of Power), and this is sent by God on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th days of fasting.  This lailatu ‘lkadar is not something that falls from above, but it forms a certain power which can change our state.
Most of the Subud members who fasted felt, after completing the fasting, that there were changes to their inner.  Mostly, their spirit to worship became stronger and stronger and also the intention of doing ‘prihatin’ became stronger and stronger.

LAILATUL-QADR (The evening preceding 27th day Ramadan):  Although it is generally accepted in the Moslem community that the last ten days of Ramadan are days of receiving, this particular evening is celebrated with special prayer, in the Moslem community, because it is thought that this is the day upon which the Messenger Muhammad received the verses of the Qu’ran.

TAK-BARAN: (30th day Ramadan):  The last day of fasting.  Sundown marks the end of the month.

The Night of Forgiveness.  At the end of Ramadan, we again take a full bath and put on new clothes, and then we should go to our family and our friends and ask forgiveness for whatever sin we have done.  This is a time of special celebration and thanks to Almighty God.


With thanks to Leonard Dixon for the compilation of the info from Bapak, Mas Sudarto and Mas Prio.

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Lent and Ramadhan
Letter to a member in England
Pewarta, March 1970

Copyright © 2007 the World Subud Association.  All rights reserved.CodeNumber:70TJK3 ProvisionalTranslationForSubudMembersOnly
 To a member in England In reality, Lent and Ramadhan have equal value.  Christians feel that fasting in Lent is very important for them because it is derived and adapted from what was done and experienced by Jesus Christ.
You say that Jesus Christ carried out the religious observance of fasting in the wilderness for forty days at the time of Lent.  This may be taken to mean that Jesus Christ fasted during this time so that his inner feeling might be swept clean of the influence of the nafsu causing darkness ( wilderness ) within.
For Muslims, the religious observance of fasting in the month of Ramadhan is the same.  This too is derived and adapted from what was done and experienced by the Prophet Muhammad.
It is told that the Prophet Muhammad fasted in a cave at that time ( this too means in darkness ).  He carried out the religious observance of fasting in the cave so that the inner feeling could be swept clean of the influence of the nafsu causing darkness.  It is therefore said that the revelation that he was to be the Messenger of God came to him in the cave.  In other words, it was then that he received the first command of the One God.
This is Bapak’s explanation concerning these two religious observances of fasting, as seen from the spiritual point of view.  So Bapak feels that Lent and Ramadhan are of equally great and high value.
Furthermore, any individual Christians, or Christians in general, may follow the religious observance of fasting during Ramadhan if they wish to do so, because, although this is not usually customary for Christians, if the fast is observed it is also a method whereby the influence of the nafsu, which always constitutes a temptation and a hindrance to the quiet of the inner feeling, can be separated and swept away from the inner feeling.  Conversely, it is the same for Muslims who wish to carry out the religious observance of fasting during Lent.
Now, of course, you ask: how is it for us or for Subud members?
Bapak would like you to know that, because our brotherhood of Susila Budhi Dharma consists of members of various nationalities and religions, it is best for each member to observe the fast of his own religion unless he wishes to observe another as well.
Concerning the explanation you may want about prihatin: This actually is cutting down one’s pleasures in eating, sleeping and other enjoyments.  For, if one practices prihatin, the heart is accustomed not to be deceived all the time by the nafsu.  If the nafsu, which arise in the heart and mind, are not given their way so much ( that is, if one restricts the pleasures of eating and sleeping and restrains the nafsu of anger and greed which drive away all contentment ) then the nafsu will automatically weaken, and a feeling of patience, surrender, trust and sincere submission will become manifest.
Prihatin may be practiced by anyone wishing to do so, anyone who hopes to become a person of patience who surrenders with trust and sincere submission to the Will of Almighty God.  Usually when a person can really carry this out his situation will be one of well being and happiness.
This kind of prihatin may be done by way of fasting every Monday and Thursday, without saur ( that means without eating in the middle of the night ) or by cutting down on one’s food every day; for instance, if one is accustomed to having beefsteak and potatoes, then one eats only potatoes and vegetables, provided one does not take too much of these either.  One can also cut down on sleep; not sleeping often with one’s wife and not sleeping before midnight.
This is done in the hope that one’s life situation, or one’s lot in life, may improve; also so that one’s inner feeling, which still continues to feel dark or hindered by the influence of the nafsu, may become calm and quiet and the influence of the nafsu, which always interferes with the calm and quiet of the inner feeling, may be avoided.
This is why Bapak always says that a good and noble life can be achieved only if one really practices prihatin beforehand.  It must be remembered that even Jesus Christ and the Prophet Muhammad did this.  How much more does an ordinary person need it.  One should not be quick to complain so often, or to feel despair just because one lacks things in life, nor should one feel overjoyed if one happens to have unusually good fortune.
This is Bapak’s answer to your question.  Bapak gives praise and thanks to Almighty God and hopes that you will accept the above explanation in a good way.
From Bapak

Calling Subud Poets 2

International Subud Poetry Anthology – call for submissions

I’ve been reading and listening to poetry by my Subud brothers and sisters for years and there’s no doubt in my mind that we are getting better and better at it.  I’d like to celebrate this by putting together an anthology of poetry by Subud members from all over the world. I invite you to send me three of your best poems along with a brief bio. I hope to have the anthology sequenced, edited, checked, designed and printed some time next year, well before the World Congress in Mexico.
Please email your poems to me at: Deadline end of 2012.
Thank you
Emmanuel Williams

This project is sponsored by SICA International.