Category Archives: General Announcements

National Dewan E-News #15

National Dewan E-News #15
July, 2012
From the National Committee

Items in this E-News
New National Committee and Board Members
2012 Subud USA Bylaws Approved
Summary of Resolutions Passed at the National Congress
Results of Raffle, Silent Auction, and Gift Shop
National Office Move Update
Administrative Assistant Still Needed
News from Susila Dharma USA
National Helper Liaisons
Subud Educator’s Group Listserv
Zone 7 Initiative for Cuba
Subud International Cultural Association Peace Initiative

New National Committee and Board Members
: Much news has already been sent out, but for anyone who hasn’t yet heard, the new members of the Subud USA National Dewan are as follows:
Chair: Shoshanah Margolin (Chicago)
Vice Chair: Daniel Stralberg (Seattle)
Secretary: Hamidatun Karapetian (Los Angeles)
Treasurer: Morris McClellan (Portland)
(Committee Councilor Lucian Parshall continues for 2 more years)
Susila Dharma: Evan Padilla (Seattle)
Subud International Cultural Association-USA: Mhd. Isman Kanafsky (Monterey)
Subud Enterprise Services: Hanafi and Levana Fraval (Los Angeles)
Subud Youth Activities: Almut Zieher (Albuquerque), Andres Paglayan (Santa Fe)
Subud International Health Association-USA: Ann Padilla (Seattle)
New or Renewing SD-USA Board Members: John Schoenthaler, Evan Padilla, and Marilyn Schirk (They will join board members Lusijah Marx, Lucia Ryan, Rob Dodson, Michael Shaver, Hamid Alexander, Mardiyah Tarantino)
New or Renewing SICA-USA Board Members: Mhd. Isman Kanafsky, Leonard Dixon, Lorraine Tedrow, Peter and Alexandra ter Horst

These are in addition to the regional chairs now serving on the board:
East Coast: Amelia Casilli, provisional (Pittsburgh regional member)
Midwest: Mary Wold (Ohio regional member)
Rocky Mountains: Myrna Ramsey (Phoenix) -Elections for new chair in fall
South: John Schoenthaler (Dallas)
Pacific Northwest: Ramon (Seattle) – Elections for new chair in Sept.
California: Daniel Foster (Santa Cruz)
Pacific Islands: Daniel Murren (Oahu, Hawaii) – Elections for new chair in August

2012 Subud USA Bylaws Approved: The revised bylaws worked on since 2006 by past committees, by a Bylaws Subcommittee, by a specially created Governance Committee, by pre-congress working parties, and by working parties set up at the National Congress have been passed and adopted. One of a number of changes approved is giving the secretary and treasurer of the national committee a vote on the Board of Directors.

Summary of Resolutions Passed at the National Congress (brief description only):
1.         Space being rented by Subud USA in the Washington DC house is for a national office, not a national center.
2.        Create a subcommittee to examine the congress delegate system currently in place.
3.        Terms of office for the officers of the association be examined at a later date, after efficacy of the Executive Director has been determined.
4.        Further develop continuity by examining staggered and longer terms for regional representatives/chairs.
5.        The national Board of Directors include all ex-officio (non-voting) members in informing them of all aspects of Board activity with the exception of executive sessions.

Results of Raffle, Silent Auction, and Gift Shop: Mary Bond (Los Angeles) was the winner of a free registration to the International Congress in Puebla, Mexico in 2014. The gross amount raised from this fundraiser was approximately $2500. The silent auction coordinated by Sonya Shooshan (thank you Sonya!) took in approximately $1000 for the Subud USA general fund. The congress gift shop apportioned about $500 to Subud USA. We won’t know the amount of profit, if any, from the National Congress until later in the month.

National Office Move Update: One shipment of seven boxes has been delivered and arrived safely. Another will be sent this week. The last shipment of current files will be sent at the end of the month. Susila Dharma and Subud USA have signed an agreement to share the temporary office space in the Twin Oaks house that is next door to the property owned by Washington DC for the construction of their center. After August 1, mail should be sent to 4216 Howard Road, Beltsville, MD 20705 (new phone number to be announced soon and operational on August 1). A team of volunteers will assist both Subud USA and SD USA until one or two Administrative Assistants are hired.  Oswald Norton, Executive Director, will be traveling to the temporary office at the beginning of August to help set up the electronic technology.

Administrative Assistant Still Needed: We are still searching for a part-time employee for the national office. Several people were interviewed, but the right person has not yet been found. There are definite possibilities that whomever becomes the new AA will have the opportunity of adding additional hours; Susila Dharma is currently looking for an AA and the Washington DC center will eventually need a site manager.

News from Susila Dharma USA: Fredrick Branchflower received the Humanitarian Award for his years of service to Susila Dharma and involvement with a number of social projects including recently one for homeless people in his area. The matching fund of $2000 from Subud Portland yielded over $6000 to help support humanitarian projects nationally and internationally.

Fasting: Many of us in Subud fast during the month of Ramadan whether we are of the Islamic faith or not. According the , the 30-day fast in North America begins on the evening of July 19 (Thursday) and ends the evening of August 18 (Saturday). The feast celebrating the end of the fast (in Islam called Idul-Fitr) is on Sunday, August 19. More information about this is forthcoming. In Ibu Rahayu’s words,
“But perhaps some of you are not Muslims, or of the Islamic faith, yet you fast too. It is normal for Subud members from other religions, in Indonesia and overseas, to do so, because when we look at or consider the fast from a spiritual perspective, it is a beneficial training for the human soul. This is because through fasting we have the chance to know or feel our true self. By this I mean that when we fast we separate from our desires, we work to set aside our desires. It is as if our desires are before us, they are in front of us.”

National Helper Liaisons: Pairs of National Helpers liaise with regional dewans, wings, and various committees. Here is the current list of their major liaison responsibilities (not including back ups):
Pacific Islands: Suzanne Renna and Humphrey Williams
Pacific North West: Suzanne Renna and Sjarifuddin Harris
California: Aminah Ulmer and Sjarifuddin Harris
Rocky Mountain: Laurie Lathrop and Humphrey Williams
Subud South: Alexandra Boyer and Humphrey Williams
Midwest: Laurie Lathrop and Hoan Toan Phan
Subud East Coast: Alexandra Boyer and Hoan Toan Phan

SICA: Aminah Ulmer and Humphrey Williams
SD: Suzanne Renna and Hoan Toan Phan
SIHA:  Aminah Ulmer and Sjarifuddin Harris
SES:  Alexandra Boyer and Humphrey Williams
SYA:  Suzanne Renna and Sjarifuddin Harris
Member Care: Aminah Ulmer and Sjarifuddin Harris
Joint Wings: Alexandra Boyer and Sjarifuddin Harris
Congress Planning: Aminah Ulmer and Sjarifuddin Harris

Zone 7: Laurie Lathrop and Hoan Toan Phan .
National Committee: Laurie Lathrop and Hoan Toan Phan .
Kejiwaan Councilors: Laurie Lathrop and Hoan Toan Phan

Subud Educator’s Group Listserver: The activities of Subud Educators at the national congress will surely result in more activity on the Subud Educators listserver. If you would like to be added, please send an e-mail to There are already 79 educators there from around the world.

Zone 7 Initiative for Cuba: The Zone 7 Council had a two day meeting at the America’s Gathering in Vancouver. Canada, Mexico, Suriname and USA were all represented. It was determined that travel funds set aside for representatives from Cuba could be better used in Cuba for internal travel. The IHs provided a more extensive report on the challenges facing our brothers and sisters in Cuba, including government recognition, isolation, and working with helpers. This prompted an extensive discussion on what the Z7 Council could do for Cuba that was more practical. Council members had a broad discussion, the outcome being that Zone 7 will budget $1,000 to make copies of Subud material (already translated into Spanish) and mail the material to Cuba. Our sister from Mexico will gather the material and reproduce it and Hardwin along with the IHs will work with our Cuban members to get copies into the hands of its membership.

Subud International Cultural Association Peace Initiative: SICA is inviting you to publicly recite/share a POEM FOR PEACE (your own original or a favorite) at DAWN and at DUSK on September 21, 2012 — wherever you are in the world. Gather friends together and share together. It will be the SICA contribution to celebrate Peace.


What is Subud? See
Subud USA, 14019 NE 8th St #A,Bellevue, WA 98007




Forgiveness Workshop (Lusijah Marx) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Washington D
Presents an evidence-based approach to forgiveness. We will explore a process for letting go and moving on from our places of resentment, hurt and abuse – learning how to personally apply steps in order to truly forgive.

Muhammad Subuh Foundation Film and Q & A (Lillian Shulman & Maria Wallington) 7:00 – 8:00 pm, Washington ABC
A new 15-min. film about the work of MSF will be shown, covering the history, projects, and goals of MSF to promote the growth and development of Subud.


Educator’s Forum and Discussion, followed by testing (Liza Ramey) 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Washington D (testing in Evergreen Rooms)
Explore our roles as Subud members in the field of education. Testing session follows.

SES Annual General Meeting – Strategy and Planning Session (Rosetta Narvaez) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Seattle 1
Participate in shaping Subud USA’s future activities and goals, in partnership with the international SES wing. PLUS contribute to the discussion on the Virtual Financial Institution.

Pike Place Market Tour and Poetry Workshop (Paul Nelson) 1:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 2 (this workshop will go off-site)
After some tips on writing poems, we’ll take light rail downtown and tour some interesting spots in this world-famous Market. On our return, we’ll write poems – open to any level of writer!

Congress TV Workshop (Hamilton Pevec) 1:30 – 4:00 pm, Seattle 3
Create a living document of the congress – a video for distribution to attendees and beyond!

YES Quest 2013 and Beyond (Lusijah Rott) 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 3
Learn about this ongoing youth program and details about the Jan.-Feb. 2013 Quest.

National Office Move Workshop and Delegate Working Party (Joshua Vervoordt) 1:30 – 4:00 pm, Tacoma
In the interest of achieving harmony and unity on a subject that has become, to some people, divisive, we’ll meet to freely discuss issues of the move of the national office.

Creating a Supportive Culture in our Subud Communities (Oswald Norton & Haris Wolfgang) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Aberdeen
Explore Our PLACES (Personal Leadership and Community Engagement in Subud). This project supports the growth of Subud culture through healthy communications, leadership, healing, education and other means.

Subud Retirement Community (Hanafi Fraval) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Aberdeen
This workshop was held at the Subud California congress and has gained a life of its own with 25 people now following developments. This project allows those of us over 55 to continue to work, retire, be independent or benefit from assisted living as necessary. We could live in a gated community in Laguna Woods where our lives can be centered around the latihan and our Subud community, but where we can also integrate with the larger community with multiple activities of every description. Come to this workshop to find out how.


Off-site FIELD TRIP! (Emile Ward) Meet at 10:00 am, Registration Desk

Garden Symbiosis: Beneficial Interrelationships in the Web of Life (Lydia Feltman) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Washington ABC
How to garden using the soil food web, microbes, companion plants, beneficial insects and insectary plants, and compost teas.

Bright Futures: Helping Developing World Students (Hanafi Fraval) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Washington D
Bright Futures identifies students who can successfully complete a primary degree – but do not have the resources to make their dream come true.

Enterprise Forum (Ruslan Morris) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Seattle 1
Ruslan Morris, chair of SES International, facilitates a forum on international initiatives, including the recent compilation of Bapak’s advice on enterprise.

Fundraising for a Sustainable Subud USA (Marston Gregory) 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Spokane Board Room
How can Subud USA have a firm financial future?

An Introduction to Worm Composting (Lydia Feltman) 1:30 – 2:30 pm, Washington ABC
How worms can eat your garbage, turn it into a rich soil amendment, and save you money. Also includes some demonstration materials and worm box plans.

Subud in our Communities (Leo Horthy & Robert Mertens) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Spokane Board Room
Sharing the experiences of Seven Circles integrating Subud into local communities and organizations – what works! Exploring ideas on how to talk about Subud in personal and professional contexts.

Writing Workshop: Hear your own voice through writing (Hadiyah Carlyle) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Seattle 2
Just bring yourself … and a paper and pen!

Compassion in Action Videofest I (Susila Dharma USA) 1:30 –3:00 pm Washington D
Be amazed and inspired with videos, slideshows and storytelling from local and worldwide humanitarian projects – all initiated, organized and/or operated by Subud members.

Distribution of Bapak’s Talks and Subud Books Workshop and Delegate Working Party (Hanafi Fraval) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Tacoma
Bapak’s mandate for our committees to facilitate the distribution of Subud books goes to the heart of committee duties. SUSA has contracted a fulfillment firm to handle this, but a necessary marketing plan has not been implemented. Hanafi will share a national marketing plan with the objective to develop a congress resolution.

Congress TV Workshop (Hamilton Pevec) 1:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 3
Create a living document of the congress – a video for distribution to attendees and beyond!

Career Quest Card Workshop (Halimah Bellows) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Aberdeen
Discover a lasting, meaningful career that utilizes your natural talents. The innovative Career Quest Cards help you clarify and define a career path.

Emotional Transformation Therapy (Ann O. Padilla) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Aberdeen
Using a Chromopulse II to look at colored light during talk therapy, the client addresses unwanted emotions and intrusive thoughts affecting mental and behavioral health. Suggested $2 donation for SIHA programs.

Creating Comedy with Improvisation (Richmond Shepard) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 2
Hey – it’s Richmond! You know you’ll have a great time!

Susila Dharma USA Endowment Planning Workshop (John Schoenthaler & Hamid Alexander) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Washington D
Leaving a lasting legacy that helps humanitarian efforts in local and worldwide communities.

Publishing Panel for Authors: E-Publishing and E-Marketing (Paul Nelson) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 1
Need ideas on selling your manuscript?  SES and SICA are sponsoring a panel of professional publishers facilitated by Paul Nelson of Poetry Labs to provide you insight and address your questions.  Featuring Panelists: Sheryn Hara of NW Bookfest; Jarret Middleton and Aaron Talwar of Dark Coast Press

Updates on the Washington DC House (Barbara Thomas) 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Washington ABC
An overview of the progress on the Washington DC House.


Compassion in Action Videofest II (Susila Dharma USA) 10:30 am – 12:00 pm, Washington D
Be amazed and inspired with videos, slideshows and storytelling from local and worldwide humanitarian projects – all initiated, organized and/or operated by Subud members.

Visioning for a Subud School (Halimah Polk & Emmanuel Williams) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Washington D
An interactive exploration into the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings of Subud education, including a look at Bapak and Ibu Rahayu’s talks on education. We’ll look at examples of Subud Schools, and articulate our visions for the future schools.

Business Owners Panel of Experts (Rosetta Narvaez) 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Seattle 1
Well-established business owners from different industries and sizes of operations will speak on successes and challenges. Q and A session follows.

Writers’ Living Room: Critique Circle (Paul Nelson) 1:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 3
Read your new work for a gentile critique – or just join in the engaging company of other writers. Original works only; bring 10 copies – limit 2 pages.

Congress TV Workshop (Hamilton Pevec) 1:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 3
Create a living document of the congress – a video for distribution to attendees and beyond!

Enterprise Showcase and Networking  (SES) 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Seattle 1
Check out our U.S. Subud enterprises – and talk with SES members and those involved and interested in Subud businesses.

Proposed By-Laws



Newest update…..would you please put this on our website… we have any feedback coming in?

We have a workroom at the congress for our group….do you have ideas about how to make this all work?  Someone suggested creating specific times of day when people should show up to our Meeting area…..we need as many of our group members as possible to sit in on the meetings so we can share information and converse about how we want it to go…..what do you think?

Thank you,



I’ll post the proposed by laws here on the site, but we’re not getting any feedback.


Contacts for the Americas Gathering

These are contacts from the program for the Americas Gathering.  Events will be held in rooms in the Student Union Building (SUB) Building and the Buchanan D building.

  • ·  Details of the kejiwaan program arise out of the needs of the participants, so to find out what is happening each day go to the helpers’ rooms at SUB 216, 214, 212 or contact Mahmud Nestman 604- 733-3343, Hanafi Von Hahn 604-781-3646, Michelle Butterfield 604-512-0775 or Rohanna Goodwin Smith 604-725-4009.
  • ·  Liaison to Subud International and Zones: Dave Hitchcock 250 883 6765.
  • ·  If you want to present a workshop or hold a meeting, text or phone Rosanna Hille 604-738-7024 to findout if there is space available.
  • ·  If you want to perform, you can sign-up in El Zócalo or contact Lucas Hille 778-688-4464 or findAhmad Miles.
  • ·  To inquire about childcare, contact Heidi Hitchcock 1-250-889-0817 for ages 0-5 and George Demers1-250 858 2263 for all other ages.
  • ·  If you have merchandise to sell in the shop, go to room 205 or contact Latifah Brett 604-807-3296.
  • ·  If you have art to hang or sell in the Art Gallery, contact Elfrida Schragen 1-250-634-5890.
  • ·  If you would like to help by volunteering, contact Camille Roberts 1-250-686-4589

Parking at the Congress

To Local  and PNW members driving to the Marriott for the National Congress

The hotel says:Our special Subud Guests use the parking lot for a discounted $10 a day or overnight. How do they go about getting that rate when they come into the parking lot?
Answer: Parking for overnight guests is easy. The charge will go on their room bill and the guest room keys get them in and out of the parking area.

For event only (not overnight) parking guests, the hotel will give them a discounted parking ticket for each day to use as they leave the parking and it will give them the discounted rate.

In and Out of the Marriott Parking lot in the course of a day:

The hotel says: If they are guests that are staying overnight the room key will work to get them in and out every time.

If you are people paying for the daily parking for the event it is a little different.  If you leave during the day and pay at the pay station,please print a receipt showing payment.  If  you keep this receipt and show the valet guys on your way out the second time that day they will let you out for free.

Want directions?
go here:

Have a good time!

Subud Congress Business

Dear All,

Attached is the fruit of several months of PreCongress working party conference calls, plus input from other experts and members of the National Committee and the Governance Sub-Committee, refining and approving the initial bylaws proposal given to us by the Governance Sub-Committee some three months ago.

Virtually every line has been gone over at least once in a series of telephone conference calls. However, even now, before we vote in July to accept the newly revised bylaws, there is still room for more refinement (with consensus).

Please feel free to share this with anyone and everyone: in your group, in your region. We will be asking delegates for their pre-Congress support for this document as the product of between 25 and 30 highly motivated members’ input, with many others’ input over the course of two years work. We’ll ask that you signify your support by email to me:, for tallying and presentation at a plenary session of Congress.

Your Recorder,
Miryam Gordon

Happy Birthday Bapak

Dear Seattle Members:


This is to invite you to a celebration of Bapak’s birthday at this Friday’s Eastside Latihan. (He would have been 111!)

UCC Bellevue (Bellevue United Church of Christ).
The church is located at the corner of NE 8
th and 108th NE in downtown Bellevue.

Quiet:  8 pm
Latihan: 8:45 pm

Party in church lounge.

Please bring a dessert to share.  Tea will be available.

SUBUD Pacific Northwest Regional Congress

Hello Members of SUBUD Pacific Northwest

The regional congress will be held this year during the National Congress being held in Seatac, WA – 

Date:  July 7th
Time:  4:00pm – 6:00pm
Place: Evergreen Room at the Airport Marriot in Seatac.

We will be selecting a new committee to serve the region’s needs for the next 2 years.

I hope to see all of you there.



General Meeting June 10

We have strong delegates who would like our input.
Potluck lunch:
A-G    Salad and side dishes
H-L     Main dish
M-Z     Snacks, beverages and desserts