Category Archives: General Announcements

Hadiyah Carlyle reads at Elliott Bay Books


Torch in the Dark


Please consider attending a reading by your Subud sister Hadiyah Carlyle. Her powerful new memoir, Torch in the Dark, has been released and she will read Sunday, June 3 at 2:00 at Seattle’s legendary Elliott Bay Books.

The book is a brilliant look at how one woman overcame the tremendous obstacles of a horribly traumatic childhood to become a single parent welder 3,000 miles from her native New Jersey to raise a son who would become a State Representative.

The writing is concise and completely compelling. I read the last 150 pages in one sitting. Wow!

Reading at Elliott Bay is a landmark in any local writer’s career as a writer. Come show your support as Hadiyah celebrates the release of this chronicle of her remarkable life.


International Helpers Visit the NW

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Our International Helpers will be visiting the Pacific Northwest.

Hamilton Schragen

Hamilton Schragen Victor, BC, Canada

Grace Hodgson

Grace Hodgson, Montreal, Canada

Daniela Urratia

Daniela Urrutia Cali, Columbia








Reynaldo Mosquera, Bogotá, Columbia

Reynaldo Mosquera

They will be stopping in Seattle, Bellingham/Skagit Valley and Portland.  We would like to invite every one of you to come to one of the centers that will host them.  There will be general latihans, awareness testing, personal testing, great meals and great conversation at each of the centers.

They will be arriving in Seattle on Thursday, May 17th.  Here is the itinerary:

•    Thursday, May 17th – Seattle – 6:00 PM dinner, 7:45 PM latihan
•    Friday, May 18th – 11A – 1P, Personal Testing in Seattle, then off to Bellingham/Skagit Valley for Evening latihan/testing –
•    Saturday, May 19th – Seattle – 10:15 AM latihan, lunch then general and personal testing in the afternoon.  Helper latihan and testing in the late afternoon and evening.
•    Sunday, May 20th – Portland – 10:00AM latihan, testing and lunch to follow through the afternoon.

Please set these dates aside and plan on joining us.

Thank you,

Ramon – Subud PNW Regional Chair
Evan Padilla – Subud Greater Seattle Chair
Roseanna Page – Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley Chair
Reynold Orchard – Subud Portland Chair

National Congress Information

April 8, 2012

1.  MOVING FORWARD WITH GRACE and Message from NHs
2. Applying for assistance
3.      Finding Roommates
4.      Sell your wares at the Congress Gift Shop
5. SOME SHOW BIZ, Just for fun!


1.MOVING FORWARD WITH GRACE-at the National Congress

.from our national helpers:

A Subud congress is always a significant spiritual event.  Even though Bapak is no longer with us we are still somehow, collectively, able to create and participate in a surge of harmony and spiritual energy.  The life force is never stronger in us.

Latihans at a congress are often intense and are an opportunity for a spiritual renewal and a recharging of our batteries.  This is a time to surrender and dive deeper into the core of your being and to be finally closer to the Great Life Force, the power of Almighty God.

So many people will be coming from all across the United States.  This year there will be many visitors coming down to join us from the Americas congress.  This is a time to meet old friends and feel at home in this spiritual community ti which we all belong.

This year is also a time of significant change in the organization.  We have the opportunity to get together and in surrendering find a new strength, to set our community on a new and stronger path which truly reflects the mission of Subud.  It is a time to let go of old complaints and look forward.

It is a time when new talent will step up and take over the Subud USA administration.  This is the time for YOU to stand up and be counted;  to witness the change;  to influence the change;   and to be the instigator of change.

Sit back, relax and test.  “How will I feel when I am doing Latihan at the national congress?”

Want to help?  Figure out how to bring a young Subud member with you!


2. Applying for Assistance to Attend the 2012 National Congress

We want to help you come to this years national congress, July 4-8! Members have been donating as they register, so we are accumulating a fund to help you. You can apply for partial financial assistance at any time and will be considered as long as funds last.

Members seeking financial assistance should complete the Request for Financial Assistance form at
Then send it to the national office at the address below. You can request assistance for registration ($100 for delegates, $105 for students and seniors, $115 for adults), for hotel room ($99 per day for 1-4 people), and/or for some meals ($13.42 for breakfast, $20.13 for lunch, $29.52 for dinner per day).

A team has been created consisting of the national registrar, a national committee representative, and two national helpers who will review all applications and apportion funds on a regular basis. Once your request for assistance has been approved, you will be contacted by the national registrar who will assist you in registering for the congress.

Members who receive assistance are expected to volunteer at the gathering, and should indicate their participation preference on the Request for Financial Assistance form. Some choices for volunteering are:
Registration desk assistant
Youth program assistance, in all age groups
Entertainment- performing or tech assistance (knowledge needed!)
Site manager assistant

Mail the Request for Assistance form to the national office:
Subud USA, 14019 NE 8th St #A, Bellevue, WA 98007
OR fax to 425-643-2725,
OR e-mail to


TO: Subud folks  wanting roommates at the National Congress at the Seattle Airport Marriott, July 3 8,2012
Congress  begins July 4 morning, and ends midday July 8
FIRST, read about the hotel rooms:

SECOND, if you want a roommate, tell us:
Your name
Male or Female
Phone Number
e-mail address
What nights you want roommates? DATES please
How many roommates? ?
Send this info to

THIRD – well put you on the list, which gets sent to others on the list.
You contact each other and match yourselves up.
Its up to you to choose and work it out! (remember to decide who is booking the room!)

It’s REALLY important that  you e-mail or call  back to me and tell me to take you off the list when you have settled who your roommate(s) is.
Melinda at the national office


4.Show BIZ!
Subud brother and comedian, actor Richard Reicheg, Subud member from Los Angeles, is one of the actors on Betty White’s new show, Off Their Rockers which begins tonight, Wednesday 4-4-12 at 8 pm on NBC. It’s a comedy program where older people play pranks on unsuspecting youngsters. It’s very funny.


Nice venue, great food, great players!
Come on by—-
Quartet Live at St. Clouds 1129 34th Seattle
Sat. April 14       8-10 PM
Jim O’Halloran, Flute With Bill Anschell, Piano
Dean Schmidt, Bass, and Jacques Willis, Drums


Much Much National congress information is available! Just go:

THREE ways to help SUBUD as you shop —-
  1) at 650 stores give a % of your purchase to Subud USA.
Join free, and choose Subud USA as your favorite charity!
2) go to our Subud Gift Shop at
3) Shopping e-bay- Subud USA is a listed charity

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Proposed National By-Laws Changes

April 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

There are proposed changes to the current Bylaws which will be voted on at the National Congress, July 3– 8, 2012, in Seattle. The proposed Bylaws changes can be viewed on the Subud USA website.

In anticipation of the upcoming National Congress, the National Committee would like to invite all interested members to participate by conference calls in informational and open forum discussions of the proposed changes to the Bylaws which will be voted on at the Congress.   These forums will focus on the most important of the proposed changes:  Voting Rights on the Board of Directors and Terms of Office of the National Committee.

The present Bylaws from 2004, and the proposed Bylaws, and a discussion of the proposed changes can be found on the Subud USA website:

The dates of the forums are Saturday, April 21st, and April 28th, at 1:00 Pacific time (2:00 Mountain, 3:00 Central, 4:00 Eastern, 10:00 AM, Hawaii).  The topic of the first call is Voting Rights.  The second call will focus on Terms of Office.  Each call will begin with a brief summary of the proposal and will be followed by an opportunity for each participant to express her/his opinion or question in a round robin format.  Each call will last one and a half hours, participants comments are limited to one minute in each round.

Following these membership forums, delegates will begin working group discussions on the proposed Bylaws changes.  If you wish to express a point of view but cannot be on the April calls, please speak with your Congress delegate.  (See list of delegates below.)

We welcome your ideas and look forward to hearing from you on these calls.  The call in number for the forums is  (712) 432-0600, code: 632536#.

Love from your National Committee

Rasjidah Franklin, Ph.D.

Oswald Norton the new Subud USA Executive Director

National Dewan E-News #11
February, 2012
From the National Committee

New Executive Director: After an extensive process, Oswald Norton has been selected to become the Executive Director for Subud USA beginning May 15. The national committee and board received five outstanding applications for the position. Three independent evaluators, who were all either former committee or board members, reviewed the paper applications (resumes, proposals, time lines, and letters of reference). They used a rating form for each of the candidates. Simultaneously, the members of the national committee interviewed each of the five candidates, taking turns asking eleven questions and rating their responses. The candidates’ composite scores from the paper and interview ratings along with a summary of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses were then given to the voting members of the board of directors. In a conference call (which included the national committee, six of the seven national helpers, and all but one of the regional chairpersons), the candidates’ qualifications were discussed and then all tested what qualities were needed in an executive director for Subud USA at this time and then how the qualities of the finalists matched the qualities needed. Finally, there was a vote.

Oswald Norton

From Oswald Norton: “I live in Bellevue, Washington with my wife Rayma and daughter Rosalind. I am currently a helper with the Greater Seattle group. My Subud experience includes group chair, zonal representative, group treasurer, co-chair Subud California Regional Congress and, most recently, co-presenting workshops on leadership at Menucha. My work life has been in three phases. The first was in the theater where I worked with artists in opera, mime and musical comedy worlds. The second and longest has been in IT sales and management where I  worked for Microtraffic Systems, The Moore Group, Branchflower Software, Microsoft,  Starbucks and on multi-year and multi-million dollar projects whose goals included improving processes and  procedures for organizations. The final phase (so far) of work life has been doing organizational development at Microsoft. My education includes training in  helping organizations thrive and grow stronger. I will bring these skills, experience and my passion for helping the Subud USA organization to the  position of executive director for SUSA which I now gratefully accept.”

Committee Meeting March 10, 9A

What a great Membership Meeting we had yesterday, Sunday, February 26. The House Prayer was approved, (with kudos to author Ray Brown) along with the House Guidelines and both are linked above for your perusal if you have not seen them. Many tearful moments were shared and some members, Sarah Stralberg among them, said that the meeting felt like a cultural shift at Subud Greater Seattle. Decide for yourself and attend a latihan this week or bring an old Subud friend who has not been around for a while and see if others are picking up on the new energy.

One note, the International Helpers will be visiting Seattle on May 17-19, 2012. Chair Evan Padilla suggested a sort of Kedjiwaan Day on Saturday May 19th and Helper Oswald Norton suggested members be active in helping create an agenda to take advantage of this opportunity for deep testing on individual issues. Evan also said it was energy from the wake of the last visit by International Helpers that resulted in the renovation of the Seattle Subud House, so there could be some very good things on the horizon.

A reminder: Dear Subud Committee,

Our next committee meeting is Sat March 10 at 9:00 AM.


One last note. Marston Gregory suggested we read aloud the House Prayer before each membership meeting. Paul Nelson agreed and suggested we could refer to it as a, er, uh…


General Meeting Saturday, February 26 12N



A through G –  Bring a Main Dish
G through K – Bring a Starch
L through S – Bring a Salad
T through Z –   Bring a Dessert

We look forward to seeing you!!!!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are having  a Subud Greater Seattle membership meeting this coming Sunday, February 25th, after latihan.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss two statements developed by the men and women helpers.  The first statement is a prayer which deals with the purpose of our Subud House and asks God to help all of us behave in an appropriate manner when we are at our Subud House.  The second statement is a set of Behavior Guidelines.

At the membership meeting, we would like to discuss these statements, accept input from the members and vote on their acceptance.  Please come to the meeting and help us make Subud Greater Seattle into a Subud center where everyone can come together to Worship Almighty God with a feeling of complete safety and love for one another.

See you there,

Evan Padilla



Subud National Directory


Get yours today!

Cover art by Robert Mertens

USA Names, addresses, phone, e-mails, websites.
Local, regional, national, zonal, international information.
Finding Centers’ Locations, Latihan Times


(Print this to mail in):



Available from Subud USA, 14019 NE 8th St #A, Bellevue, WA 98007
One to four are $14 each. CENTERS -5 or more copies are $13 each.

Please send ____ Copies of  DIRECTORY 2012 @ $______ea

Please sign me up for a $25 (   ) per month contribution to Subud USA using this credit card.

Mailing Address____________________________________

___VISA ___M/C # ______________________________
Exp _________

____ Check enclosed for  $___________

Addl postage added for out of country orders.
Fax orders to 425-643-2725  E-mail to
Call 425-643-1904

2012 National Congress

SeaTac Marriot

Announcing!  the 2012 Subud USA National Congress at the Seattle Airport Marriott Hotel.

Dates: Arrive Tuesday July 3 evening for a Kedjiwaan Day on Wednesday July 4.
The business congress goes from July 5 through Sunday midday, July 8.

Take a look!

Newly renovated meeting spaces and restaurant will have you feeling at home together with your Subud family. Some of you may remember the beautiful atrium/pool area from our previous congress at this hotel.

Up to 4 people can share a room for $99/night

CALLING: You can call the hotel directly at 206-241-2000 or 800-228-9290 anytime to book reservations.  You just need to mention you  are with the Subud group.
Our special booking code to get our rate of $99/night is subsuba

BOOKING ONLINE: The link to book guest room reservations is    Our  rate is for 1 – 4 people in the room.
Rollaways are available at no charge.  They can be requested during the reservation process.  They can only be put in rooms with king size beds.

Our buffet meals will be in the main restaurant – the Marriott hotels are known for their good food! The meal Plan  goes from July 4 Breakfast to July 8 Breakfast. Adult meal prices are B-$13.4, L- $20.13, D – $29.52

GETTING THERE is easy, whether you are a delegate coming from the east coast, or a family from California, or maybe you’ll be coming down from The Americas gathering in Vancouver BC  – a free shuttle ride from the SEATAC Airport.

Enjoying Seattle – you can get to many Seattle destinations on the Light Rail, right by the hotel.

Seattle bills itself as METRONATURAL – there are so many hiking trails, parks, mountains,lakes,waterfalls nearby. Welcome to the variety of museums (,including the unique “Museum of Flight”), the Seattle Center, Space Needle, Pike Place market, The Woodland Park Zoo, the Aquarium down on the waterfront… and ferry rides to an island…

Be part of the Congress Dream team! We want and  need you! Offer to assist the Program and Site Coordinators, help at Registration, welcoming members! Be part of Entertainment, offer a workshop under the aegis of SES, SICA, SIHA or SD! Be a delegate for your center.  Help run Child Care and Youth Program! (think: fun field trips!)

Susila Dharma- contact Liza Ramey at
SICA Activities & Entertainment – Lorraine Tedrow at
Subud Enterprise Services – Rosetta Narvez at
SYA activities – Haidjah Gregory at
SIHA (Health) – Malama MacNeil at
Anything Else – Melinda Wallis at

Online registration will be available soon! Stay tuned!

Annual Subud Skagit Birdwalk

Subud Skagit Birdwalk

Subject:          5TH ANNUAL BIRD WALK – Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley
WHAT:             5th Annual Skagit Valley Bird Walk
WHEN:            Saturday, February 18, 10 am
DETAILS:         Begin at Subud House, drive to various locations; includes sack lunch and dinner

The Bellingham/Skagit Valley Subud group once again warmly invites you to our annual bird walk led by Paul Woodcock, our birding expert. Skagit Valley is famous for its large migrations and winter is the best time to see flocks of swans, snow geese, and other treats. And then there are the excellent, independent bakeries to visit along the way plus the sumptuous dinner provided by the group with latihan following.

This is a fundraiser for our house maintenance fund with a suggested donation of $40 for adults and $20 for children or students. Overnight accommodations are available in members’ homes. Layered clothing and boots or shoes for possible wet conditions are recommended. We’ll send directions when you sign up.

For more information or to sign up, contact Paul Woodcock 360 380-3356 or Roosmiwati Reynolds 360 734-8517. Information is also available on the Subud PNW website

If you haven’t made this adventurous trip before, now’s your chance!