Category Archives: General Announcements

The Subud PNW 2023 Kedjiwaan Gathering – Nov 9th to 12th

Note from Rachman:  It seems Menucha’s new management has taken a hardline stand on some fairly drastic changes that are listed in the announcement below.  I talked to Oswald about it, and it seems after much negotiation that the new policy holds and therefore, the reason this will most likely be our last Menucha event.  Registration material and pricing will be forthcoming.


Probably last one at Menucha

Our annual kedjiwaan retreat has been held at the Menucha Retreat and Conference center for over 30 years. Menucha experienced existential challenges during the pandemic and for this year’s event. Your committee has worked hard to secure this site for what will likely be one last visit by Subud PNW. For nearly-all packages, rates are the same or cheaper.

Please plan to attend November 9th to 12th.

What’s changed due to Menucha’s price and policy changes?

  • Buildings available to us: Wright, Ballard, The Barn (for 2 or 3 nights) and Boyd (Boyd for 2 nights only)
  • This year we’ll have five “deluxe” couples-oriented rooms
  • All plans must include meals. And, no cooking will be allowed in The Barn.
  • Only 8 commuter spots allowed for only Friday and Saturday. These spots had to include meals.
  • After the 8 commuter spots are filled, for only $75 more we’re providing 15 “commuter plus” spots – only for Friday and Saturday and including an upper bunk if you want to stay over Friday night.
  • All rooms rates include bedding.
  • There will be no Gift Shop.

What’s not changed?

  • The great group latihans
  • Insightful testing
  • Inspiring conversations
  • The breathtaking view above the Columbia Gorge.
  • The grounds in and around the Menucha Conference and Retreat Center
  • And, fabulous entertainment, reflective solitude, and a welcome opportunity to take a break from the rigors of everyday life.
  • The joy of spending relaxed time with your PNW Subud community and neighbors
  • There will be the Portland Susila Dharma Silent Auction

We hope you will join us for this extraordinary weekend. You’ll be glad you did!

A link to our registration will be available on August 8th. Stay tuned for that information in this publication or click on the link to Subud PNW’s website on August 8th.

Donations Please!

As in past years events, we are anticipating that there will be some needing assistance. In order to help these members, we’ve created an opportunity for you to contribute to this fund.

When you register, you will have an opportunity to donate to our Assistance Fund. Please consider making a donation at that time so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.


  • We are opening registration on August 8thto allow those wishing to attend 60 days to register. All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 15 and be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • Most prices quoted are per person, several rooms that are best for couples will by charged by the room. You may register up to 4 people at one time.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)

Questions about the event and financial aid inquiries can be made at 

The Helper’s Corner

This is a new segment.  It was asked that the helpers make a contribution each month to the newsletter.  Thanks, Aliza for getting it started!

Concerning the spread of Subud, sharing online comments from Subud brother, Sebastian van ‘t Hoff.

“As regards the spread of Subud, here are some snippets which formed my attitude on this subject.

Once we had a question-and-answer session in Sydney where people asked Ibu Rahayu what we could do to bring more people to Subud. (Unfortunately, this session was not recorded, so, I will have to go by what I remember.) Ibu said that because there are hardly any members yet who have the qualities of Susila, Budhi and Dharma, it was no use for God to send hundreds of people to Subud as they would be unimpressed with us and leave soon after they were opened. She advised us to work on improving our own latihan first and leave the rest to God.

Interestingly, she mentioned God “sending people to Subud.” This confirms what many of us have observed, that so many seem guided towards the latihan. I have never seen anything come from willful approaches and creative schemes to actively get in more members, however well-meant these were. This approach too often seems to forget God’s role in this. Bapak once said that if it was only up to us, Subud would never have spread so quickly and to so many countries, in the late fifties. Clearly there is something at work here which goes far beyond us.

The spread of Subud in Ukraine and Malawi in recent years, are examples of this. Emmanuel Aronie and Ruslan Moore (and before them, Rofe) were given a role by the Almighty to help the spread of Subud. None of these men asked for this or willfully followed their desires in this. They were “chosen” for this job. Contrary to what some people believe that nowadays we need to avoid religious connotations in Subud, in the case of Ukraine, the majority of the members are Christians and in the case of Malawi, all are Muslims.

Several of us might also remember Mas Adji saying that after Bapak died, Subud would go through a dip, but he could see that in the future there would be certain Subud members of a high spiritual level around whom flourishing Subud groups would arise. This might be related to the well-known story of Varindra’s dream about the 40 stars, Bapak explaining that there are 40 high souls on their way to help Subud. Recently we tested what we could do to help the spread of Subud. I received that I should be deeper in myself, more surrendered in my latihan and in my daily life and closer to God. Perhaps it meant that if I am in that state, people might be naturally attracted to me, God willing. Others had similar receivings. Anyway, I thought I’d share this with you. Peace and blessings to you all.”

Selamatan for the Davila’s in Portland

Message from Subud Portland.

As many of you know, our very dear Subud siblings, Ralph and Luzita Davila, both died within a week of each other in Santa Cruz, California.  They were married for over 50 years and in Subud for some years longer.  Those of us who knew and loved them are having a selamatan on Sunday, July 23rd at the Portland Subud house after latihan at 11:15.  If you would like to share a memory, that would be wonderful. Feel free to bring some snacks or treats to share.

For those who have not heard the word, a selamatan is a time of coming together in feasting and thanksgiving after a death. We will not be following any rituals, but simply gathering together in memory of our beloved friends.  All are welcome.

Subud Members Going to the Other Side!

After posting the recent article about Luzita Davila’s passing, a few days later her husband, Ralph passed away. For more details on Ralph’s passing, please see this information on Luzita’s Caring Bridge Page.

And, this week, Mardiyah Tarantino, a long time Subud member for over sixty years, passed as well!

Mardiyah and Rashad were mentors to many of us in the early days of Subud in San Francisco. Rosada, my wife at the time, was pregnant with our first child, so she babysat the Tarantino kids while the rest of us went to the 1967 world congress in Japan. It was my early days of doing photography work, and I took many photos at that congress and Mardiyah was in a lot of them!

She was a model Subud sister and friend to many of us for over sixty years!  She served as a helper and did work in Cilandak in the secretariat for Bapak a number of years ago.  She also wrote a book about the life of Muhammad called ‘Marvelous Stories from the Life of Prophet Muhammad‘.

In a 1995 video interview in the Subud Archives site (Welcome – WSA Archives) Mardiyah describes her experiences traveling with Bapak and Ibu Siti Sumari in Mexico and South America. She was asked to go to translate Bapak’s words into Spanish and was a companion to Ibu. Mardiyah writes about these experiences in her book Bapak Lost in the Amazon. She speaks about Bapak’s compassion, about asking for forgiveness, laughter, testing with Bapak, how Bapak could also be stern, and about living and working in the Sekretariat at Wisma Subud typing letters for Bapak. Mardiyah describes a time in Mexico City in 1968 when Bapak gave an extraordinary talk to women and did testing with them. This particular occasion was remembered and described by many of the women who were there that day.

Both her books and her interview in which she describes her Mexico trip are available to Subud members in the Subud WSA Archives site. For details on how Subud members can access the WSA Archives, please see this article.

Luzita, Ralph and Mardiyah will be missed by their families and many Subud members!  They have truly earned the title of ‘Subud Pioneers’ for their many years of service to Subud!

Below is a link to photos of her over a number of years in Subud!

Below is a link to an article about the Subud Archives and how to gain access to it for Subud members.

Subud Archives Website – V2

Get Together and Potluck Sunday!


The Subud Greater Seattle committee and helpers get together the first Saturday of each month at 11:30AM for latihan followed by a meeting.  We met most recently on Saturday, July 1.  The helpers at the meeting agreed to try to contribute regularly to this very weekly online newsletter you’re now reading.

The group will have the use of the Subud house this coming Sunday, July 9.  It’s an opportunity for a kedjiwaan day.  The will of the members who attend on Sunday will determine how we use the time together after regular Latihan — perhaps for testing some questions that grew out of the recent national helpers’ meeting in North Carolina.  If you have suggestions, please bring them with you on Sunday.  Potluck, as always, but there is always plenty to go around!

Eastside members who formerly met on Fridays at a Bellevue church are now meeting every two to three weeks in members’ homes for Latihan.  All are welcome.  We get together at 7:30PM for quiet, Latihan at 7:45PM.  Afterwards, dessert and conversation for those who stay.  The next Eastside Latihan will be on Thursday, July 20, at Rachman and Aida Cantrell’s home in Redmond.

Thank you to our committee member Alexa for donating and transporting carpet in the ladies latihan entry room and for arranging to have the door cut to fit between the entry and latihan hall. It’s very welcoming!

Rayma Norton

To post every time:
Latihans abound!
Sundays in Seattle 11:00AM
Tuesdays in Seattle 10:00AM
Thursdays in Kent: 6:00PM, currently just men, but there is room for Women also.
Thursdays in Seattle, Men only (currently), 6:00 PM
Frequent Thursdays on the Eastside, Men and Women, often preceded by dinner, contact Rayma, Rachman, or Oswald
Fridays on the Eastside, 5:15 PM, currently Women only, but there is room for men also.  Contact Annie.

World Congress Postponed!

World Congress moved forward.

The Zone Reps write: It was decided that the World Congress will NOT take place in January 2024 as we have not yet received the permit from the Central Government. We can not take the risk that members start arranging their travels for January, and then Congress needs to be postponed after all.

After a rich discussion about all the various options (e.g., compact world congress complemented by area gatherings like Assisi; different dates; different locations, etc.) and following the recommendation of the WCOT team, the Zone Reps have instructed Suyono, WSA Executive Chair, to advise us by the end of October 2023, at the latest, whether he has received a permit for July 2024. Suyono will work hard to obtain a response over the coming months. If by that date, we have not received a permit, we will most likely decide to have the congress in January 2025, when granting the permit should no longer be an issue.

Background information:
Doubts surrounding the World Congress in January have resulted largely from the fact that Indonesia will be holding both national and local elections throughout the country in 2024, with campaigning in the lead up, as well as a possible run-off election in early/mid-July if the February election results are undecided. This scenario was unforeseen when the planned World Congress in 2023 was postponed due to Covid.

For this scale of an international gathering, a permit needs to be granted by the Central Government, as they have to be able to provide enough security for their own citizens as well as many visitors from abroad. In January 2024, the local/regional police in Palangkaraya will have only 1/3 of its force (approx. 50 members) present in the city, while the rest of the force is stationed to support elections in other parts of the region. While the local/regional police have given their ‘okay’ for our congress in January 2024, we still have heard nothing from the Central Government (which takes into account the local police recommendation but ultimately decides and issues permits). The concern from the WCOT team is that the Central Government are unlikely to give permission until a few months before – if at all.

The WSC hopes this helps to understand the complexity of this situation and fully acknowledges that it requires a lot of patience from all of us. Please contact your Zone Reps if you have any questions.

A Fond Farewell to Luzita Davila

Copied from the Subud California Sun newsletter.

by Halimah Collingwood

For nearly 60 years, Luzita Davila and I were the best of friends. We met in the music scene of the Bay Area in the mid-1960s. She was this happy, smiling, friendly genuine spark of Life that was at every music concert, party or gathering where she would light up the room.

My boyfriend at the time and I moved in with her in a tiny funky one-bedroom house in Larkspur, a small town in Marin County. She always had her friends from Santa Cruz visiting and going to, you guessed it, parties. When it was just the two of us living in the house, we were like sisters of the Spirit, ready to be on the go…somewhere.

I had already joined Subud when we met and when a job took her to New York City, I knew she was going to need something to keep her sane. I gave her the phone number of a helper I knew there and soon she was an applicant. I’ll never forget the first time I saw her after she was opened. She came to visit me on my houseboat in Sausalito. I went to the door at her knock, threw it open and there was this Light in front of me – her smile was so bright, her eyes twinkling and I fell in love with her all over again. My feelings were so deep, I knew that I would die for her to save her life.

We met up again in 1970 at Skymont just before Bapak’s visit. She was dating Ralph and they became a couple while there. I went to Indonesia after Bapak left and then the UK, but we continued to write (real letters) and keep abreast of the happenings of our lives.

I wasn’t able to attend her double wedding with the MacNeils at Skymont but I was there for their first child’s birth. My dear Godson, Hartwell, was born in their tiny cabin in September of 1971, surrounded by her Subud sisters and her Subud midwife. I distinctly remember Ann Holiday saying after two hours of pushing, “If you don’t have your baby now, I’m going to take you to the hospital.” He popped out shortly after that!!

In 1983 when my family moved from the UK to the US, we stayed with Ralph and Luzita for 10 days while we decided where to go to find our new home. My sons, three and five, who had lived their first years in a village of 100 people in Scotland without any nearby friends, were overjoyed to be living with four Davila children and with the many Gleeson kids next door. Our lives were bound together forever.

When Luzita was a National Helper, she traveled around the country, making close friends wherever she went. Everyone loved her. She was everyone’s best friend. I remember going to Subud meetings and gatherings and spending very little time with her because she had to catch up with this lady or have lunch with someone else. I once told her that I was jealous because she never made a point to be with me. She was surprised because we were so close that she thought we’d always be there together. Ever after that she was conscientious to spend time with me at each event.

Over the years, Luzita helped many women transition to their new life, giving her all to those people she loved and who deeply loved her. I once told her I wanted her to be my death doula when it was my time. Little did I know that it would be me who was one of her close friends at her side to say good-bye.

“We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day!”

I ran across this link from the Subud California newsletter.  Interesting stories from the Arcata group.  It is called the Foggy Flyer!

Review of Bathroom Protocols.

There have been some questions about access to the bathroom by the upstairs kitchen.  This is what is posted on Airbnb, VRBO, and iTrips.  It has remained unchanged since we entered into an agreement with iTrips in October 2020.

It was communicated clearly to the group at that time.
Some members have apparently been unable to follow these guidelines, and the committee in consultation with the itrips agent determined the best course of action would be to install a timed electronic lock which would still allow access at the times listed below.  Nothing has changed other than the electronic lock ensuring guests of privacy outside of the agreed upon hours.  This is important because we could potentially lose the Airbnb contract for breach of agreement and 60% of our income due to members not respecting the privacy of renters.  If I was a renter, I would feel violated if this happened to me!
Here is the verbiage from October 2020.

This home has a private entrance but is attached to the Subud spiritual community’s Chapel and meeting hall. Subud has small group meetings on Tuesday mornings from 9:30am -12:30pm, Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm (downstairs hall – no access to the shared bathroom) and on Saturday and Sunday mornings 9:30am -1:30pm. Please be aware that the only shared space during the Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday morning services is the main floor bathroom.

NOTE: As long as the kitchen door remains locked, there is no access to the home. Rental Guests can choose to maintain privacy at all times by not using the main floor bathroom.