This from the January Subud E-Blast:
On Saturday, December 28, Subud Washington DC had a selamatan to pray for the assembly of the new Subud house. About 40 brothers and sisters attended, from Subud Central MD, Northern VA, Fairfax, New York, and Washington DC. John Tjia, chairperson of Subud NY was present to represent Subud NY. There was a simultaneous latihan for men and women; East Coast Regional Helpers who could not attend did latihan long distance. Afterwards, a potluck dinner was served.
The remaining tasks that need to be completed before occupancy are: geothermal/HVAC, electricity, water connection, grading, sidewalks, deck, landscaping, and furnishing. $50,000 of the $200,000 still needed has been raised in the last few weeks. For those wishing to assist, send a check to Subud Washington DC c/o Barbara Thomas, 5957 Second St., Deale, MD 20751.