Dewan Meeting Minutes August 4, 2013

Subud Greater Seattle Dewan Meeting

Minutes:  Sunday August 4, 2013

Present: David Lynch, Jim O’Halloran, Marston Gregory, Hadidjah Gregory, Oswald Norton, Elisha Gullixson, Paul Nelson, Hadiyah Carlyle

Review of Last Months Minutes 

Minutes taken by Hadiyah Carlyle were amended and accepted by the committee.

Financial Report

Sherwin, not present at the meeting, emailed the following summary:

The SGS financial outlook in terms of cash in the bank and future rental revenues is not much changed from what we saw two weeks prior, on July 19 at the meeting on the eastside.

Please email Sherwin for copies of this report.

Overall summary of income vs. expenses.

  • Donations, from Q1 to Q2, are down by 13%.
  • Rental Income, from Q1 to Q2, is down 13%.
  • We did have one unexpected booking this month
  • Without additional donations, we will have to use savings to cover expenses this Quarter.  We need members to donate.



Procedure for minutes:

  • Hadiyah sends out minutes to the committee for review.
  • Any changes are sent back within three days and Hadiyah will change.
  • The final version will be sent to Paul who will post it.

The minutes for June 30, 2013 were accepted by the committee.


The PNW Regional Council meeting

Date: Sept 21

Location: Subud Greater Seattle, Spring Street Center.

David will contact Robina, PNW chair to make arrangements.  The membership is invited and we discussed having an augmented potluck after latihan.


Separate Calendars for Spring Street Center and SGS

We discussed the impact of having the latihans shown on the same calendar as the one prospective Spring Street Center clients see when considering our facility for rental.  While we are willing to adjust when we have latihans so that we can get bookings, the current calendar does not make that clear to clients.


The question was: What type of calendar system would work for both Subud Greater Seattle and the Spring Street Center?  Several suggestions were made.  We decided on printing out the calendar of latihans and having it available at the center, while not showing the latihans on the Spring Street Center calendar.


Reviewing Our Current Latihan Schedule

We will be surveying members to see which latihan schedule would best serve them. We don’t have enough women helpers for currently scheduled Monday, Thursday or Saturday latihans.  Are women coming?  We have a number of new women members.  If they come to one of these latihans and are the only one’s there, what is the impact on their coming in the future?  Would it be better to have a schedule of latihans where we would be able to have helpers available?


Oswald suggested we find out what the members need and want for times. This has worked successfully for setting up times on the eastside.


We also discussed the impact of the currently scheduled latihans on rentals. If we’re not using the space for latihan, couldn’t the space then be open for Paul to book a renter. Jim suggested we take out latihan times from the calendar so renters don’t get confused.  Renters can take precedence for latihan and latihan can be rescheduled if there is a conflict.


This lead to a discussion about how we can balance the needs of our spiritual community with the economic health of our center.  We decided that in our next membership meeting to discuss latihan times with the support of the Spring Street Center.


Other discussion:


Utility usage of center versus enterprise.

Elisha has been working on this.  Sherwin has collected data from the utilities and is ready to discuss with Elisha.

Action: Next Meeting. Discuss findings


Spring Street Center

Elisha is still reviewing the City of Seattle requirements for Disabled Access.

Action: Next Meeting. Discuss findings


Building Repairs:

The building has two plumbing issues that must be fixed this week. If David is unable to do repairs, it was agreed that Marston was to hire a plumber due to the potential for water damage.

There is a leaking toilet and a sink trap that is leaking water onto the floor.


Additional agenda items for next meeting:

  • Call to action for members to support our center financially and physically an ongoing process.
  • Welcome event for Tedrow’s/Stralbergs


Oswald will product an agenda and action items for the next meeting after the minutes have been approved and published.



Next General Meeting

Sunday, September 22nd at SGS Spring Street Center, after latihan.


Next Committee Meeting

September 29th, 8:30am at SGS Spring Street Center


Family Camp 2013

August 30 – September 1


PNW Regional Meeting in Seattle

September 21st

Volunteers to assist with logistics are needed and welcomed